Originally posted by Proper Knobpractical advice if ever i heard it! I would be pleased if you would pass it on to Fabs, trev33 and thinkofone, i am sure they could benefit from its application.
Don't answer, found this watchtower website.
How can you keep from getting involved in homosexual practices?
First Throw all your anxieties upon Jehovah in prayer, confident that “he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7; Psalm 55:22) Jehovah can fortify you with a peace that “excels all thought.” This can ‘guard your heart and your mental powers’ and give ...[text shortened]... n elder, recalls: “His counsel was very effective. I wished I had spoken to him a lot earlier.”
Originally posted by robbie carrobiePassing off the little gay jibe there are we Robbie?!
practical advice if ever i heard it! I would be pleased if you would pass it on to Fabs, trev33 and thinkofone, i am sure they could benefit from its application.
Making inuendo like they would find it offensive, very strange.
I'm still intrigued though, did you have these views before you became a JW?
Originally posted by Proper KnobNoobster they are not my views, that is what i have been trying to tell you. They did not originate with me, i was not inspired to write them, i have merely placed myself under Gods sovereignty and thus his morality, as recorded in the pages of the Bible, that is all.
Passing off the little gay jibe there are we Robbie?!
Making inuendo like they would find it offensive, very strange.
I'm still intrigued though, did you have these views before you became a JW?
Originally posted by robbie carrobieA quote from the late great Bill Hicks springs to mind.
that you cannot equate animal behaviour and human behaviour is self evident! why would God create something that he condemns in the Bible? make any sense Noobster, nope, i didn't think so! These are not my views, they are expressed throughout the pages of Gods Word. They do not originate with me, i did not write them! i merely have placed myself u ...[text shortened]... his standards of morality, rather than to establish my own, as you people are evidently doing.
'While i appreciate your quaint little traditions and superstitions, i on the other hand am an evolved being who deals solely with the love that is in my heart'
Gods word? Gimme a break, the Bible was written by mortal men. You can't pull that fudge.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieWhy other so called Christians cannot see this i do not know, i think either they have succumbed to secular liberalism, or have not the integrity to stand up for what has been written!
you are equating a sexual act, with something that transcends sexuality, perhaps its the one dimensional use of the word 'love', that is to blame, who can tell.
yes you can pray for me, although i do not think that i need to worry whether i shall be struck by lightening any time soon, considering that the act is strongly condemned by my God in the ...[text shortened]... itten!
you are correct animals are not sinful, for they are not conscience of spirituality.
Or maybe there are some other reasons perhaps? Like for example the open mindedness to consider what science can teach us about homosexuality?
Let's face it , it was once thought to be a denial of scripture to think that evolution is an acceptable theory. Now , it's no big deal for many Christians to subscribe to it.
Christianity evolves and rightly so.
Originally posted by Proper KnobYes quite Noobster, he is entitled to his opinion, even as you are of yours and i of mine, but it come down to a much greater issue than my petty views, the issue of universal sovereignty, that is, whether God has the right to establish codes of morality, or whether humans, independent of God, may decide for themselves what is correct and fitting. The Bible presents these codes of morality for the Christian.
A quote from the late great Bill Hicks springs to mind.
'While i appreciate your quaint little traditions and superstitions, i on the other hand am an evolved being who deals solely with the love that is in my heart'
Gods word? Gimme a break, the Bible was written by mortal men. You can't pull that fudge.
here is a refutation of Bill Hicks and his quote
(Proverbs 3:7) . . .Do not become wise in your own eyes. . .
Originally posted by DoctorScribblesShouldn't they have a Surviving Suicide hotline as well?
Have you ever referred a gay man to Exodus International for help in seeking freedom from his homosexual affliction?
Would you ever volunteer your time as a counselor at an Exodus International event?
Originally posted by knightmeisteroh yes, i forgot science and the new morality, which somehow supersedes Gods word! Christ states of the Bible, 'your word is truth', therefore which parts are you willing to overlook in your open mindedness and which are you also willing to dispense with? this type of Christianity is convenience Christianity
Why other so called Christians cannot see this i do not know, i think either they have succumbed to secular liberalism, or have not the integrity to stand up for what has been written!
Or maybe there are some other reasons perhaps? Like for example the open mindedness to consider s no big deal for many Christians to subscribe to it.
Christianity evolves and rightly so.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieDo you wear clothes made from two types of material?
oh yes, i forgot science and the new morality, which somehow supersedes Gods word! Christ states of the Bible, 'your word is truth', therefore which parts are you willing to overlook in your open mindedness and which are you also willing to dispense with? this type of Christianity is convenience Christianity
Originally posted by robbie carrobieLeviticus 19:19 is pretty specific about that issue.
no! i wear a woven garment spun from a single piece of cloth, with tassels at the bottom, dyed blue! you point is?
