Originally posted by kirksey957 Yo momma's so fat that when she was a missionary to cannibals she brought them all to salvation by demonstrating the feeding of the 5,000.
Reverend, yo' momma so fat, she refuses to believe in the Last Supper.
Originally posted by kirksey957 Yo, Doc, yo momma's so fat that when they pass the peace at her church she always starts salivatin thinkin they said "pass the peas."
Yo' momma so stupid, whenever they start lightin' candles up in church, she thinks it's somebody's birthday.
Originally posted by kirksey957 Yo momma's so stupid that when the preacher said he wuz using John chapter 14 for his co-text, she tore it out of the Bible and used it as a tampon.
Yo' mama so fat, she ain't allowed up in the choir loft.
Originally posted by Starrman Yo' momma so ugly you had to be immaculately concieved.
Nice. Yo' momma's so ignorant she didn't know the difference between Immaculate Conception and the Incarnation of Christ, and she didn't teach you either.
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