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the bible is immoral

the bible is immoral


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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
no way our God shall evah be subject to the imperfect meanderings of mere humans, prone to aberration and limited in experience!
Similar to as I said in the other thread Robbie, if some god X exists, it is vanishingly unlikely X is being subject to human evaluation; more it is your formulation Y
=/= X
of this god
(based on your own interpretion of an ancient human written text)
under the microscope.

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Originally posted by Agerg
Similar to as I said in the other thread Robbie, if some god X exists, it is vanishingly unlikely X is being subject to human evaluation; more it is your formulation Y[hidden]=/= X[/hidden]of this god[hidden](based on your own interpretion of an ancient human written text)[/hidden]under the microscope.
not only are you trying to subject him to your morality you are also trying to make an equation out of it as well - all that mathematics is driving you to madness Agers, The personality that is perceived, or rather the acts that surround the personality which form a reflection of said personality and thus our perceptions of it, are what are being subject to scrutiny and so called moralization. Is is utter folly, to pass a judgement upon an instance in which we know only the partial details.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
not only are you trying to subject him to your morality you are also trying to make an equation out of it as well - all that mathematics is driving you to madness Agers, The personality that is perceived, or rather the acts that surround the personality which form a reflection of said personality and thus our perceptions of it, are what are being su ...[text shortened]... is utter folly, to pass a judgement upon an instance in which we know only the partial details.
Not trying to make anything of a sort I just prefer to write symbols for things to aid clarity and save on extraneous typing; that is, it is much better to let X denote

"some god with some mystical set of properties and intentions no non supernatural person can rationally specify accurately"

and Y denote

"some god which bears a collection of specified properties Robbie Carrobie holds true at this moment in time, based on the way he parses the text within a 2000 year old book - modified to fit the doctrine of Jehovas Witnesses - not ruling out that his interpretation of said Bible may be refined in the future such that this god may have slightly different attributes".

and then invoke these placeholder symbols as and when required, I might in some discussions have to keep track of a number of different gods - for example X, Y and josephw's formulation of god (which differs from yours) maybe vishvahetu's also. Would be messy without simplifying notation (and letting these symbol definitions be implied as opposed to explicitly stated).

Again; Y is a construct you and other humans have created within your own minds that is on trial here - not some god that might *actually* exist.

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Originally posted by Agerg
Not trying to make anything of a sort I just prefer to write symbols for things to aid clarity and save on extraneous typing; that is, it is much better to let X denote

"some god with some mystical set of properties and intentions no non supernatural person can rationally specify accurately"

and Y denote

[i]"some god which bears a collection ...[text shortened]... ated within your own minds that is on trial here - not some god that might *actually* exist.
And it doesn't matter if all 7 billion humans and all the dolphins in the sea all wished REAL HARD for a god to come about, you never will get a god, no matter what people 2000 years ago or 20000 years ago or 2 years ago or today have written, it will not change the fact those words were written by men to control other men and to keep women in 'their' place, for it says right in your man made bible women are worth less than men. A god would NEVER say that. If so, your god is simply insane by any measure of worth. I would be too if I was subjected to the requirement to keep this universe running for all these billions of years it has been around and all the other purported universes as well.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
And it doesn't matter if all 7 billion humans and all the dolphins in the sea all wished REAL HARD for a god to come about, you never will get a god, no matter what people 2000 years ago or 20000 years ago or 2 years ago or today have written, it will not change the fact those words were written by men to control other men and to keep women in 'their' place ...[text shortened]... all these billions of years it has been around and all the other purported universes as well.
Calm down sonhouse! I don't believe in any gods 😕

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Worship me or I'll BURN YOU FOREVER!~

God Shmod!~


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Originally posted by Phlabibit
Worship me or I'll BURN YOU FOREVER!~

God Shmod!~

You are twisting the Bible. I can find no such passage.

In John 3:16 it says "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that everyone who believes into Him may not perish but have eternal life."

1.) It did not say everyone who "worships" Him may not perish but have eternal life.

2.) It did not even say everyone who likes Him may not perish but have eternal life.

3.) It did not say that everyone who knows about hell and believes in Him may have eternal life.

4.) It does not say that the believer has to believe in perishing or eternal punishment.

It simply says "whoever believes into Him". [/b]

Of course to believe into Him will likely lead to one loving Him and even worshipping Him. But the requirement is only to believe.

If does not say "Everyone who believes every page of the Bible from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21 may not perish but have eternal life."

It does not say Everyone who believes and agrees with every line from Matthew 1:1 to John 21:25 , every precept, line, quote from the four Gospel, "may not perish but have eternal life"

It does not say everyone who has no more questions about God ...

It does not say everyone who has no contraversy or arguments with God ...

It does not say everyone who can explain everything in the Bible ...

The teaching is simply everyone who believes into Christ.

Your caricature is a twisted slander of what Chist taughty was the requirement to not perish but have eternal life.

And if you burn it will be because you did not receive the benefit of Christ carrying up your sins in Himself to be judged there by God. But if you believe into Christ you were judged already on His cross, in His death.

