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Originally posted by mrstabby
Hakaman - If it rained for 40 days and 40 nights, where did all the water come from? If it were to come from evaporation then surely the sea level would have gone down. Where did the water go afterwards? Either way, there's no salt concentration that all fish can survive in.

Acemaster - If there were no saltwater fish, then... where did the fish we have swimming in the sea today come from? What does temperature have to do with saltwater?
im just saying what everybody has heard in some point in thier lives,does the rain have to come from anywhere it came from god out of fresh air

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Originally posted by hakaman
im just saying what everybody has heard in some point in thier lives,does the rain have to come from anywhere it came from god out of fresh air
is it possible that whats that country made out of ice ,could that be all the water,answear yes or no and why u came up with your conclusion

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Originally posted by mrstabby
Hakaman - If it rained for 40 days and 40 nights, where did all the water come from? If it were to come from evaporation then surely the sea level would have gone down. Where did the water go afterwards? Either way, there's no salt concentration that all fish can survive in.

Acemaster - If there were no saltwater fish, then... where did the fish we have swimming in the sea today come from? What does temperature have to do with saltwater?
I'm not quite sure why I posted that. There were no saltwater fish, but it has nothing to do with temperature. My bad. Anyhow, they adapted to thier situation. If you stay in complete darkness for 45 minutes, your eyes will adapt to the darkness and you will be able to see remarkably well.

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Originally posted by ahosyney

To start with, how can eating the apple considered a sin while Adam at that time was not able to distinguish between GOOD and EVIL.
Genesis 3:2 And the woman said to the serpent, 'We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden; but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, you shall not eat of it, neither will you touch it, LEST YOU DIE.

So there you have it, Eve knew not to eat of the tree, yet she did eat of the tree. She decided to listen to the serpent instead of her Lord.

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Originally posted by hakaman
big deal jesus died for us,he did not stay dead for long ,way couldnt god just forgive us,is he not meant to be a forgiving god or does it come with strings attached
He can and will forgive us, however, our will must be involved to seek forgiveness. If you have not noticed, God gave us free will to either choose him or not choose him. Without free will, you would be nothing more than a mindless machine. Perhaps you would prefer to be a mindless machine?

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Originally posted by Acemaster
I'm not quite sure why I posted that. There were no saltwater fish, but it has nothing to do with temperature. My bad. Anyhow, they adapted to thier situation. If you stay in complete darkness for 45 minutes, your eyes will adapt to the darkness and you will be able to see remarkably well.
It's amazing isn't it......... that adoptation process? You're quite right that in some cases, it is possible that humans and animals can adapt to their surroundings. I recently read of an experiment carried out on a salt-water stingray which had been introduced into a decreasing saltiness water over a certain timeframe; and it eventually could survive in fresh water!

However, your comparison with how our eyes can adapt to a dimmed surrounding is a bad example. If you are put into a room without any light at all, you would not be able to 'adapt' no matter how long you are in that room.

In most cases, adaptation would take place over a long period, depending on what is it that we're adapting to. If you are trapped in a caved-in mine. it is not likely that you will be able to 'adapt' to the low oxygen level before you run out of breathable air. And by the way, insects breath too.

I think you'd have a better chance to explain 'the flood' with magical means. There are so many flaws with that story that it can't hold water for a second. But if God did it by magical means, then all is explained! But of course one wonders why bother with building a boat in the first place. Why not snap the fingers and make all the animals float on water? Snap the fingers and they won't get hungry for a year. Snap the fingers and the olive trees (which presumably died underwater after a year) regenerated so quickly that they produced fresh leaves after only 7 days (after the water subsided)....

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Originally posted by hakaman
im just saying what everybody has heard in some point in thier lives,does the rain have to come from anywhere it came from god out of fresh air
In Genesis 8:2 it talks about two sources of water which include the "fountains of the deep" as well as the "windows of heaven". It appears that water was coming from above and beneath the earth.

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Originally posted by whodey
Genesis 3:2 And the woman said to the serpent, 'We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden; but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, you shall not eat of it, neither will you touch it, LEST YOU DIE.

So there you have it, Eve knew not to eat of the tree, yet she did eat of the tree. She decided to listen to the serpent instead of her Lord.
why would eve listen to a talking snake,couldnt the devil choose a cute animal like a bunny rabbit,why does every thing about the devil have to be ugly,

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Originally posted by ckoh1965
I think you'd have a better chance to explain 'the flood' with magical means. There are so many flaws with that story that it can't hold water for a second. But if God did it by magical means, then all is explained! But of course one wonders why bother with building a boat in the first place. Why not snap the fingers and make all the animals float on water? Sn so quickly that they produced fresh leaves after only 7 days (after the water subsided)....[/b]
There is some merit to your arguement. For example, how would we explain how God parted the Red Sea? How do we explain God sending down manna from heaven to feed the Israelites? How do we explain the creation of life itself? There is, in fact, no way to explain these events, therefore, you will either reject them because you cannot explain them or prove them or you will accept them based upon your respective faith.

