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Veracity of the Bible

Veracity of the Bible


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Originally posted by gaychessplayer
I once prayed this prayer: "God, please grant me the virtue of patience...RIGHT NOW!!" 🙂

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Originally posted by gaychessplayer
Please be respectful and polite and not refer to someone else's opinion as "incredibly child like ignorrance(sic)."

I think we can all "agree to disagree agreeably!"
You must be new here. You're in for a treat. Go ahead and be "nicer than Jesus" if you want to. As for me, imo, anyone that denies the existance of God in the face of reality is deluded.

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Point is: No, the bible is not written by god, it's not untainted by translations and the inevitable scholastic debating surrounding translation of an epic piece of literature spanning several languages and cultures. It's not untainted from political aspirations from both kings and bishops.

Which MSS negates the incarnation of God into the man Jesus Christ Who died and rose again to accomplish redemption?

Which translation is so tainted that it obscures one of these major themes:

1.) There is one God and Creator.
2.) He gave the Law of God to Israel.
3.) He sent His Son to accomplish redemption
4.) Jesus is the Son of God Who died a redemptive death
5.) Jesus is the Son of God Who was resurrected to be Lord of all
6.) Jesus will reign in the kingdom of God for eternity
7.) Those who believe in Christ receive forgiveness through His atoneing death.
8.) Christ gives the gift of eternal life to those who believe in Him.

Which "tainted translation" obscures one of these cardinal teachings of the Bible?

How does Luke's style which is different from Matthew's style which is in turn different from Mark's or John's style obscure any of these fundamental teachings?

How does the difference in the writing style of Moses and that of Joshua negate the existence of Yahweh?

How does the poetry of Proverbs, Ecclesiates, or Song of Songs render untruthful the history of First and Second Chronicles or First and Second Kings?

How does Paul's particular style which differs from Peter's and John's render the fact that Jesus is the resurrected and living Lord, not reliable.

Are you saying that it is impossible for God to communicate with man unless a book comes floating down from heaven untouched by human style?

Why does not the breadth of scope of the experience of the 40 or so different writers rather argue for the universality of the message?

Why does not the ancientness of the writing demonstrate to you instead that it has stood the test of TIME in its truth?

If the Bible were just written yesterday I'm afraid that many skeptic would complain that this is too modern. They would say it does not cover enough of the history of humanity or represent enough scope of human experience.

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Originally posted by josephw
You must be new here. You're in for a treat. Go ahead and be "nicer than Jesus" if you want to. As for me, imo, anyone that denies the existance of God in the face of reality is deluded.
I believe in the existence of God. Telling someone that they are "deluded" because they don't believe in God only makes a modicum of sense if you give the poor "deluded" soul a good argument for the existence of God. Calling them "deluded" and then not providing a good argument because they "wouldn't believe it anyway" is condescending. Instead of name calling, how about giving a good argument that we can all discuss?

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Originally posted by twhitehead
Just because you don't like it or don't believe it doesn't translate into 'holes'. His theory is a sound and valid today as it ever was and the core theory has not changed.
Whether or not you personally need to take a 'leap of faith' to believe it is irrelevant. There is no contradictory evidence and plenty of supporting evidence and no other reasonable competing theories, so it remains a valid scientific theory.
I'm not saying that Darwins theories are 100% wrong, he made significant contributions to science. But I would be to say it takes tremendous faith to believe that all of this (the world) happened by chance.

Thats like saying that if we through the exact amount of letters in one of Shakespeare's sonnets into a lake that eventually, given enough time they will float together into the same sonnet.

Evolution does happen, but not to the effect of humans evolved from single-celled organisms.

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Originally posted by jaywill

Point is: No, the bible is not written by god, it's not untainted by translations and the inevitable scholastic debating surrounding translation of an epic piece of literature spanning several languages and cultures. It's not untainted from political aspirations from both kings and bishops.
+++++++++++++++++ ver enough of the history of humanity or represent enough scope of human experience.
(...what did i do to make this appear in bold... i didn't want to.....)

Ok... Base your whole life in this dear book of yours. I base it in everyday reality I can experience whenever I want. Have you read Master and Marguerita, by Bulgakov? Yahweh's story really sounds to what really happened. A fantastic men that was an inspiration to whomever he spoke to that was elevated to a living god by the writings of some who were with them.
All this can be resumed to believing what other tells you AND what is written in the book. You can never live your life by yourself, and find your principles by yourself, you will always be dependent on your belief. I'm free, I only need myself and be able to interact with the whole world. At any time I can just make everything make sense by looking around.
I'm the one who's free. You are chained to your beliefs.

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Originally posted by gaychessplayer
I believe in the existence of God. Telling someone that they are "deluded" because they don't believe in God only makes a modicum of sense if you give the poor "deluded" soul a good argument for the existence of God. Calling them "deluded" and then not providing a good argument because they "wouldn't believe it anyway" is condescending. Instead of name calling, how about giving a good argument that we can all discuss?
IMO there is only one person you need to prove the exitance of God to, that is yourself. 1John chapter 4 tells us how we know of Gods existance. Those who have loved know God, for God is love. Yes even "athiests" know God, if they have ever loved anyone, or anything. Not my words, the bibles.

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I'm the one who's free. You are chained to your beliefs.

I would not like to trade places with you.

Eternal life is very free. The possibilities for enjoyment are infinite.

I'm free to enjoy God for eternity. That's pretty free.

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Originally posted by duecer
IMO there is only one person you need to prove the exitance of God to, that is yourself. 1John chapter 4 tells us how we know of Gods existance. Those who have loved know God, for God is love. Yes even "athiests" know God, if they have ever loved anyone, or anything. Not my words, the bibles.
I'm glad to note that you trust the Bible. That means that you now know that Christ is your Lord and Savior. Praise God!

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Originally posted by jaywill
I'm the one who's free. You are chained to your beliefs.

I would not like to trade places with you.

Eternal life is very free. The possibilities for enjoyment are infinite.

I'm free to enjoy God for eternity. That's pretty free.[/b]
I would not like to trade places with you. 😉

Well, I don’t know a lot about who you are; nor you me. Silly, anyway, to talk about trading places.

You might assume that you have something that I do not that makes your present existential situation somehow richer than mine; I, however, may very well hold a similar assumption—in reverse! So, neither one of us wants to trade places with the other. Good! Sad it would be if we did.

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Originally posted by jaywill
I'm the one who's free. You are chained to your beliefs.

I would not like to trade places with you.

Eternal life is very free. The possibilities for enjoyment are infinite.

I'm free to enjoy God for eternity. That's pretty free.[/b]
That's beautiful. You believe there's eternal life and TCHARAN, there it is. That's a huge lollipop to start believing gods. Every religion has it, but not enough for me. I would prefer to do research on cryogenics if I wanted to live forever. What a boredom... living forever would turn life meaningless. Everything you would do wouldn't matter... oh... but you would be loving your god all the time, so time would pass really quick, i forgot. That's a great plan!! You're real life in earth will be a bore and then you would have a even more boring eternal life. Don't want to change, sorry.

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Originally posted by gaychessplayer
I believe in the existence of God. Telling someone that they are "deluded" because they don't believe in God only makes a modicum of sense if you give the poor "deluded" soul a good argument for the existence of God. Calling them "deluded" and then not providing a good argument because they "wouldn't believe it anyway" is condescending. Instead of name calling, how about giving a good argument that we can all discuss?
Give it your best shot. Start a new thread with your best argument for the existence of God. I'll be looking forward to the debate.

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