Originally posted by menace71Thanks Manny. But what you don't seem to understand or seem to think will happen with studing the trinity more is all it's done for me is convience me the that it simply does not exist in the Bible.
Man......were never going to see eye to eye on this. I read the bible you read the bible yet we see something different why is that? I believe in God and so do you. I know you think it's silly but if you know history at least you know that this argument is not new it 1900+ years old. Humans trying to understand God. G-75 I don't mind if you cling to your do ...[text shortened]... ieve on thing while a small sect believes something else?
PS: Happy Fathers day 🙂
Now if you take out the words Son, first creation, Father, Word, right hand, etc, etc then you might have some base to stand on.
But for the couple scriptures in YOUR BIBLE that you think describe the trinity does not even come close to the rest of what YOUR BIBLE says that does not teach the trinity.
You blame the WTS for this differance but for some reason your ignoring all the other proof that others give. I like you Manny and I truly hope some day you open your eyes to this pagan belief...
Originally posted by galveston75You need to get rid of the New World Translation like I did and get
Thanks Manny. But what you don't seem to understand or seem to think will happen with studing the trinity more is all it's done for me is convience me the that it simply does not exist in the Bible.
Now if you take out the words Son, first creation, Father, Word, right hand, etc, etc then you might have some base to stand on.
But for the couple scri ...[text shortened]... rs give. I like you Manny and I truly hope some day you open your eyes to this pagan belief...
you a good Bible. Once you do that and ask for the Holy Spirit to
guide you to the truth with your mind open to see it, you will be
fine. I know He want let you down. He didn't me.
Originally posted by galveston75galveston75 are not you a J/W. This link clearly defines the Deity of Jesus and sates very clearly that Jesus is The Almighty God.
This is my Christian beliefs. I'm a Apostolic believer. I don't understand why you posted this link??? Am I missing something??
Originally posted by KingDavid403Wow...I'd say so my friend. Did you actually read it? Where exactly does it say Jesus is the "Allmighty God"?
galveston75 are not you a J/W. This link clearly defines the Deity of Jesus and sates very clearly that Jesus is The Almighty God.
This is my Christian beliefs. I'm a Apostolic believer. I don't understand why you posted this link??? Am I missing something??
Originally posted by galveston75At the bottom of the article you posted there is links to related articles. This is written in the article "The One True Name of God" You should read that whole article also.
Wow...I'd say so my friend. Did you actually read it? Where exactly does it say Jesus is the "Allmighty God"?
Matthew 1:23 informs us that the name of Jesus shall be called "EMMANUEL" meaning "GOD WITH US."
This is why the angel declared, "You shall call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins."
Although many Jews may have had this name, no Jewish man could ever claim that his name was given by an angel of the Lord. Thus his name revealed his true identity as "God manifest in the flesh." 1 Timothy 3:16
Jer. 23:5,6 "A righteous branch, and a King shall reign . . . and this is His Name whereby He shall be called, The LORD (JEHOVAH) our righteousness." Note: Every time we see the word "LORD" in scripture it is a substitute for the one divine name of God.
Isaiah 9:6 "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace."
If the name of Jesus can be called the name of the Mighty God and the name of the Everlasting Father then his name must be the divine name of God the Father Himself.
Originally posted by KingDavid403" God is with us". Jesus is the "word of God" in the sense that he speaks for God to us and us thru him to God. He is our mediator or the go between and represents his Father just as an ambassador would represent his country and his ruler.
[b]At the bottom of the article you posted there is links to related articles. This is written in the article "The One True Name of God" You should read that whole article also.
Matthew 1:23 informs us that the name of Jesus shall be called "EMMANUEL" meaning "GOD WITH US."
Rev. 22:6,16,20 calls Jesus "THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY OF THE HOLY P ...[text shortened]... ting Father then his name must be the divine name of God the Father Himself.[/b]
That in no way says he is God just as an ambassador is not the same person as his ruler. But he could express that his ruler is with him as he has the authority to represent and speak for him. Is that not correct?
