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We Can Bring Christ Back



26 Feb 09
21 Feb 14
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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
It already does exist, Jesus in me! its all about me and my personal salvation!
Yes unfortunately the "me "philosophy has entered our world. Yes, me, me, me! Let "me" throw this out there, let us try some heavy faith.

It is written, "For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." Matt 16:25, Mark 8:35, Luke 9:24

What is truly our life? Is it our few years spent on earth? Is it this thing we call a body? (temple of the Holy Spirit). I think not, our life is the life we have with Christ, it is our life eternal and who we are in God's presence.

So again i say to you, let us try some heavy faith. I know Sonhouse, (from all his passion in these forums) I'm certain many here know him too. 'Father, I know you hear me, for you are always with me. I ask you Father to receive my gift. As of this moment, I relinquish my place in heaven and give it to Sonhouse.'

What is that too heavy for the me, me, me crowd! Yes, go chew on that for a while.

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03 Jan 13
21 Feb 14
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Originally posted by Rajk999
Careful now, Sonship is on the Council of God. You dont want to disagree with him.
Let me correct you yet again because you are lying and misrepresenting what I previously wrote weeks ago.

When I spoke of the counsels of God (and perhaps I wrote councils) I WROTE A SMALL c AND NOT A CAPITAL C .

What I communicated on this Forum was either the counsels of God or councils of God. Whichever it was, it was not a proper name of an official entity. And you are integrity challenged if you continue to say I said I was on some " Council of God " as if some official entity.

Stop your lying.

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03 Jan 13
21 Feb 14
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What this thread was to be about was the basic principles of spiritual warfare. I see now that the number comments from unbelievers makes the subject matter rather inappropriate to the audience which is doing most of the responding.

Its ok though.

I was naive to think that just maybe, just MAYBE, some seeking people might understand some of the basic principles of God and man coordination in spiritual warfare.

I think for my participation in my own thread here, I will henceforth take questions only from members of the household of the faith.

This is an inappropriate topic of discussion for those who have not come to know Christ. Those not subject to God's will would simply not understand anything about cooperating and coordinating with God's will .... yet.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
21 Feb 14
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Originally posted by sonship
Let me correct you yet [b]again because you are lying and misrepresenting what I previously wrote weeks ago.

When I spoke of the counsels of God (and perhaps I wrote councils) I WROTE A SMALL c AND NOT A CAPITAL C .

What I communicated on this Forum was either the counsels of God or councils of God. Whichever it was, it was not a proper n ...[text shortened]... I said I was on some " Council of God " as if some official entity.

Stop your lying.[/b]
I don't know if I'd accuse him of actually 'lying'.

'Making fun' is more like it, you know, sarcasm. I'm sure he'd tell you that 'making fun' of someone is way more Christian than 'lying'.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
21 Feb 14
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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
It already does exist, Jesus in me! its all about me and my personal salvation!
You should know all about Me-theism®, robbie. The 'registered trademark' is there because your corporation demands it. All we ever hear about is how damned awesome you all are.

Caninus Interruptus


11 Apr 07
21 Feb 14
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Originally posted by sonship
What this thread was to be about was the basic principles of spiritual warfare. I see now that the number comments from unbelievers makes the subject matter rather inappropriate to the audience which is doing most of the responding.

Its ok though.

I was naive to think that just maybe, just MAYBE, some seeking people might understand some of the b ...[text shortened]... ould simply not understand anything about cooperating and coordinating with God's will .... yet.
Hmm....I'm not sure there are any other "Spiritual Warriors" here. Suzi, maybe. Freak gets in that sort of mood, occasionally.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
21 Feb 14
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Originally posted by Rajk999
Me, Me. Me, Jaywill has been preaching that for almost a decade. I actually read where he wrote the following:
- no love is required
- sin does not matter

He is the polar opposite of Jesus Christ.

Plus he has a following. Lots of mindless sycophants continue to applaud him.
Ok, I give in. This might be considered actual 'lying'.

Yeah, 'mindless sycophants'. That's rich, coming from you.



04 Apr 04
21 Feb 14
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Originally posted by sonship
What this thread was to be about was the basic principles of spiritual warfare. I see now that the number comments from unbelievers makes the subject matter rather inappropriate to the audience which is doing most of the responding.

Its ok though.

I was naive to think that just maybe, just MAYBE, some seeking people might understand some of the b ...[text shortened]... ould simply not understand anything about cooperating and coordinating with God's will .... yet.
Nice one ....I will henceforth take questions only from members of the household of the faith.

I take it you have a list from the Council of God as to who these members are.

Im glad Im not included. You can keep your NoloveSinAllYouCanGimmeGimmeGimme Doctrine

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03 Jan 13
22 Feb 14
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Me-theism is an interesting phrase. But no one can accuse the New Testament Gospel of being to self centered or "Me-thiesm".

