19 Feb 18
Originally posted by @philokaliaI use "superstitious" to mean 'belief in supernatural causality'.
We both know that superstitious has other connotations.
19 Feb 18
Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-dukeAlright.
Please note the difference:
1. Are you are a materialist?
2. Alright, so you are a materialist, right?
The 2nd (your preferred choice) is a 'prejudgment' where you are simply asking me to confirm something you have already decided upon.
If you genuinely want to get the grasp of people, don't ask loaded questions.
So you do not agree with the term materialist. Heed you, I use it in the philosophcial sense of the word, and do not mean to imply some association with materialism in the other sense. I am surprised, though, if someone would have thought that, by context, this would have ever been what I was suggesting.
What word do you prefer?
And... Do you believe in an immaterial spirit or some abstract world of ideas or some such? Or are you at least, on a definitional level, a materialist... and what should I call that?
What are your pronouns, my friend?
Originally posted by @philokaliaYour belief in God is a belief in supernatural causality. Your belief in supernatural causality makes you superstitious. Your superstition does not grant you access to some sort of "wisdom" that is unavailable to non-superstitious people like Ghost of a Duke. Don't mistake the far-fetched and aspirational things that just so happen to appeal to your imagination for "wisdom"
Equating belief in God with 'superstition' is being sloppy with the notion o fbelief in God and using superstition in a way that it is not normally used.
Originally posted by @fmfYou haven't properly confronted what I was pointing out: that the word superstitious has a clearly negative connotation.
Your belief in God is a belief in supernatural causality. Your belief in supernatural causality makes you superstitious. Your superstition does not grant you access to some sort of "wisdom" that is unavailable to non-superstitious people like Ghost of a Duke. Don't mistake the far-fetched and aspirational things that just so happen to appeal to your imagination for "wisdom"
I'd never dispute the idea that I believe in God and that God transcends nature. But I woudl also insist that God is also within nature while simultaneously transcending it.
And yes, it is accurate to say that I believe, also, in the notion that God affects the world. I do accept occasionalism.
But this is not the same as superstition by normal definitions.
Judging by your track record, unless you state otherwise, I can only conclude you use it to aggravate people, just as how you troll me in other threads.
You shouldn't try to lead people to sin by aggravating them.
19 Feb 18
Originally posted by @philokaliaI am simply using it to mean "belief in supernatural causality". I really don't care if some 'connotation' or other has rubbed you up the wrong way. Now you know what I mean by the word. Quibbling it simply dodges the point of the sentences it was used in.
You haven't properly confronted what I was pointing out: that the word superstitious has a clearly negative connotation.
19 Feb 18
Originally posted by @philokaliaIf you are not claiming to have some sort of 'special knowledge' that a "materialist" like Ghost of a Duke cannot comprehend, but that you somehow can comprehend because you believe in supernatural things, then just say so.
I'd never dispute the idea that I believe in God and that God transcends nature. But I woudl also insist that God is also within nature while simultaneously transcending it.
19 Feb 18
Originally posted by @philokaliaIf you feel that you are being caused to transgress the revealed will of your god figure ["sin"] by interacting with me, then I suggest you desist.
Judging by your track record, unless you state otherwise, I can only conclude you use it to aggravate people, just as how you troll me in other threads. You shouldn't try to lead people to sin by aggravating them.
19 Feb 18
Originally posted by @fmfLOL, no, my friend. I am stating that you make a lot of efforts to aggravate people and your whole postign style is sort of an affront to honest to discussion. You also know this is the case as you work to maximize discomfort and attempt to trip people up.
If you feel that you are being caused to transgress the revealed will of your god figure ["sin"] by interacting with me, then I suggest you desist.
It seems yoru whole posting style is to be like an obstacle in the path of your brother and not meant to facilitate honest debate.
HENCE, your choice of words here.
Originally posted by @philokaliaIf you don't like my posts, and if you are just looking for friends, then ignore me.
LOL, no, my friend. I am stating that you make a lot of efforts to aggravate people and your whole postign style is sort of an affront to honest to discussion. You also know this is the case as you work to maximize discomfort and attempt to trip people up.
19 Feb 18
Originally posted by @philokaliaYou're still quibbling a word that I defined clearly for you and using it to dodge what I put to you.
It seems yoru whole posting style is to be like an obstacle in the path of your brother and not meant to facilitate honest debate.
19 Feb 18
Originally posted by @philokaliaStill dodging.
Oh no, FMF, you are an important figure in these forums. I need to take some cues from you and follow the discussions.
I also like interrupting the husste you got going on here. It has almost begun feeling like some kind of daily ritual to come here, see what you are up to, and interact with it.
19 Feb 18
Originally posted by @philokaliaDon't address it if you don't want to. It's OK by me.
Was there something of susbtance I failed to address?
Feel free to bring it to my attention.