19 Apr 18
Originally posted by @secondsonI am interested in sonship's view on the matter especially if he were to reveal what he thought were the criticisms with most traction, so to speak - and then if he dealt with those. "Lesser" criticisms could then be easily dispatched or, if appropriate, dismissed. sonship could thus demonstrate how thoughtful he is about his Bible of choice, if that is indeed what the Recovery Version is. I thought it'd be a rather non-contentious way of approaching the analysis. If you feel the need to somehow crowbar all that into your definition of "disingenuous", so be it.
Seems a question you may want to ask Rajk. But you won't because you know as well as everyone else here he's not worth the effort.
But it still makes you appear disingenuous.
Originally posted by @secondsonI "know as well as everyone else here he's not worth the effort"? You are unwise to try and speak for me in this way. I think Rajk999 adds much more value to this diverse community than you do.
Seems a question you may want to ask Rajk. But you won't because you know as well as everyone else here he's not worth the effort.
Originally posted by @secondsonWhat effort is that?
Seems a question you may want to ask Rajk. But you won't because you know as well as everyone else here he's not worth the effort.
But it still makes you appear disingenuous.
Originally posted by @fmfThanks ..funny how atheists and nonChristians are happy to hear the teachings of Christ and the Apsotles, and those who are supposed to want to hear it are not interested.
I "know as well as everyone else here he's not worth the effort"? You are unwise to try and speak for me in this way. I think Rajk999 adds much more value to this diverse community than you do.
19 Apr 18
Originally posted by @fmfWould you call SecondSon "unprincipled" just for disagreeing with you, as you have called others such for the same reason?
I "know as well as everyone else here he's not worth the effort"? You are unwise to try and speak for me in this way. I think Rajk999 adds much more value to this diverse community than you do.
You only "think Rajk999 adds much more value" because he supports your anti-Christian activities in this forum.
Originally posted by @fmf
I think Rajk999 adds much more value to this diverse community than you do.
Then you should have no problem adding to the "diversity" that a few posters find that too often wrangling with Rajk999 is an unprofitable expenditure of time and energy.
That's "diversity" too.
Originally posted by @suzianneI certainly disagree with him over his use of the word "disingenuous" but I don't think that makes him "unprincipled", no. People being "unprincipled" and people disagreeing with me are two completely separate things. Your question is so laden with stuff of your own invention, it comes across as clumsy and off-target.
Would you call SecondSon "unprincipled" just for disagreeing with you, as you have called others such for the same reason?
Originally posted by @sonshipPeople can make what they want of Rajk999. My point was that SecondSon's attempted projection of his estimation of Rakk999 onto me was wide of the mark.
Then you should have no problem adding to the "diversity" that a few posters find that too often wrangling with Rajk999 is an unprofitable expenditure of time and energy.
Originally posted by @suzianneWell, I am a non-Christian, and I post on this forum as a non-Christian and not a Christian, and there are disagreements... if that's perhaps the little orchid of insight hidden in the thorny thicket of your always-the-same-one-talking-point scorn.
You only "think Rajk999 adds much more value" because he supports your anti-Christian activities in this forum.
Originally posted by @sonshipHere is an example of what you people are calling wrangling and unprofitable.I think Rajk999 adds much more value to this diverse community than you do.
Then you should have no problem adding to the "diversity" that a few posters find that too often wrangling with Rajk999 is an unprofitable expenditure of time and energy.
That's "diversity" too.
In a nutshell you want to force your cherry picking false church doctrine down peoples throats,
while I am providing a full account of what Paul says. Here is a good example
Romans quotes 2 sentences pertaining being saved and eternal life.
I am providing the full story from Pauls letter to the Ephesians
So clearly you do not like the truth. You are happy with your lies.
Romans1009 ;One is saved via John 3:16 and Romans 10:9.
Is everyone who believes in Jesus Christ and His Resurrection and
who has accepted Jesus Christ into his or heart saved? Yes!
Me : Its not about what I believe or you believe. Its about what the bible says
You would do well to follow the teachings of Christ and the Aposltes
And ignore the church. Salvation is a process as explained by Paul:
1. Christians are saved by faith from a life of sin and death [Ephesians 2]
2. Christians must then follow after righteousness and good works [Ephesians 3, and 4]
3. Those who fail to do that will not inherit the Kingdom of God [Ephesians 5]
4. Those who succeed [Ephesians 6], are the ones who :
- are strong in the Lord
- have put on the whole armour of God
- have their loins girt about with truth
- have on the breastplate of righteousness
- take the shield of faith
- take the helmet of salvation
- have the Word of God in them
Sadly your church has stopped at #1 and proclaimed that they have eternal life in the Kingdom of God.
That is the doctrine of fools. Read the whole thing.
Originally posted by @rajk999Did you forget the topic of this thread?
Here is an example of what you people are calling wrangling and unprofitable.
In a nutshell you want to force your cherry picking false church doctrine down peoples throats,
while I am providing a full account of what Paul says. Here is a good example
Romans quotes 2 sentences pertaining being saved and eternal life.
I am providing the full story from ...[text shortened]... eternal life in the Kingdom of God.
That is the doctrine of fools. Read the whole thing.[/i]
19 Apr 18
Originally posted by @fmfThen you fit in well with Rajk as he claims he's not a Christian either.
Well, I am a non-Christian, and I post on this forum as a non-Christian and not a Christian, and there are disagreements... if that's perhaps the little orchid of insight hidden in the thorny thicket of your always-the-same-one-talking-point scorn.
Originally posted by @secondsonFollowers of Jesus are a diverse lot.
Then you fit in well with Rajk as he claims he's not a Christian either.