First Corinthians 13 speaks of the excellent way of Christian love and it is not selfish. This is the expression of the divine Spirit of Christ when allowed to flow out unhindered. He is not selfish and the result is not "Me-theism."

" Love suffers long. Love is kind; it is not jealous. Love does not brag and is not puffed up.

It does not behave unbecomingly and does not seek its own things; it is not provoked and does not take account of evil;

It does not rejoice because of unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth;

It covers all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Love never falls away. But whether prophecies, they will be rendered useless; or tongues, they will cease; or knowledge, it will be rendered useless.

... Now there abide faith, hope, love, these three; and the greatest of these is love."
(See all of First Corinthians 13)

So the charge of Me-theism is really antithetical the proper teaching of faith in Christ, hope in God, and love vertically towards the Father and horizontally towards man.

Caninus Interruptus


11 Apr 07
22 Feb 14
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Originally posted by sonship
Me-theism is an interesting phrase. But no one can accuse the New Testament Gospel of being to self centered or "Me-thiesm".

First Corinthians 13 speaks of the excellent way of Christian love and it is not selfish. This is the expression of the divine Spirit of Christ when allowed to flow out unhindered. He is not selfish and the result is not "Me-theis ...[text shortened]... ith in Christ, hope in God, and love vertically towards the Father and horizontally towards man.
See, that's what's great about the Bible. It's got something for every mood. When you need to sound magnanimous, you quote verses like these.



04 Apr 04
22 Feb 14
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Originally posted by SwissGambit
See, that's what's great about the Bible. It's got something for every mood. When you need to sound magnanimous, you quote verses like these.
Not too long ago he quoted :

Rom 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

.. then he said "See ??.. NO LOVE IS REQUIRED. You dont have to love God or love your neighbour, and you are saved eternally .

He did a similar thing with sin .. See?? Sin is no big deal

How people get caught up with these deceitful charlatans when Christ says the opposite, is beyond me.

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03 Jan 13
22 Feb 14
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Originally posted by SwissGambit
See, that's what's great about the Bible. It's got something for every mood. When you need to sound magnanimous, you quote verses like these.
It contains wisdom for many of the realistic situations human beings find themselves in.

The particular passage I spoke of had a specific background. That is spiritual people who in their quest for spirituality, are competitive and contention with each other in a self centered way.

This is similar to the 10 disciples being angry with James and John because they privately sought to be guaranteed a position on the left and right of Jesus in His coming kingdom.

Spiritual people can be competitive, which is a contradiction, because Christ came laying down His life for those He loved.

Why should not the Bible be versatile ?

Why should not God furnish people in a multitude of situations with examples of the fitting wisdom for the situation ?

This is what I mean by "damned if you do, damned if you don't". If God's word contained only a few chapters with limited application, I bet you'd be one of the first to complain how irrelevant it was to the majority of us.

If it contains a wealth of many applications, then you complain that we can just pick up anything matching our mood.

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03 Jan 13
22 Feb 14
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Originally posted by Rajk999
Not too long ago he quoted :

.. then he said "See ??.. NO LOVE IS REQUIRED. You dont have to love God or love your neighbour, and you are saved eternally .

He did a similar thing with sin .. See?? Sin is no big deal

How people get caught up with these deceitful charlatans when Christ says the opposite, is beyond me.
Here comes Rajk999 again with his ONE NOTE piano.

Concerning being saved:

Rom 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

Concerning how to live after being saved there are many other portions of the Bible.



04 Apr 04
22 Feb 14

Originally posted by sonship
Here comes Rajk999 again with his ONE NOTE piano.

Concerning being saved:

[b] Rom 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

Concerning how to live after being saved there are many other portions of the Bible.[/b]
Can you provide a reference for that part

.. live after being saved..

Im sure you made that up.

Christ said love God and your neighbour as yourself gives eternal life.
He said nothing about get saved first, then there is a way to live after being saved.

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03 Jan 13
22 Feb 14
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Originally posted by Rajk999
Can you provide a reference for that part

[b] .. live after being saved..

Im sure you made that up.

Christ said love God and your neighbour as yourself gives eternal life.
He said nothing about get saved first, then there is a way to live after being saved.[/b]
Do you EVER get on any other subject besides Arminian justification by works ?

I'll answer your question directly only after you apologize to Suzzanne for your insult towards her. You insinuated that she was a sycophant. You said some highly offensive things in that post.

I am willing to forgive you. But unless you apologize to Suzzanne I feel absolutely no obligation to clarify anything to you, for you.

You said:

Plus he has a following. Lots of mindless sycophants continue to applaud him.

I don't need your apology to me. I think you should apologize to Suzzanne.

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