If Jesus was God himself why the mediator position needed? Is one part of God different then the part Jesus is or the supposed holy spirit is? According to the trinity doctrine they are all equal and all knowing. Right? Am I wrong or will your explination consist with some made up mysterious thought?
You guys just don't think. Read what the scriptures are saying in the plain black and white letters there written with!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by galveston75galveston75, it was the link that you posted, and the beliefs of Apostolics (such as myself) that you posted to support your J/W beliefs. It wasn't me who posted the link. I just find it strange that you are now arguing with the beliefs of those that wrote the article that you posted on Apostolic beliefs to support your J/W beliefs.
" God is with us". Jesus is the "word of God" in the sense that he speaks for God to us and us thru him to God. He is our mediator or the go between and represents his Father just as an ambassador would represent his country and his ruler.
That in no way says he is God just as an ambassador is not the same person as his ruler. But he could express t t the scriptures are saying in the plain black and white letters there written with!!!!!!!!
The article you posted I agree with except I find it as offensive bashing of trinty believers. The bible is not to be used as a weapon but as a instrument of truth and love to bring others to God. And to teach us also.
It's clear you're very well trained and versed in the beliefs of J/Ws and will stick and fight and die with those beliefs. As I said you can go with those beliefs and that's your choice and that's ok with me.
But there's no reason to insult me telling me I don't think.
The apostolic belief is something God has revealed to me without any of mans influence. Most of your beliefs are influenced by man. I'll leave it there. I'm not going to argue with you on this subject. I was just curious as to why you were posting Apostolic belief articles, from a Apostolic site, to support your J/W beliefs. That's all.
I'm done here.
God Bless and have a great day. 🙂
Originally posted by KingDavid403Thanks and sorry if I offeneded you as that was the last thing I wanted to do. The information was only presented to show that there is proof out there besides what the JW's present.
galveston75, it was the link that you posted, and the beliefs of Apostolics (such as myself) that you posted to support your J/W beliefs. It wasn't me who posted the link. I just find it strange that you are now arguing with the beliefs of those that wrote the article that you posted on Apostolic beliefs to support your J/W beliefs.
The article you ...[text shortened]... ur J/W beliefs. That's all.
I'm done here.
God Bless and have a great day. 🙂
And I'm not bashing anyone who believes in the trinity but it is the trinity itself and only when ones condemn the JW's or anyone else who does not believe it do I take offence and that is because we are very passionant about the truth of the Bible as you yourself just mentioned here.
The Bible teaches nothing that even resembles the trinity and it's just a very sad thing that so many are fooled by this and seem to have no clue as with the danger involved in followoing it. God only accepts worship that as you say is "truth of the bible". Not some man made pagan ideas.
This is why the angel declared, "You shall call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins."
Although many Jews may have had this name, no Jewish man could ever claim that his name was given by an angel of the Lord. Thus his name revealed his true identity as "God manifest in the flesh." 1 Timothy 3:16
Can there not be two saviours? Can not God the Father give that privalege to his son to have the power to ressurect that he did demonstrate while he was on earth since Jesus suffered the death he did for us?
Isaiah 9:6 "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace."
This is about Jesus only. Nothing being mentioned about "The Almight God" Jehovah here.
Many religious people say that Jesus is God. Some claim that God is a Trinity. According to this teaching, “the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God, and yet there are not three Gods but one God.” It is held that the three “are co-eternal and co-equal.” (The Catholic Encyclopedia) Are such views correct?
Jehovah God is the Creator. (Revelation 4:11) He is without beginning or end, and he is almighty. (Psalm 90:2) Jesus, on the other hand, had a beginning. (Colossians 1:15, 16) Referring to God as his Father, Jesus said: “The Father is greater than I am.” (John 14:28) Jesus also explained that there were some things neither he nor the angels knew but that were known only by his Father.—Mark 13:32.