Once you believe into Christ, as a byproduct of realizing His love and redemption, you will probably want to praise and worship Him sometime.

I certainly did. If you are in spiritual darkness and do not realize the holiness of God and that Christ is the Son of God, you may consider all this unreasonable threats.

But when the light of the truth dawns upon you, I think you will willingly praise and worship Christ in some way.

Why don't you stop twisting the Gospel to make it seem like a petty ego trip of God. He is holy and terrible in righteousness. And He is awesome in love in which He became a man and died and rose for your redemption and reconciliation to the Perfect.

Read about Jesus. It is not that hard to come to believe that He is the Son of God.
Speak His words aloud and let the revelation enlighten your heart to believe into Him.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
no way our God shall evah be subject to the imperfect meanderings of mere humans, prone to aberration and limited in experience!
good, because i don't subject god to anything. i only say the bible has lies in it. namely anything disprove by science and i want to believe, anything that portrays god as a evil bastard

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Originally posted by RBHILL
i would rather be a slave then homeless.
Give me liberty..... unless I don't have a home. 😵

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Originally posted by jaywill
You are twisting the Bible. I can find no such passage.

In John 3:16 it says [b]"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that everyone who believes into Him may not perish but have eternal life."

1.) It did not say everyone who "worships" Him may not perish but have eternal life.

2.) It did not even say everyone ...[text shortened]... peak His words aloud and let the revelation enlighten your heart to believe into Him.[/b]
Every living entity has eternal life whether they believe or not, because the soul is eternal by nature and indestructible.

The atheists will simply take birth again and again.....until they choose to accept the reality of God.

And persons following substitute religion shall also take re-birth again, until they take to the authentic spiritual life of the Vedic teachings, which presents true spiritual living and true knowledge.

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Originally posted by Zahlanzi
good, because i don't subject god to anything. i only say the bible has lies in it. namely anything disprove by science and i want to believe, anything that portrays god as a evil bastard
the only thing that is portraying God as an evil bastard is you. You cannot equate with the fact that God on the one hand treated David mercifully while his son was made to die. Does that make it a lie, nope, does that mean that God is cruel and vindictive as you have tried to assert, nope, for he treated David mercifully. Indeed illustrating my point entirely, if the case had been treated by merely human judges, David, Bathsheba and the unborn child in the womb would have lost their lives, according to the Mosaic law, and here you are trying to foster upon us that human wisdom is to be preferred.

It may be hard for us to understand why the child had to die, for clearly there was no error on its part, but that does not mean that we know all the circumstances, nor that we are capable of rendering a judgement which supersedes that of divine judgement. But i realise that you cannot reconcile these two acts Zhalanzi, one of mercy, the other of severe discipline and thus you do what is ultimately very human, you look for someone to blame, in this instance God.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
the only thing that is portraying God as an evil bastard is you. You cannot equate with the fact that God on the one hand treated David mercifully while his son was made to die. Does that make it a lie, nope, does that mean that God is cruel and vindictive as you have tried to assert, nope, for he treated David mercifully. Indeed illustrating my ...[text shortened]... thus you do what is ultimately very human, you look for someone to blame, in this instance God.
Anybody killing every one on earth (except eight people) is a bastard, if you ask me.

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Originally posted by FabianFnas
Anybody killing every one on earth (except eight people) is a bastard, if you ask me.
yes to you, but that hardly means anything except within the context of your own mind, does it? The Bible tells us why they were judicially executed.

(Genesis 6:5-6) . . .Consequently Jehovah saw that the badness of man was abundant in the earth and every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only bad all the time. And Jehovah felt regrets that he had made men in the earth, and he felt hurt at his heart. . .

Clearly those persons were irredeemable and were put to the sword, or in this case, the flood. Simply another instance of someone, who cannot read hearts, who cannot know the inclinations of the heart, who was not there, who cannot possibly know all the details and circumstances trying to reconcile an act which appears to them to be cruel.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
yes to you, but that hardly means anything except within the context of your own mind, does it? The Bible tells us why they were judicially executed.

(Genesis 6:5-6) . . .Consequently Jehovah saw that the badness of man was abundant in the earth and every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only bad all the time. And Jehovah felt regrets ...[text shortened]... an act which they do not understand and once again, doing what is very human, blaming it on God.
Some were bad, everyone were killed (but eight of them). The killer was god. Therefore, a bastard.

Some JWers are bad, does that mean that every JWer is bad? No, of course not.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
yes to you, but that hardly means anything except within the context of your own mind, does it? The Bible tells us why they were judicially executed.

(Genesis 6:5-6) . . .Consequently Jehovah saw that the badness of man was abundant in the earth and every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only bad all the time. And Jehovah felt regrets ...[text shortened]... an act which they do not understand and once again, doing what is very human, blaming it on God.
(Genesis 6:5-6) . . .Consequently Jehovah saw that the badness of man was abundant in the earth and every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only bad all the time. And Jehovah felt regrets that he had made men in the earth, and he felt hurt at his heart. . .

Do gods have hearts??? Do they need an organ to pump magic blood round their ethereal bodies?
How about lungs?

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