@ghost-of-a-duke saidA sample of something that was rejected? Do you know why it was rejected?
Do what you like Kelly. I gave you a sample.
@ghost-of-a-duke saidGoggling it I got this just now.
Do what you like Kelly. I gave you a sample.
Being an apocryphal work, the Gospel of Thomas is not included in the Bible. Its non-canonical status comes down to several reasons, but the most important one is that it contains heretical teachings. The book originates from a circle of early Christians who were influenced by a heresy known as Gnosticism.
15 Jan 22
@kellyjay saidPerhaps if you Googled rather than Goggled you might find a better site.
Goggling it I got this just now.
Being an apocryphal work, the Gospel of Thomas is not included in the Bible. Its non-canonical status comes down to several reasons, but the most important one is that it contains heretical teachings. The book originates from a circle of early Christians who were influenced by a heresy known as Gnosticism.
@ghost-of-a-duke said🙂 LOL, okay...if you find something different (better due to cause), let me know.
Perhaps if you Googled rather than Goggled you might find a better site.
15 Jan 22
@ghost-of-a-duke saidBringing up the Catholic Pope doesn't move me towards anything; instead, it would cause me to lean away.
As indicated, not by the Catholics. Even the Pope has quoted from it.
@chaney3 removed their quoted postI raised the Gospel of Thomas as it is precisely 'on topic' revealing the early life of Jesus where he committed many sins. (Some of them quite shocking).
@ghost-of-a-duke saidI just realized the window I used was Microsoft Bing, utterly different than google or goggle. 🙂
Perhaps if you Googled rather than Goggled you might find a better site.
@ghost-of-a-duke saidWell, and you think that lines up of with scripture that says Jesus never sinned?
I raised the Gospel of Thomas as it is precisely 'on topic' revealing the early life of Jesus where he committed many sins. (Some of them quite shocking).
@chaney3 removed their quoted postYou got your Jesus from a movie or book or someone talking about a movie or a book. If you want to pick your source, you like this one or that, so it is genuine enough to you; okay, you disagree with the Biblical Jesus.
The Jesus you believe in can do whatever you want him to; you are helping to make him up; he must be this and not that; there are a few different Jesus' preached on this site do not align with what the Bible says.
2 Corinthians
But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ. For if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus than the one we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or if you accept a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it readily enough.
Pushing a different Jesus or gospel is nothing new; it is being done here now just as it was back then.