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The Kingdom of God.


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Originally posted by sonship
Is Jesus Christ your King ?
Do you acknowledge Jesus as [b]"King of kings and Lord of lords"

A Yes or No will suffice.[/b]
Stick to the thread please......

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Know the laws.

Human governments require that their subjects learn and obey the laws of the land. It seems only reasonable, then, that Jehovah should expect us to learn and obey the laws and principles that govern all Kingdom citizens. (Isa. 2:3; John 15:10; 1 John 5:3) Human laws are often flawed and may be unfair. In contrast, “the law of Jehovah is perfect.” (Ps. 19:7) Do we delight in God’s law and read his Word each day? (Ps. 1:1, 2) The only way we can learn God’s law is to study it for ourselves. Nobody else can do this for us.

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Originally posted by galveston75
Stick to the thread please......
I take that as either you are ashamed to say yes or the answer is no.

Cloaking your denial in "stick to the subject" is dishonest, you would be educator on the Kingdom of God.

You do not acknowledge Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords.

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Originally posted by galveston75
Does God have requirements to be a citizen of his Kingdom that is spoken of thru the entire Bible?
If so what are they?
Yes. The subject indeed.

Acknowledging that Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords is a requirement.

A requirement that Galveston will not confess for us as he puts himself forward as an authority on the Kingdom of God.

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Originally posted by sonship
Yes. The subject indeed.

Acknowledging that Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords is a requirement.

A requirement that Galveston will not confess for us as he puts himself forward as an authority on the Kingdom of God.
Lol. I'm not answering just to bug you. It seems to really work.

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Originally posted by galveston75
Lol. I'm not answering just to bug you. It seems to really work.
It may work better than you pretending to be an expert on the Kingdom of God while secretly working to deny the King and undermine His Lordship.

You represent the embassy which sent messengers after the king saying "We will not have this man to reign over us." (Luke 19:14)

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Originally posted by galveston75
Lol. I'm not answering just to bug you. It seems to really work.
It doesn't "bug" me that you follow my posts with something completely ignoring them.

That does not bother me. It demonstrates though that many things you seem to just push out of your consideration as a ostrich sticks her head in the sand.

Personally, I am not irritated by this.

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Originally posted by sonship
It doesn't "bug" me that you follow my posts with something completely ignoring them.

That does not bother me. It demonstrates though that many things you seem to just push out of your consideration as a ostrich sticks her head in the sand.

Personally, I am not irritated by this.
Well just messing with you as I just went thru this with Mr D.

Anyway YES he is the "King of Kings and Lord of Lords" but the one we "do not" worship at all but honor as our King and go thru him to speak to our Almight God Jehovah Jesus as Jesus told us to do. Not once did Jesus ever say to pray to him, but only through him.

But understand he is in this position ONLY because his Father Jehovah has given it to him. If his Father Jehovah did not allow him to have this title, he would not have it. Your Bible clearly explains this in those very words.
So you have to understand that Jehovah is still above him on all things but is for a while letting his "son" Jesus have this title and be the acting ruler over his Fathers Kingdom and one that he will some day hand back.
So....two spirit beings are what is being discussed here.
One has complete power on all things. The other has had power given to him for a short time and will turn it back to his superior at a later time.
And no where is the power ever given to the holy spirit.
So going with the supposed discription of the trinity which says that are all knowing, all powerfull, all etc, etc, is not true at all.
Two are seperate spirit beings and the other is simply god's active force, not a seperate spirit being at all.

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Originally posted by galveston75
Well just messing with you as I just went thru this with Mr D.

Anyway YES he is the "King of Kings and Lord of Lords" but the one we "do not" worship at all but honor as our King and go thru him to speak to our Almight God Jehovah Jesus as Jesus told us to do. Not once did Jesus ever say to pray to him, but only through him.

But understand he is ...[text shortened]... it beings and the other is simply god's active force, not a seperate spirit being at all.
Its a pointless argument this way or that. There are 3 that bare record in heaven .. Father Son & HS.
There is nothing indicating that belief either way is detrimental to ones salvation. Sometimes the JW strain at this knat of dogma while swallowing a camel of false teachings and false prophesies.

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Anyway YES he is the "King of Kings and Lord of Lords" but the one we "do not" worship at all but honor as our King and go thru him to speak to our Almight God Jehovah Jesus as Jesus told us to do. Not once did Jesus ever say to pray to him, but only through him.

If you cannot worship the King of kings and the Lord of lords, you are self deceived.

You live as you wish. I only point out that your saying you think of Him as the King of kings and Lord of lords without your worship of Him, sorry to say, is like the kiss of Judas Iscariot.

In your heart your angry reaction to Him is "We do not want this man to reign over us." (Luke 19:14)

When the King of king comes you will hear Him say to the effect -

"However, these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slay them before me." (Luke 19:27)

Then you will realize that you were utterly cheated to have been persuaded to despise in your religious heart the kingship of Jesus.

But understand he is in this position ONLY because his Father Jehovah has given it to him.

Because He humbled Himself so, Philippians says "Therefore also God highly exalted Him and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name. That in the name of Jesus every knee should bow, ... and every tongue confess ..." (Phil. 2:9,10)

Yes God has highly exalted Him. But at is base, as its foundation, in the DNA of your organization is the resisting of the exaltation of Jesus by God.
More tragically and ironically is the assumption that you are doing Jehovah a service in this resistance.