No matter your belief system, you will inevitably reach a point where the "magical means" enters the picture. For example, how did life begin? Abiogenesis anyone? It has never been observed or duplicated via the scientific method, so is it science? You may say that science can speculate how life magically appeared based upon other scientific facts, however, one will never know with certainty and never will. You always hear the arguement that to duplicate such a process would require an X number of dollars and an X amount of time that is beyond reason, hence, attempting to scientifically duplicate the process is not the problem, rather, it is merely impractical.

Then we have the problem of matter itself. Where did it come from? People will inevitably pick answers from such questions out of a hat based upon their repsective belief system, thus the "magic" explanation looms over the head of the religious as well as those who are not. The only advantage those who are not religious have over those who are is that science is not "falsefiable". Science is merely observing and reporting what we see, thus, if you use science to back every belief you have you are seen as a person of "reason". That is until you come to such questions as to the origins of life and matter. However, if there be a God, our reason would no doubt be infantile to that of our creator, no? Therefore, accepting or rejecting the existence of such a God on the premise that you must first understand his ways and understand the means by which he operates is self defeating. If you insist on doing so, you will never place your faith in such a God. This is why faith is a vital component to our relationship to such a being if he really exists. Faith is allowing your Creator to think and see and reason in ways that we are incapable. You might even say he is the equivalent to a seeing eye dog for the blind.

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Originally posted by hakaman
why would eve listen to a talking snake,couldnt the devil choose a cute animal like a bunny rabbit,why does every thing about the devil have to be ugly,
On the contrary, the serpent was deemed to be a beautifal creature before the fall.

This was also part of the reason Lucifer fell. He was known as an angel of light and got caught up with how "beautifal" he was and thus became pridefull and subsequently fell. In contrast, Christ is referred to in Isaiah 53:2 as someone who was not particularly appealing to the eye. In other words, the appeal of God is not or should not be superficial. In contrast, the appeal to sin can only be superficial and, in fact, without such inticement it would be rejected without a second thought.

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Originally posted by whodey
On the contrary, the serpent was deemed to be a beautifal creature before the fall.

This was also part of the reason Lucifer fell. He was known as an angel of light and got caught up with how "beautifal" he was and thus became pridefull and subsequently fell. In contrast, Christ is referred to in Isaiah 53:2 as someone who was not particularly appealin ...[text shortened]... perficial and, in fact, without such inticement it would be rejected without a second thought.
so before he fell he was good then all of a sudden he became a thug with all guns blazing if god is forgiving can he forgive the devil

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Originally posted by hakaman
so before he fell he was good then all of a sudden he became a thug with all guns blazing if god is forgiving can he forgive the devil
This is a good question and one in which I have grappled with as well. However, the Bible does not spell out such theology, rather, we must peice it together. It appears to me that we MUST make a decision for or against God before we die. Why? I think it is because once we enter the "spiritual realm" we are sealed into whatever we enter. Therefore, it is of my opinion that when Lucifer fell within this "spiritual realm" his fate was sealed as soon as he fell. Likewise, if you should die before reconciliation with your God, you to will be sealed in a similiar fate as Lucifer once you enter that realm. I think it has to do with the concept of time. I believe the spiritual realm to be outside that of our material world, thus, time, space etc are nonfactors in such a realm. In our current material realm, however, we have time to decide such matters. Unfortunatly times ticken awaaaaay.

Hope this helps.

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Originally posted by whodey
This is a good question and one in which I have grappled with as well. However, the Bible does not spell out such theology, rather, we must peice it together. It appears to me that we MUST make a decision for or against God before we die. Why? I think it is because once we enter the "spiritual realm" we are sealed into whatever we enter. Therefore, it is ...[text shortened]... we have time to decide such matters. Unfortunatly times ticken awaaaaay.

Hope this helps.
why do people suddenly beleive in god when there on thier death bed,are they saved or is it to late

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Originally posted by hakaman
why do people suddenly beleive in god when there on thier death bed,are they saved or is it to late
It happens of the battlefield too. Suddenly, everyone is praying.

It might have something to do with being close to death

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Originally posted by Acemaster
You pick one to work off of, 'k?
mosses what was the point,he took them to the promised land,and hello what are they doing making new gods and all kinds of other sin

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