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Reading the Bible

Reading the Bible


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Originally posted by googlefudge
or http://www.biblegateway.com/ has pretty much every version as far as I can tell.

Including KJV.

Full list here

No New world translation of the Holy scriptures, the most sublime, superlative and
accurate English translation available, for that you need to be chosen and called!

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Originally posted by googlefudge
or http://www.biblegateway.com/ has pretty much every version as far as I can tell.

Including KJV.

Full list here

1934 Vietnamese version it is, then


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Originally posted by googlefudge
or http://www.biblegateway.com/ has pretty much every version as far as I can tell.

Including KJV.

Full list here

I think Biblegateway is an online Bible etc. It does not allow you to load all the programs - Bibles, Commentaries, Dictionaries, Historical bools, Atlasses etc etc on to your computer.

I have sat on the beach on many an occassion or in some other place where there is no internet access and read the Bible in peace and quiet with all the other hundreds of Bible books at my disposal. Its useful .. for me .. I guess you will laugh at that ... why would someone want to read all that nonsense.

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Originally posted by Rajk999
I think Biblegateway is an online Bible etc. It does not allow you to load all the programs - Bibles, Commentaries, Dictionaries, Historical bools, Atlasses etc etc on to your computer.

I have sat on the beach on many an occassion or in some other place where there is no internet access and read the Bible in peace and quiet with all the other hundreds of ...[text shortened]... . for me .. I guess you will laugh at that ... why would someone want to read all that nonsense.
I guess you will laugh at that ... why would someone want to read all that nonsense.

No Raj, we always have your posts 😛

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I guess you will laugh at that ... why would someone want to read all that nonsense.

No Raj, we always have your posts 😛
I try my best to emulate you but Im a failure .. 😀

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Originally posted by Rank outsider
I didn't realise that wanting to read something, once in my life, from beginning to end, would be so contraversial!

Actually, from what has been said here so far, I could probably spend the rest of my life debating how to read the Bible. And I suspect that the problem with the Scribes and the Pharisees was not the fact of reading the Bible from cov ...[text shortened]... tubborn so and so.

Tomorrow I will decide on which version. Then on to reading on Sunday.
Good luck and please share your insights as you go.

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Originally posted by Rank outsider
1934 Vietnamese version it is, then



I still like the Hawaiian Pidgin version. But it's only the NT.

Here's Matt 1:1:

Dis book tell bout Jesus an his ancesta guys. He da Christ, da Spesho Guy God Wen Send. He from King David ohana, an David, he from Abraham ohana.


When I read this version, I want to read more of it. That's a realistic factor in choosing the version, isn't it?

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Originally posted by Rajk999
I try my best to emulate you but Im a failure .. 😀
Lol, JS357 wipes the floor with everyone for sheer free-form nonsense 😛

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Originally posted by JS357


I still like the Hawaiian Pidgin version. But it's only the NT.

Here's Matt 1:1:

Dis book tell bout Jesus an his ancesta guys. He da Christ, da Spesho Guy God Wen Send. He from King David ohana, an David, he from Abraham ohana.

http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matt ...[text shortened]... ion, I want to read more of it. That's a realistic factor in choosing the version, isn't it?
Sounds Jamaican to me. 😛

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Originally posted by SwissGambit
Sounds Jamaican to me. 😛
dig this,


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Originally posted by JS357


I still like the Hawaiian Pidgin version. But it's only the NT.

Here's Matt 1:1:

Dis book tell bout Jesus an his ancesta guys. He da Christ, da Spesho Guy God Wen Send. He from King David ohana, an David, he from Abraham ohana.

http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matt ...[text shortened]... ion, I want to read more of it. That's a realistic factor in choosing the version, isn't it?
I love the lolcats version.

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Originally posted by Suzianne
I love the lolcats version.
Ex 32:9 "i has seen thees peeps," teh lord sed 2 mosez, "an they r stiff-neckd peeps. 10 nao leef me alone so dat mah angr cud burn against them an dat i cud pwn them."
Finally, a translation that the text-message generation can understand. 🙂

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Originally posted by SwissGambit
Ex 32:9 "i has seen thees peeps," teh lord sed 2 mosez, "an they r stiff-neckd peeps. 10 nao leef me alone so dat mah angr cud burn against them an dat i cud pwn them."
Finally, a translation that the text-message generation can understand. 🙂
an dat i cud pwn them


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Originally posted by Rank outsider
Now this may be first (and last) time, but I am going to take RJHinds' advice.

In another thread (where Dasa is evading my enquiry for source material on the Vedas and Islam), he said:

But don't despire for you can use the time searching for the real truth by
reading the Holy Bible. HalleluYah !!! Praise the Lord!

So that is what I ...[text shortened]... is the version I listened to in chapel at school.

Any thoughts or recommendations welcome.
No version is completely accurate, but I like the New American Standard Version best. The British may prefer the New Kings James Version. It
corrects some errors in the KJV like "Easter" instead of "Passover" and
the confusion of giving Joshua of the old testament the name Jesus, even
though they do have the same name.

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Just a quick update for those interested. I have spent some time today looking at all the versions of the Bible mentioned in this thread. Very unscientific, but I looked at the passages that I am most familiar with and compared. Thanks for the suggestions.

In the end, I have no reliable basis on which select according to accuracy of translation (barring Robbie's comments, of course).

In the end it came down to the Authorised King James and the New King James, and I have stuck with the Authorised. I did not find this particularly heavy going (I may regret this statement), and it has such a strong claim to being one (if not the) most influential English language books ever written from a whole host of perspectives (religious, historical, literary etc).

Other versions were certainly easier from a clarity perspective. However, when I read familiar passages, it was a bit hearing like a cover version of your personal favourite track. Not always easy to put your preconceptions aside, which can be distracting.

Also, no-one seemed to have a strong view against the AKJ and this is no mean thing in itself!

So it is now downloaded on my Kindle and I start tomorrow. I have been asked to post my insights, and am happy to do so, though I think insights is likely to be too strong a word. I will post under "Reading the Bible - [reference to book/chapter/verse as appropriate.]

Thanks for all the comments.

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