The day will come when you will hear Him say in essence - "However, these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slay them before me." (Luke 19:27)

If his Father Jehovah did not allow him to have this title, he would not have it. Your Bible clearly explains this in those very words.
So you have to understand that Jehovah is still above him on all things but is for a while letting his "son" Jesus have this title and be the acting ruler over his Fathers Kingdom and one that he will some day hand back.

This is your reference to First Corinthians 15:28.

"And when all things have been subjected to Him, then the Son Himself also will be subject to Him who has subjected all things to Him, that God may be all in all."

So why are you waiting? The lover of the Son should be subject to Him now in honor and worship. You are postponing to some other time what you should be overjoyed to do today.

You are not overjoyed to be subject to Him. You have sought out every reason NOT to be subject to Him.

Your agenda in knocking on doors is to put down Jesus Christ as much as possible. It is germane to your outreach - to demote Him whom the Father has exalted with the highest name "not only in this age but in that which is to come."

The higher you exalt Jesus the happier the Father will be. It is impossible for you to exalt Jesus Christ too much.

Your exalting Jesus Christ will honor the Father. Your saying "We do not want this man to reign over us" is a show of rebellion against the Father.

So....two spirit beings are what is being discussed here.

This is the saying of a person with no experience of the Holy Spirit. This is the speaking of a mind with no experience to draw from, using his imagination as to the way things should be.

Let us examine the words of man with deep experience -

" ... if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Yet if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not of Him. But if Christ is in you, though the body is dead because of sin, the spirit is life because of righteousness. And if the Spirit of the One who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who indwells you." (Romans 8:9-11)

Paul speaks of One who indwells the believers. This One has a number of titles. And Paul uses these titles in one breath interchangeably. He seamlessly moves from one expression to the next to describe this one indwelling Person who is living in the disciples -

Spirit of God is in them (v.9).
The Spirit of God is also called the Spirit of Christ (v.9).
Then the Spirit of Christ is called Christ Himself (v.10).

"But if Christ is in you ..."

It is the same Person as mentioned in "the Spirit of God" and "the Spirit of Christ". Now He is called "Christ" Himself.

Then Paul moves on to describe the same Spirit as "the Spirit of the One who raised Jesus from the dead." (v.11)

Christ is the Spirit of God.
The Spirit of God is the Spirit of Christ.
The Spirit of Christ is the Spirit of the One who raised Jesus from the dead.

The one in whom this wonderful Person indwells can detect no discernible difference. He cannot detect two spirit beings. He cannot detect three spirit beings. He can only detect - the Spirit of God who is the Spirit of Christ who is Christ Himself who is the Spirit of the One who raised Jesus from the dead.

What you need is experience to open up your being and invite Christ to make His home in your heart by faith.

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Originally posted by sonship
Anyway YES he is the "King of Kings and Lord of Lords" but the one we "do not" worship at all but honor as our King and go thru him to speak to our Almight God Jehovah Jesus as Jesus told us to do. Not once did Jesus ever say to pray to him, but only through him.

If you cannot worship the [b]King of kings and the Lord of lords,
you being and invite Christ to make His home in your heart by faith.[/b]
Getting thru all this scripture misunderstanding stuff...show me (((( 1 )))))) scripture where it says to worship Jesus or where Jesus himself said to worship him and not his Father?

I don't want a long drawn out post of scriptures that do not relate to this question, just (((( 1 ))))) scripture is all I ask that shows we are to worhip Jesus.

If you can......

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"Yes God has highly exalted Him."

Lol. Again I have to ask, how could one of these three parts of this equal godhead promote one part to a higher position if they are all equal to begin with according to the explination they say about the trinity?
So now is this promoted part higher or more powerful in something then the other two parts?
Or are two parts now more important and now equal, if they are still equal, and the holy spirit still lagging somehow since it didn't get this promotion?

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Getting thru all this scripture misunderstanding stuff...show me (((( 1 )))))) scripture where it says to worship Jesus or where Jesus himself said to worship him and not his Father?

Why ?

No one is claiming that Jesus commanded anyone NOT to worship the Father. That is ridiculous for you to sneak that in there as a challenge.

As for worshipping Jesus ? I need no command as in fulfilling a religious DUTY. I am constrained by His preciousness, His superlative worth. I can't but worship so precious a One as the Son of God.

You waiting for an 11th Commandment "Thou Shalt Worship Jesus" ?

You are waiting for a command to "do your religious DUTY". I am simply in love with the Lord.

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Originally posted by galveston75
Getting thru all this scripture misunderstanding stuff...show me (((( 1 )))))) scripture where it says to worship Jesus or where Jesus himself said to worship him and not his Father?

I don't want a long drawn out post of scriptures that do not relate to this question, just (((( 1 ))))) scripture is all I ask that shows we are to worhip Jesus.

If you can......
Its fine and acceptable to worship BOTH.. no need to pick one. They are both one. Christ said if you see me you see my Father, One ..

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; (Philippians 2:5-10 KJV)

The JW Titanic is sinking and you are here telling the staff that the ballroom floor needs to be polished. Your false doctrine has downgraded the Son of God, Jesus Christ to a mere angel. That's your false doctrine stopping you from seeing the truth.

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