Originally posted by Grampy Bobbyhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zika_virus
What is the "Zika virus"?
The question is for you and other Christians. Is the Zika virus something that you believe was created by your God figure, and if it you do, what do you believe is your God's purpose in creating it?
29 May 16
Originally posted by FMFDon't you also believe in some kind of creator? If so, did it create the Zika virus?
The question is for you and other Christians. Is the Zika virus something that you believe was created by your God figure, and if it you do, what do you believe is your God's purpose in creating it?
Originally posted by FMFIs the emergence of the Zika virus (whatever that may be) evidence in favour of intelligent design?
Do Christians believe that their God figure created the Zika virus?
If so, what do they believe the purpose of creating it was?
Is the effect of the Zika virus on humans "good" in any religiously relevant sense and if not, why is it allowed?
Would a "Creation Scientist" be able to assist our response to the outbreak, or would we just rely on the power of prayer?
Would a Creationist whose family members were infected with the virus feel required to ignore scientists steeped in Natural Selection theory?
Originally posted by FMFActually a bit of research shows that it may be genetically engineered...
Do Christians believe that their God figure created the Zika virus?
If so, what do they believe the purpose of creating it was?
Originally posted by Great King RatThere is no kind of creator that has revealed itself to me so I certainly have no reason to believe - or to claim - that the Zika virus was created by some sort of entity that designed it and brought it into existence.
Don't you also believe in some kind of creator? If so, did it create the Zika virus?
I neither subscribe to nor profess any religious ideology about the environment we live in. No religious people have offered me any convincing reasons to adopt their beliefs.
I see things like these viruses as natural occurrences and do not know what the ultimate origin of them was.
Christians, on the other hand, have an elaborate ideology pertaining to creation, the nature of their God figure, and the purpose of things. Hence my OP.