Originally posted by NicolaasI believe that No1 maurauder would make a fine false prophet. I on the other had have accepted the role of Grand Inquisitor. My primary role will be to bring heretics closer to God through pain.
Will you be the FALSE PROPHET?
Someone has to be!!!
This is crazy 😕
And yes it is crazy, but, I find it amusing and therefore it is good.
Originally posted by Bosse de NageThe ways of the FORUM MESSIAH are strange and mysterious. HIS wisdom will be revealed in time. HIS message of peace and love will sweep through ALL forums like a fragrant wind between the holy bed sheets of Anorak.
Look, what is the FM going to do to save the forums? Does each forum have its own messiah or is the FM going to sweep clean across the board?
I am but a messenger proclaiming the glory of BBARR son of IVANHOE most holy.