@sonship saidThe trinity is clearly a later invention retrospectively squeezed into scripture. it fails to work on many levels and is simply an example of over-intellectualized twaddle.
Son - why do you insist on preaching abut a trinity when the word trinity isn't ever used in the bible, and your [definition] is not [explicitly] taught?
To understand God's eternal purpose is it needful to understand why He is Father - Son - Holy Spirit. The triune God being what He is cannot be separated from what the Triune God does. ...[text shortened]... y.
So though the word Trinity is not in the Bible the fact of the three-one dispensing God is.
Witness Lee said, "we may say that the Triune God is now the “four-in-one God.”
As demonstrated we Bible believers certainly may say this.
Lee didn't say we had to dogmatically insist on such phraseology.
He mere said we MAY state such. I demonstrated why from the Bible.
I see no effective rebuttal demonstrating otherwise.
The Apostle John closes his letter of 1 John with some amazing statements which I believe and teach.
"And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding that we might know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life." ( 1 John 5:20)
1.) The Son of God has given the believers this understanding. The atheist does not have this understanding of the true God because of his unbelief.
2.) We believers may know the Father - Him who is true.
3.) Not only know Him we are also "in Him". God the Father has become a living realm in which the believers are.
4.) To be in the Father (who is true) is simultaneously to also be in the Son.
"we are in Him who is true, in His Son"
Since the believers are in the Father and in the Son they are in the Triune
5.) This One in whom the believers are in IS eternal life. We are in the Triune God to LIVE forever the Triune God being IN Him forever.
" . . . and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. THIS . . . is the true God and eternal life."
As Witness Lee said, we may say that God has become a four in one.
If any Christian prefers not to use such a phraseology that's fine.
But the One in whom we believers are and His Son have become to us eternal life to us. And He - the God who is true, is living and being expressed in man in His full salvation.
@sonship said'Four-in-one God' is not scriptural. It's sacrilegious.Witness Lee said, "we may say that the Triune God is now the “four-in-one God.”
As demonstrated we Bible believers certainly may say this.
Lee didn't say we had to dogmatically insist on such phraseology.
He mere said we MAY state such. I demonstrated why from the Bible.
I see no effective rebuttal demonstrating otherwise.
Like Brother Paul Brother John pioneered deeply into living in God.
He writes in his second epistle that the Christians in God are simply are "walking in truth". And this truth that they walk in is a living Person - mysterious yet wonderfully real. My capitalization below.
See John speak of the TRUTH when he writes about living in the Triune God.
The elder to the chosen lady and to her children, whom I love in truthfulness, and not only I but also all those who know the TRUTH.
For the sake of the TRUTH which abides in us and will be with us forever."
. . . I rejoice greatly that I have found some of your children walking in TRUTH, even as we received commandment from the Father." (2 John 1,2,4)
Remember that he previously wrote that the believers are in Him who is true - in His Son Jesus Christ. And this realm is the TRUE God. And this realm is eternal life.
In his third epistle John reiterates that his joy is to know of the Christians walking in TRUTH.
"For I rejoice greatly at the brothers' coming and testifying to your steadfastness in the TRUTH. I have no greater joy than these things, that I hear that my children are walking in the TRUTH." (3 John 3,4)
To know theTRUTH we must receive the Lord Jesus Christ into our innermost being by faith. Then He brings us into Himself and the Father by the Holy Spirit. We know the TRUTH of the Triune God. And we learn to walk in the Triune God who has become to us the TRUTH and eternal life.
@sonship saidCapitalizing 'truth' doesn't make 'Four-in-one God' any more scriptural.
Like Brother Paul Brother John pioneered deeply into living in God.
He writes in his second epistle that the Christians in God are simply are "walking in truth". And this truth that they walk in is a living Person - mysterious yet wonderfully real. My capitalization below.
See John speak of the TRUTH when he writes about living in the Triune God ...[text shortened]... God. And we learn to walk in the Triune God who has become to us the TRUTH and eternal life.
Whether capitals or small you still haven't refuted that in fact the Bible teaches saved man IN God - by which believers could conceivably speak of four-in-one.
And frankly your juvenile antics are really starting to bore me.
@sonship saidAgain. If I get IN a car, do I become the car?
Whether capitals or small you still haven refuted that in fact the Bible teaches saved man IN God - by which believers could conceivably speak of four-in-one.
And frankly your juvenile antics are really starting to bore me.
@ghost-of-a-duke saidGod now being "four-in-one" is not sacrilegious when properly understood what was meant.
'Four-in-one God' is not scriptural. It's sacrilegious.
Teaching that God is the invention of human beings, a lie, now that is sacrilegious.
You're a religious atheist who likes to utter sacrilegious concepts against Christianity.
@sonship saidIt's amusing to see you completely misunderstand atheism while sitting in your Tower of Babel, thinking yourself a deity.
Four-in-one is not sacrilegious0 when properly understood.
Teaching that God is the invention of human beings, a lie, now that is sacrilegious.
You're a religious atheist who likes to be sacrilegious against Christianity.
However "amused" you are the New Testament still says the Christians are "partakers of the divine nature" in Second Peter 1:4
Too bad you can't just giggle it out of the text.
Grin harder. Maybe it will come off the page.
@ghost-of-a-duke saidThis questions appears to have defeated sonship.
Again. If I get IN a car, do I become the car?
Moving on.
A picture is worth many words. In revelation we see that God on the throne has the appearance of jasper. I believe that in this case that is a rich dark GREEN color.
See the jasper colored God in the sign in Revelation 4:3,4.
"Immediately I was in spirit; and behold, there was a throne set in heaven, and upon the throne there was One sitting.
And He who was sitting was like a jasper stone . . ." (Rev. 4:2,3a)
Astoundingly the entire corporate "city" of God, the New Jerusalem bears the very same appearance. That is the appearance of jasper.
" And he carried away in spirit onto a great and high mountain and showed me the holy city Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, Having the glory of God. Her light was like a most precious stone, like a jasper stone, as clear as crystal." (Rev. 21:10,11)
This is why we may speak of the four-in-one God. The glory of God is infused into the city of God. The jasper color of the God on the throne has permeated that holy city of God New Jerusalem.
The transparency of the jasper color as clear as crystal speaks of looking at the people of God and seeing within them the shining out of God Himself.
The jasper colored God on the throne will saturate the eternal collective city of eternally saved human beings. What a wonderful four-in-one.
@ghost-of-a-duke saidFor sonship's enlightenment, getting IN the car doesn't make you part of the car,
This questions appears to have defeated sonship.
Follow very closely.
The Bible ends with the sign of a city called New Jerusalem. This city has many profound aspects to it.
One of them is that the whole city is temple of God. That means it is the dwelling place of God. But the dwelling place is a city. Think about it. This means God is living in the city. This means God takes up the entire city as His temple, His tabernacle, His house. That city is human beings not physical buildings.
1.) The city is the tabernacle of God -
"And I heard a loud voice out of the throne, saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, . . . " (Rev. 21:3a)
"And I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband." (v.2)
2.) God Almighty and the Lamb (ie. the Triune God) are the temple.
"And I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb are its temple." (Rev. 21:22)
What else could this signify but God and the Lamb the Son of God are the dwelling place of the saved for eternity. The Triune God Himself is the tabernacle for man to worship God and the temple within which the Triune God lives.
This is the climax of human history a city that is a Bride to Jesus Christ and a temple to the Triune God. She comes out of God's salvation. She comes down out of heaven from God. She is the habitation of God, the dwelling place of God in spirit.