Originally posted by DasaMein Kampf was not sacred to Hitler. It was just a book he wrote containing some of his views and propaganda. It is not a sacred writing because he was not inspired by God to write it and he never claimed as much to my knowledge.
Mein Kampf is sacred to Hitler.
Does that mean it is a sacred writing?
Any ideology/scripture/writing/book/poem/etc. that defends the cruelty and slaughter of animals is bogus.
The Holy Bible does not DEFEND cruelty and slaughter of animals. It simply allows them to be used for various purposes. One of those purposes is for food, which may require killing the animal, but not by torturing the animal, but in as humane a manner as possible.
Originally posted by DasaYou brain is just as tiny as mine and your speculation is no better than mine in coming to the knowledge of the truth. The difference is that I have the Holy Bible which is inspired by the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit guides the Christian to the knowledge of the truth.
Your tiny brain can speculated for eternity, but you shall never know truth.
Christ said, "But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of Mine and will disclose it to you."
(John 16:13-14 NASB)
The Holy Spirit will open the blinded Spiritual eyes, leading, guiding into all truth.
HalleluYaH !!! Praise the LORD! Holy! Holy! Holy!
Originally posted by RJHindsGet a room. Get married, get a life.
You brain is just as tiny as mine and your speculation is no better than mine in coming to the knowledge of the truth. The difference is that I have the Holy Bible which is inspired by the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit guides the Christian to the knowledge of the truth.
[quote] Christ said, "But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you in ...[text shortened]... ll truth.
HalleluYaH !!! Praise the LORD! Holy! Holy! Holy!
31 Aug 15
Originally posted by RJHindsThe Bible says many things that are not correct.
You write that there is no beginning to the history of sanātana-dharma, because it remains eternally with the living entities. Insofar as the living entities are concerned, the authoritative śāstras state that the living entity has neither birth nor death. In the Gītā it is stated that the living entity is never born and he never dies. He is eternal and inde ...[text shortened]... ever, the soul does have a beginning according to the Holy Bible and it can be destroyed by God.
The true authority is the Vedic authority.
There is nothing in the true Vedas that is false.
The Vedas come from the Supreme Lord and are passed down from Spiritual Master to Spiritual Master till the present day.
The Vedic knowledge has existed on earth from the dawn of time.
This very same Vedic knowledge is found all over the cosmos and in every Universe.
Originally posted by RJHindsGod never allows for animals to be slaughtered.
The Holy Bible is composed of sacred writings because they are sacred to the Christians and at least part of them are sacred to the Jews.
It is clear from the sacred writings of the Holy Bible that in the beginning God meant for plants to be the source of food for both animal and plants. But due to sin and corruption God granted flesh as another source o ...[text shortened]... ible was given to man by the Spirit of God.
HalleluYaH !!! Praise the LORD! Holy! Holy! Holy!
Any book/teaching/scripture that allows and defends animal killing .........is bogus.
Your Bible verses are false.
Unscrupulous persons have used the name of Jesus to write their false document (called the Bible)
The Bible was commissioned by the secular in order to control the beliefs of the innocent and ignorant lay people.
This happened in the days of witch burning by the Christians.
The Priests and the Christians actually believed in witches.
This is how ignorant they all were.
31 Aug 15
Originally posted by RJHindsWith respect..............Your Christian knowledge is almost all false.
Chritians have a lot of knowledge and evidence that back up the claim of the Christian religion as being true. There is so much evidence that it takes many books to list it all.
Our scriptures list the first man and woman that goes back 6000 or so years and lists in order succession with the ages of many from the first man to the only begotten Son of God ...[text shortened]... etter that the billions of years needed by the evilutionists to make their fairy tale come true.
31 Aug 15
Originally posted by RJHindsOf course plants have souls.
I believe you are wrong on this because it is my understanding that viruses can not reproduce among themselves. The virus has to invade the cell of a host organism with the ability to reproduce and then it injects the host cell with the viruses' own genetic information.
Also just because something can reproduce does not mean it must have a soul. Plants reproduce all the time and they do not have souls.
EVERYTHING that lives ......................LIVES because of the presence of the life force (the soul)
31 Aug 15
Originally posted by RJHindsThere are millions and millions of cramped and caged animals being force fed to get fattened-up for the slaughter at this very moment.
Mein Kampf was not sacred to Hitler. It was just a book he wrote containing some of his views and propaganda. It is not a sacred writing because he was not inspired by God to write it and he never claimed as much to my knowledge.
The Holy Bible does not [b]DEFEND cruelty and slaughter of animals. It simply allows them to be used for various purpos ...[text shortened]... uire killing the animal, but not by torturing the animal, but in as humane a manner as possible.[/b]
They are all experiencing increased suffering..................before they are slaughtered.
Originally posted by DasaIt is not the HolyBible that is incorrect. It is your understanding of it that is false.
The Bible says many things that are not correct.
The true authority is the Vedic authority.
There is nothing in the true Vedas that is false.
The Vedas come from the Supreme Lord and are passed down from Spiritual Master to Spiritual Master till the present day.
The Vedic knowledge has existed on earth from the dawn of time.
This very same Vedic knowledge is found all over the cosmos and in every Universe.
The creation story in the Vedic writings is false. 😏
Originally posted by DasaThe Holy Bible does not condone cruelty to animals or to man.
There are millions and millions of cramped and caged animals being force fed to get fattened-up for the slaughter at this very moment.
They are all experiencing increased suffering..................before they are slaughtered.
01 Sep 15
Originally posted by DasaTell you what, you stop using computers and the internet which is the product of 'false' science and I'll stop playing chess. Deal?
"Believe those who are seeking the truth; doubt those who find it."
"To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead" ( ARE YOU REFERRING TO FALSE SCIENCE?) that tells us that we have come from primordial slime by accident.
- Thomas Paine ...[text shortened]... YOU KNOW THAT CHESS HAS COME FROM THE VEDAS)
03 Sep 15
Originally posted by RJHindsWhat are you talking about.?
God made plants as food. Plants were not made as living souls.
You cannot make a soul.
The soul is eternal.
Eternal means no beginning and no end.
The Christian doctrine has screwed with your brain and you cannot say a thing right.
I have told you many times......................The Bible was contrived by the meat eating and womenizing and intoxicating secular dictators at the time.
It proposes many falsehoods as truth.