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Originally posted by galveston75
Not yet. Can you show me one that hasn't?
Sorry, but I don't understand your response.

It's a "yes" / "no" question. I don't know what "not yet" is supposed to convey.

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Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Sorry, but I don't understand your response.

It's a "yes" / "no" question. I don't know what "not yet" is supposed to convey.
No other religion has the exact same teachings as the Witneses. The answer is obvious I would think.

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Originally posted by galveston75
No other religion has the exact same teachings as the Witneses. The answer is obvious I would think.
C'mon you still haven't answered the question.

"Is it your position that any religion without the exact same teachings as the Witnesses has been influenced by Satan?"

The important part that I'm trying to understand is if you believe that the all religions other than JW have been influenced by Satan. Do you believe this? I don't know why you are so reluctant to just say it.

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Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
C'mon you still haven't answered the question.

"Is it your position that any religion without the exact same teachings as the Witnesses has been influenced by Satan?"

The important part that I'm trying to understand is if you believe that the all religions other than JW have been influenced by Satan. Do you believe this? I don't know why you are so reluctant to just say it.

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Originally posted by galveston75
Thank you.

It seems logical to conclude that you also believe that everyone who follows a religion other than JW is therefore influenced by Satan.

Does it also follow that you believe that Witnesses are not influenced by Satan because they are able to see the truth in the only non-Satan-influenced religion?

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Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Thank you.

It seems logical to conclude that you also believe that everyone who follows a religion other than JW is therefore influenced by Satan.

Does it also follow that you believe that Witnesses are not influenced by Satan because they are able to see the truth in the only non-Satan-influenced religion?
In a round about way...Yes. Not that they are doing it on pourpose and if they would really take the time to see the scriptures that most of their spiritual leaders don't show, mostly because they don't understand them themselves, they might see their religions differently.

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Originally posted by galveston75
In a round about way...Yes. Not that they are doing it on pourpose and if they would really take the time to see the scriptures that most of their spiritual leaders don't show, mostly because they don't understand them themselves, they might see their religions differently.
"The blind leading the blind" so to speak.

Do you also believe that all acts of sin is the product of Satan?

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Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
"The blind leading the blind" so to speak.

Do you also believe that all acts of sin is the product of Satan?
It's a result of Adam's mistake that we inherited sin but helped by Satan in the Garden of Eden.

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Originally posted by galveston75
It's a result of Adam's mistake that we inherited sin but helped by Satan in the Garden of Eden.
A while ago I spoke with a Witness and, if I recall correctly, his belief was that it is impossible for man not to commit sin. Is this correct?

So if sin is the product of Satan and all Witnesses commit sin, it would seem that all Witnesses are therefore under the influence of Satan.

What would preclude the "truth" that Witnesses see in the only "non-Satan-influenced" religion from being due to the influence of Satan? What would preclude this from being another "blind leading the blind" scenario? Wouldn't Satan want them to believe they see "truth" just as Satan wants non-Witnesses to believe they see "truth"?

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Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Are you implying that the teachings of all religions have been corrupted by Satan? If not, which ones do you believe have not been corrupted?
I'm implying people can be corrputed by Satan, with that all they do. If
Satan can take the Word of God and twist it, he can take all of our
teachings and do the same, he can take an already twisted mind and
do more damage. He can take good teachings and make them appear
bad, he is the destroyer and father of lies.

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Originally posted by twhitehead
Well if being unified is not inherently good, then being divided is not inherently bad, so why does everyone seem to attribute division to the Devil?
If humans are not currently on the 'right foundation' then would you agree that it is entirely conceivable that God is continuing to cause division?
I agree neither all by themselves are bad; however, being joined
together is good if done right, and being united in a bad thing is going
to be bad, it is the foundation or reasons for the unity or division that
needs to be looked at.

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Originally posted by caissad4
I understand that your god will not allow evil in his presence or so it is written. Then you read the book of Job where your god tortures a human to prove to Satan that he will not abandon him. Your god and satan even have a conversation so logic follows that Satan is not evil. I think they are a team.
If you understand this give the scriptures to look at, otherwise all
we got to look at are just opinions.

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Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
A while ago I spoke with a Witness and, if I recall correctly, his belief was that it is impossible for man not to commit sin. Is this correct?

So if sin is the product of Satan and all Witnesses commit sin, it would seem that all Witnesses are therefore under the influence of Satan.

What would preclude the "truth" that Witnesses see in the only "no ...[text shortened]... lieve they see "truth" just as Satan wants non-Witnesses to believe they see "truth"?
Sin is a product of our inheriting imperfection from Adam. Don't play with words. Satan was instrumental in Adam sinning and as humans we all sin. I never said we don't.
The truth is the truth as is tested out in the Bible. It's not rocket science if your looking for the truth and willing to change your beliefs in the Bible if you see that your religion is promoting pagan teachings.

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Originally posted by galveston75
Sin is a product of our inheriting imperfection from Adam. Don't play with words. Satan was instrumental in Adam sinning and as humans we all sin. I never said we don't.
The truth is the truth as is tested out in the Bible. It's not rocket science if your looking for the truth and willing to change your beliefs in the Bible if you see that your religion is promoting pagan teachings.
Is this"inherited imperfection from Adam" is not due to the influence of
Satan? You agreed that "everyone who follows a religion other than JW is...influenced by Satan." If they had not "inherited imperfection from Adam" they would not have sin and without sin they would be "able to see the truth in the only non-Satan-influenced religion" since they would be one with God. They would be able to see the truth. If Witnesses have the same ""inherited imperfection from Adam", would they not also have the same problems with seeing the truth?

The following questions still stand:
What would preclude the "truth" that Witnesses see in the only "non-Satan-influenced" religion from being due to the influence of Satan? What would preclude this from being another "blind leading the blind" scenario? Wouldn't Satan want them to believe they see "truth" just as Satan wants non-Witnesses to believe they see "truth"?

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Originally posted by galveston75
No other religion has the exact same teachings as the Witneses. The answer is obvious I would think.
You JW's have a severe persecution complex! Jehovah could beat me over the head & I would still not be a JW ever! Your assertions that all Christendom is apostate is a generalization. The Watch Tower is so wishy washy that one edition of "Awake" says one thing then they go back on it. There is a history spanning 100+ years proving this. You can see PDF's of old "Awakes" and read this for yourself. The JW's are God's mouth piece? What a joke. You guys can't even get you literature right. People are starting to see through your silly questions. When asked questions point blank you guys dance around or result to insults. The insults do a lot for your cause. One edition of "Awake" says God lives on a star in the Pleiades cluster and that's were His throne is. Read it galveston I'm not making any of this up. Ask your elders about it.


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