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Religion's responsibility.

Religion's responsibility.


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here is why atheism is a belief system.

It is an intellectual position even to withhold from professing a belief in a god, and inherent in that position is the assertion that your position is a tenable one. Unless you’re completely abstaining from any sort of decision, and only claiming not to have any knowledge or opinion about anything, this position (sometimes labelled weak atheism) can really be expressed as, “I don’t have a belief in any particular god, and this is a reasonable belief for me not to have.”



Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Non Stamp collecting is the non collecting of postage stamps and related objects. It is not one of the world's most popular hobbies.


Nice? So the negation of not collecting stamps meaning that itis not a hobby is nice? Fail, epic fail, atheism is the disbelief in gods, divinities, its a belief system like any other. Just because its expressed negatively does not negate this fact.
Six edits? You weren't quite sure where you were going with this reply, were you?

It was nice because it was a very simple yet correct comparison between atheism and not stamp collecting.

And Swooooooosh! It went right over your head.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
sorry but i just visited the library and have eight books to be going on with.
Let me know when you've finished them and I'll pop ithis book into the post. Or are your still holding the position of refusing to read any literature which contradicts your religious beliefs?


Originally posted by googlefudge
No, no you don't.

As evidenced most recently by your complete refusal to acknowledge sciences
position on memory and the reliability of eyewitness testimony and personal
experience as evidence.

You accept science ONLY when it doesn't happen to contradict your religious
world view.

If you claim otherwise then I ask you again to respond to m ...[text shortened]...
thread: [last post]

Yes, yes I do.

What I do not embrace is your attempt to discolor religion by bringing in a condition which affects a minimal portion of the population and then asking if we're certain this is not happening to us. I guess you wouldn't have to stoop so low to discredit religion if any of your previous arguments against religion actually held water.

I've already answered your nonsense on this issue, but you are one who "poo-pooed" my answer and rejected it. So be it.


Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Gee that pill was more bitter than I thought, its turned you from a relatively harmless and unassuming janitor into a slobbering and drooling one man zombie apocalypse.
You really don't know when to stop, do you?

Do you greet people at their door with this level of name-calling? Or do you wait until they ask you to stop soiling their doormat?


Originally posted by Great King Rat
To the contrary, you and your ilk prove day in and day out how much logic and reason suffer when religion gets involved.

Have you decided yet whether or not you believe Santa Clause exists?
And.... this is what I mean when I say that some theists just don't do the rest of us any favors.

And for this boob to call himself a "scientific theist" is especially condemning.


Originally posted by Proper Knob
Let me know when you've finished them and I'll pop ithis book into the post. Or are your still holding the position of refusing to read any literature which contradicts your religious beliefs?
I visit the library regularly. There are a great many books, not all of them well written or interesting. There is a great many threads here all of which attempt in some from or other to contradict my religious beliefs and yet I read them.

2 edits

Originally posted by Suzianne
You really don't know when to stop, do you?

Do you greet people at their door with this level of name-calling? Or do you wait until they ask you to stop soiling their doormat?
From the person that termed someone only recently 'a racist bastard' without the slightest evidence i will not be taking any lesson in morality from a plastic Christian like you.

Do you understand? I reject you, I reject your values, I reject your opinions, I reject your petty squabbles, I reject your cronysim, i reject your airhead rhetoric, I reject your unsubstantiated assertions, i reject your ignorance, I reject your gaseous propaganda, I reject everything about you! Now stop slobbering and drooling, this is a place for people that can reason, are capable of substantiating their claims, of having their ideas subject to scrutiny, who are willing to put forth some effort, its not a place for reject imbeciles like you.


Originally posted by Suzianne
Yes, yes I do.

What I do not embrace is your attempt to discolor religion by bringing in a condition which affects a minimal portion of the population and then asking if we're certain this is not happening to us. I guess you wouldn't have to stoop so low to discredit religion if any of your previous arguments against religion actually held water.

I'v ...[text shortened]... ur nonsense on this issue, but you are one who "poo-pooed" my answer and rejected it. So be it.
No it does not affect a minimal proportion of the population. It affects EVERYONE.

I am not talking about rare medical conditions, I am talking about the human condition.

As you would know if you had actually looked at any of the many sources I cited.

Science says that Everyone's memory is fallible and nobody is exempt.

By claiming otherwise you are refusing to accept science because it hurts your
religious position.

If you think I am wrong, If you think that science does not say this, then go do
your homework and find the studies that prove it.

If you are honest, then in trying to do that you will find that they don't exist and
that I am [on this one point] correct.