Moreover, Jesus prayed to his Father: “Let, not my will, but yours take place.” (Luke 22:42) To whom was Jesus praying if not to a superior Personage? Furthermore, it was God who resurrected Jesus from the dead, not Jesus himself. (Acts 2:32) Obviously, the Father and the Son were not equal before Jesus came to the earth or during his earthly life. What about after Jesus’ resurrection to heaven? First Corinthians 11:3 states: “The head of the Christ is God.” In fact, the Son will always be in subjection to God. (1 Corinthians 15:28) The Scriptures therefore show that Jesus is not God Almighty. Instead, he is God’s Son.
The so-called third person of the Trinity—the holy spirit—is not a person. Addressing God in prayer, the psalmist said: “If you send forth your spirit, they are created.” (Psalm 104:30) This spirit is not God himself; it is an active force that he sends forth or uses to accomplish whatever he wishes. By means of it, God created the physical heavens, the earth, and all living things. (Genesis 1:2; Psalm 33:6) God used his holy spirit to inspire the men who wrote the Bible. (2 Peter 1:20, 21) The Trinity, then, is not a Scriptural teaching. “Jehovah our God is one Jehovah,” says the Bible.—Deuteronomy 6:4.
Originally posted by galveston75lol, I'm not getting into this with you. I know what you believe and you know what I believe. Let's just leave it there.
This is why the angel declared, "You shall call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins."
Although many Jews may have had this name, no Jewish man could ever claim that his name was given by an angel of the Lord. Thus his name revealed his true identity as "God manifest ...[text shortened]... at he did demonstrate while he was on earth since Jesus suffered the death he did for us?
I was raised as a trinty believer. I went to a trinty bible school. And at present I am cerified to be a assistant pastor. and within two weeks I could have the education to be a pastor. But I am not ordained. And that's not my calling. As of yet anyway.
Would I have gone to Heaven if I would have died while believing in th trinty??? Of course. I loved the Lord then as I do today. And salvation is the Lords. Not mine or yours or anybody elses. But God has revealed things to me since then.
Do I think everything in the Apostolic belief is correct??? No! The main thing I know forsure is that not all speak in tongues as Apostolics think. It's clear by scripture that not all speak in tongues.
Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually.
1Cr 12:28 And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues.
1Cr 12:29 [Are] all apostles? [Are] all prophets? [Are] all teachers? [Are] all workers of miracles?
1Cr 12:30 Do all have gifts of healings? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret?
NO NO NO! Is the Answer.-written by me.
1Cr 12:31 But earnestly desire the best gifts. And yet I show you a more excellent way.
To I all faiths fall short of the truth. Including mine. But I keep striving. And Jesus fills the gap.
Originally posted by KingDavid403I'm disappointed that your not willing to give some scriptural answers to my questions. Oh well, thanks anyway.
lol, I'm not getting into this with you. I know what you believe and you know what I believe. Let's just leave it there.
I was raised as a trinty believer. I went to a trinty bible school. And at present I am cerified to be a assistant pastor. and within two weeks I could have the education to be a pastor. But I am not ordained. And that's not ...[text shortened]... hs fall short of the truth. Including mine. But I keep striving. And Jesus fills the gap.
Originally posted by galveston75Most my scriptural answers are in the links of your pervious article post. If you don't agree with them then that's the way it is.
I'm disappointed that your not willing to give some scriptural answers to my questions. Oh well, thanks anyway.
Neither you or I are going to change our beliefs from a forum on redhotpawn unless God zaps us.
And I can tell you I'm not tingling yet. 😉🙂
God Bless you galveston75
Originally posted by KingDavid403Your scriptures do not prove anything about the trinity as the Bible does not teach that doctrine.
Most my scriptural answers are in the links of your pervious article post. If you don't agree with them then that's the way it is.
Neither you or I are going to change our beliefs from a forum on redhotpawn unless God zaps us.
And I can tell you I'm not tingling yet. 😉🙂
God Bless you galveston75