It also seems scripture is clear on capital punishment also, yet the JW''s are as you put it, 'carefully neutral' on the issue. How can you be carefully neutral on one issue and not on another?
Originally posted by Proper Knobyes, but these edicts that were given to the nation of Israel in he form of the Mosaic law are now no longer binding on Christians, we are under a different 'covenant', or agreement.
Leviticus 19:19 is pretty specific about that issue.
It also seems scripture is clear on capital punishment also, yet the JW''s are as you put it, 'carefully neutral' on the issue. How can you be carefully neutral on one issue and not on another?
(Colossians 2:13-14) . . .. He kindly forgave us all our trespasses and blotted out the handwritten document against us, which consisted of decrees and which was in opposition to us; and He has taken it out of the way by nailing it to the torture stake.
therefore the Law that was binding upon the nation of Israel is now no longer effective upon Christians, although many of its principles remain. Please Noobster old son, if you could be straight with me, (no pun intended) i would appreciate it, for i have many games pending and i would like to give myself at least a chance in some of them.
Originally posted by Proper KnobNow I don't understand ole Rob - ya can't go to hell, 'cause there ain't none! And heaven ain't no picnic 'cause it's all work away from the family. You're just waiting to sprout again in the same soil - so God'll not tend his homo kids as well as the others? How do you, know, Rob? If'n the big boy said not to do it - what did he specify as the consequences? Durned if I don't think that livin' yer life a-hungerin' for a luv that ya couldn't have would be hell enuf for any God. What punishment could be worse? Do ya not believe in a hell 'cause yer tryin' to git us all a-wailing a-fore death? Cut yer brudder a little slack, man! It's the glittering rule!
Don't answer, found this watchtower website.
How can you keep from getting involved in homosexual practices?
First Throw all your anxieties upon Jehovah in prayer, confident that “he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7; Psalm 55:22) Jehovah can fortify you with a peace that “excels all thought.” This can ‘guard your heart and your mental powers’ and give ...[text shortened]... n elder, recalls: “His counsel was very effective. I wished I had spoken to him a lot earlier.”
Hatred does not stop hatred - only love can stop hatred.
Originally posted by TerrierJackhere is a scripture for you to meditate upon Jack!
Now I don't understand ole Rob - ya can't go to hell, 'cause there ain't none! And heaven ain't no picnic 'cause it's all work away from the family. You're just waiting to sprout again in the same soil - so God'll not tend his homo kids as well as the others? How do you, know, Rob? If'n the big boy said not to do it - what did he specify as the consequen he glittering rule!
Hatred does not stop hatred - only love can stop hatred.
(Romans 1:24-27) . . .Therefore God, in keeping with the desires of their hearts, gave them up to uncleanness, that their bodies might be dishonored among them, even those who exchanged the truth of God for the lie and venerated and rendered sacred service to the creation rather than the One who created, who is blessed forever. Amen. That is why God gave them up to disgraceful sexual appetites, for both their females changed the natural use of themselves into one contrary to nature; and likewise even the males left the natural use of the female and became violently inflamed in their lust toward one another, males with males, working what is obscene and receiving in themselves the full recompense, which was due for their error.
perhaps you would like to elucidate upon some of the points?
perhaps this may help
(2 Peter 2:17-19) . . .These are fountains without water, and mists driven by a violent storm, and for them the blackness of darkness has been reserved. For they utter swelling expressions of no profit, and by the desires of the flesh and by loose habits they entice those who are just escaping from people who conduct themselves in error. While they are promising them freedom, they themselves are existing as slaves of corruption. For whoever is overcome by another is enslaved by this one. . .
Originally posted by robbie carrobieLike most of the bible I find it totally incomprehensible. The only thing I can really make out of it is some kind of vague threat. What? Can't tell. I'm reasonably certain that the guy who wrote those lines was not filled with love but rather with a not too healthy obsession to dwell on the actions of others. It could be like many a religious nut from my part of the woods he himself entertained the thoughts he condemned. Since that book carries no weight at tall to me (other than as a door stop) then perhaps you can explain why I should pay any heed to the meaning you selectively pull from it?
here is a scripture for you to meditate upon Jack!
(Romans 1:24-27) . . .Therefore God, in keeping with the desires of their hearts, gave them up to uncleanness, that their bodies might be dishonored among them, even those who exchanged the truth of God for the lie and venerated and rendered sacred service to the creation rather than the One who ...[text shortened]... xisting as slaves of corruption. For whoever is overcome by another is enslaved by this one. . .