Originally posted by googlefudge
No it does not affect a minimal proportion of the population. It affects EVERYONE.

I am not talking about rare medical conditions, I am talking about the human condition.

As you would know if you had actually looked at any of the many sources I cited.

Science says that [b]Everyone's
memory is fallible and nobody is exempt.

By claiming oth ...[text shortened]... ying to do that you will find that they don't exist and
that I am [on this one point] correct.[/b]
Just like I say to RJH that HIS views are not GOD's views, likewise I'm telling you that YOUR views are not SCIENCE's views.

You claim science backs up your ludicrous assertions in that thread, and I say it does not.

Just because a condition afflicts a small minority, does not mean that everyone is susceptible to it. In fact, that actually means nothing, and so the numbers only reflect those who ACTUALLY have the affliction. And since I daresay no one in this forum actually has these conditions, then your argument holds no water.

So stop right here. Your argument does not reflect science IN ANY WAY. Saying that it does is the same thing as RJH claiming that a word-for-word description of the creation of the universe in Genesis is the fact, the whole fact and nothing but the fact, when this is not true at all.

As you say, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. So you better get busy, you haven't even begun to prove your assertions yet. It's not my job to disprove them for you.

The wise thing might be to just let that thread die a peaceful death.


Originally posted by robbie carrobie
From the person that termed someone only recently 'a racist bastard' without the slightest evidence i will not be taking any lesson in morality from a plastic Christian like you.

Do you understand? I reject you, I reject your values, I reject your opinions, I reject your petty squabbles, I reject your cronysim, i reject your airhead rhetoric, I ...[text shortened]... rutiny, who are willing to put forth some effort, its not a place for reject imbeciles like you.
You also reject the Bible, in favor of your own, and therefore you reject God. We already know you reject the Son of God, calling Him "Michael", and only an "angel".

As for reason, claim substantiation, subject scrutiny, and even something nebulous you call "effort", you are a hypocrite of the first caliber if you are claiming that you possess these things.


Originally posted by robbie carrobie
From the person that termed someone only recently 'a racist bastard' without the slightest evidence i will not be taking any lesson in morality from a plastic Christian like you.
I call them as I see them. And his own posts support me. Or they would if they hadn't been deleted by the Forum Moderator.

For you to accept his racism as payment for him standing up for you in the forums, this is beyond the pale, and far surpasses any attempt by you to call ME a "plastic" Christian.

If you support racism, that makes you racist, too. And only evil supports evil.

So climb right down off your high horse before you get thrown.


Originally posted by Suzianne
You also reject the Bible, in favor of your own, and therefore you reject God. We already know you reject the Son of God, calling Him "Michael", and only an "angel".

As for reason, claim substantiation, subject scrutiny, and even something nebulous you call "effort", you are a hypocrite of the first caliber if you are claiming that you possess these things.
Christ is a created entity, the bible states as such, Col 1:15, the term angel simply means a sent one Christ himself states that he was sent by God. There is a Biblical reference which states that Christ will come with an archangels voice, the only reference to an archangel in the entire bible, made with reference to Jesus. Now I know you cannot explain any of these things, because you cannot put the constituent parts together so as to form a whole. This does not constitute a rejection of Christ on my part, nor of God as you have once again dishonesty stated, it constitutes a rejection of you and your ignorance and your propaganda and your values and everything you stand for.

2 edits

Originally posted by Suzianne
I call them as I see them. And his own posts support me. Or they would if they hadn't been deleted by the Forum Moderator.

For you to accept his racism as payment for him standing up for you in the forums, this is beyond the pale, and far surpasses any attempt by you to call ME a "plastic" Christian.

If you support racism, that makes you racist, too ...[text shortened]... And only evil supports evil.

So climb right down off your high horse before you get thrown.
and therin lies the problem, you are so deluded that you have come to the stage of believing your own propaganda, that is how far from reality you really are. It has been demonstrated in this thread and countless others. You stated that my motive was to stop the OP in his tracks, a nonsense, i was pointing out why the premise of his opening statement did not follow the conclusion that was drawn, but you could not see it so you do what you normally do and simply make it up and present that as if its actually true.

I reject your insipid and petty threats, i reject all your assertions and I reject your slobber and drool.


Originally posted by Suzianne
Just like I say to RJH that HIS views are not GOD's views, likewise I'm telling you that YOUR views are not SCIENCE's views.

You claim science backs up your ludicrous assertions in that thread, and I say it does not.
Which is why I posted link after link after link to science posts with scientists backing me up.

Again, this is not me saying this, it's scientists who are experts in the field saying this.

Did you in fact read ANY of the links I posted?


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