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Survey: Motivation for rejecting Christianity

Survey: Motivation for rejecting Christianity


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Originally posted by Coletti
Survey: Motivation for rejecting Christianity:

What you motivates you to reject and argue against Christianity:
a) fear of truth
b) poor father image
c) to protect your image as a rogue
e) desire to protect your false sense of value
f) you where/are a bed wetter and praying didn't fix it
g) hate to give up porno
h) you read it in a book
i) ...[text shortened]... ng to live forever anyway
m) someone told you that you'd get free smokes in hell
n) People like Coletti.

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My case ist just as plain as simple.

I was raised a christian (two church times a week and 3 - 4 more other dates) then let it down a bit. Prayed from time to time and then (last time) prayed desperately for one thing for several months on a daily basis.

Then I turned to the other side to pray to and voila first steps came out the next morning and this trend keeps up. First I was a bit petrified but its now ok. I know I have something to trade and what happens to me after a beutiful live according to my wish doesn´t really concern me anymore.

So thx great popa in the sky your opposition seems to be nicer and more helpful.

Quote from Hellboy: "But your god choose to remain silent while mine life in me."

Better reign in hell than serve in heaven, thats my latest insight in the eternal puppet theater.

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Originally posted by Coletti
Survey: Motivation for rejecting Christianity:

What you motivates you to reject and argue against Christianity:
a) fear of truth
b) poor father image
c) to protect your image as a rogue
e) desire to protect your false sense of value
f) you where/are a bed wetter and praying didn't fix it
g) hate to give up porno
h) you read it in a book
i) ...[text shortened]... ng to live forever anyway
m) someone told you that you'd get free smokes in hell
What you motivates you to accept and argue for Christianity:

a) fear of reality
b) poor self image
c) to protect your image as a do-gooder
d) god doesn't like lists with a d) in them
e) desire to protect your false sense of value
f) you where/are a bed wetter and praying did fix it
g) its easy to keep porno a secret
h) you read it in THE book
i) being born again isn't usually possible
j) you always like to be told what to do
k) you think you're better than those "hypocrites" in bars
l) your frightened of not living forever
m) someone told you that you'd get free everything in heaven

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Originally posted by twhitehead
I would also prefer to call it ignoreing Christianity rather than rejecting as Christianity has never been credible enough for me to really consider.
The unreliability of the Gospels bothers me a bit. That being said, Gnostic Christianity, with its lack of hell and emphasis on salvation as spiritual health (to be achieved while one is still alive) makes a good deal of sense. That it's doctrines accord rather than conflict with other religions counts in its favour.

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z) Because there are far too many contradictions within its teachings, there is absolutely no proof of its validity, because I am capable of thinking for myself and I don't just accept that which is put before me without question.

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Originally posted by Rochade
My case ist just as plain as simple.

I was raised a christian (two church times a week and 3 - 4 more other dates) then let it down a bit. Prayed from time to time and then (last time) prayed desperately for one thing for several months on a daily basis.

Then I turned to the other side to pray to and voila first steps came out the next morning and th ter reign in hell than serve in heaven, thats my latest insight in the eternal puppet theater.
Wait now. You made a pact with Lucifer on the basis that when you kick the bucket, he will hand over the Throne of the Infernal Pit to you?

Not one for measured cynicism, then, Rochade? Sure, it's not as if old Beelzebub might go back on his word- I mean he's the Devil- he's famous!

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z The Dark Ages are now officially over.

P.S. That's referring to a lot of xtians who post here, of course this doesn't apply to most Christians, who live in the modern world.

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Originally posted by KneverKnight
z The Dark Ages are now officially over.

P.S. That's referring to a lot of xtians who post here, of course this doesn't apply to most Christians, who live in the modern world.
Define "Dark Ages". What were its defining characteristics?

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Originally posted by lucifershammer
Define "Dark Ages". What were its defining characteristics?
Lack of Light.

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Originally posted by KneverKnight
z The Dark Ages are now officially over.

P.S. That's referring to a lot of xtians who post here, of course this doesn't apply to most Christians, who live in the modern world.
Actually, as any fule kno, the Dark Ages ended with the re-Christianisation of the continent.

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Originally posted by sjeg
Actually, as any fule kno, the Dark Ages ended with the re-Christianisation of the continent.
That is actually a coincidental occurance. The renewing of the faith of Europe took place as the Dark Ages faded. The actual attribution of the "end" of the Dark Ages was the introduction of a new system of Government called Feudalism that was introduced with the Normal Invasion of 1066.

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Pentacostalism an Islam are the highest rising religions...
the Christa)n god is already dead (check thus spoke zathustra Nietzsche0 and christianity is dieing a slow death...so it is to Islam we should be turning in addressing contemporary religion...........

Survey: Motivation for rejecting Islam ???????????

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Originally posted by sjeg
Actually, as any fule kno, the Dark Ages ended with the re-Christianisation of the continent.
What? As far as I can tell the Dark Ages began when Christianity began to mature and rational thought went into decline. Once science and rational though re-emerged in the Rennaissance, the Dark Ages disappeared. Now, in modern times, Christianity has had to change and adapt as rational thought showed many of it's tenets to be wrong. The Christianity we have now is much, much different than the Christianity that existed early on.

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Originally posted by Coletti
Survey: Motivation for rejecting Christianity:

What you motivates you to reject and argue against Christianity:
a) fear of truth
b) poor father image
c) to protect your image as a rogue
e) desire to protect your false sense of value
f) you where/are a bed wetter and praying didn't fix it
g) hate to give up porno
h) you read it in a book
i) ...[text shortened]... ng to live forever anyway
m) someone told you that you'd get free smokes in hell
I'm sure this has been said before, but i can't help it:

at no point do Christianity and reality intersect.

there is no Truth whatsoever in Christianity.

Christianity is itself a denial of the truth.

open your eyes

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
What? As far as I can tell the Dark Ages began when Christianity really took hold in Europe and rational thought went into decline. Once science and rational though re-emerged in the Rennaissance, the Dark Ages disappeared. Now, in modern times, Christianity has had to change and adapt as rational thought showed many of it's tenets to be wron ...[text shortened]... e Christianity we have now is much, much different than the Christianity that existed early on.
is the modern Christian movement so different, or just more media savy? Consider the clandestine movement to replace honest scientific inquiry with Christian "fact". The Intelligent Design movement here in the US is making a full frontal attack on classrooms. Their powerful lobby has had highschool text books changed to discard "offensive" ideas about the age of the planet because they don't coincide with the Bible. the ID movement is trying to destroy the teaching of evolution as well as anything else that doesn't fit into their excruciatingly narrow outlook.

the only difference in modern Christianity and the Dark Ages is power. today's Christians lack the muscle to force people to conform. but that could change. for example, America could "elect" a born-again Christian who will use the Presidency to create an American theocracy, possibly send our troops off on a Crusade... er, wait a minute...

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