Originally posted by wolfgang59I understand you. I've never condemned atheists, and do come down hard on Christians in general (my own kind).
Thank you for your sincere answer and concern - but I do not believe in any supernatural being; fairies, gods, demons, Satan, Odin etc.
I am however fascinated by the beliefs of others so please continue to post but I for one am only interested from an academic perspective and not a mystical one.
To me God created all of us. He knows us, understands us. Loves us.
Unlike many of my brethren, (unfortunately) I know we are all welcome to be with God. The invitation is open. It matters not, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Atheist, what ever. I would love to have everyone to believe as i do, but then it would be a very boring world too.
What matters most is loving your neighbor as yourself. and if you believe in God, Loving God with your whole being.
Originally posted by caissad4"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist." -- Roger "Verbal" Kint, played by Kevin Spacey, The Usual Suspects, 1995
You ignorant fool ! If you actually knew what the book contained you would be shocked. Satanists do NOT believe that Satan is an actual physical entity , only Christians do. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