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What made you want to become an Athiest?

What made you want to become an Athiest?



Originally posted by twhitehead
Says the guy who thinks the earth is flat.
Says the guy who cannot prove otherwise.


Originally posted by FreakyKBH
Says the guy who cannot prove otherwise.
Proving the Earth is spherical[ish] to any even remotely rational person is trivial.

Proving anything to a totally irrational and self deluded moron, who denies even the evidence of their
own eyes, is next to impossible.

This says nothing about our ability to prove the Earth's shape, and everything about that moron.

You are that pathetic and irrational moron.

I have literally walked along structures long enough to visibly see Earth's curvature,
I have seen the curve from high altitude with my eyes and in many pictures,
I see regularly ships disappear over the horizon hull first as can only happen on a curved Earth,
I know engineers who have to take the curve into account when building structures [bridges for example],
I know that the sun rises and sets at different times around the globe in a manner impossible on anything
but a globe,
I know the physics that determines that this shape is the only one possible for a planet,
We send satellites and people into orbit around the Earth and out into the Solar System,
The world has been known to be a globe since the ancient Greeks and the evidence for it is so overwhelming
and so obvious that only those both deeply ignorant and deeply stupid have claimed otherwise for hundreds
of years at least.

However, to accept [or even understand] this evidence first requires a level of rationality and education as well
as both the ability and desire to follow that evidence. Without that nothing can be shown or said that will be
accepted as proof, because the person being shown the proof cannot or will not understand it.

There is nothing anyone can say or do that can penetrate your self imposed ignorance and smug self-satisfied
stupidity. So all that is left to do is either to ignore, or mock you, depending on the mood.
I cannot fault any who choose either path.


Incidentally Suzianne.... That is what it looks like when I actually think someone is stupid [and also vile]
and what it looks like when I despise a person... I don't insinuate, I flat out tell them.
I you merely THINK I was calling you stupid, I wasn't doing so... I don't leave people in any doubt when I
dislike [despise in Freaky's case] them.


Originally posted by googlefudge
Proving the Earth is spherical[ish] to any even remotely rational person is trivial.

Proving anything to a totally irrational and self deluded moron, who denies even the evidence of their
own eyes, is next to impossible.

This says nothing about our ability to prove the Earth's shape, and everything about that moron.

You are that pathetic and i ...[text shortened]... ng so... I don't leave people in any doubt when I
dislike [despise in Freaky's case] them.[/i]
Proving the Earth is spherical[ish] to any even remotely rational person is trivial.
And yet you will fail miserably.
Probably proof of your irrationality, but let's not jump to conclusions.
I'll let you set your own trap, son.

Proving anything to a totally irrational and self deluded moron, who denies even the evidence of their own eyes, is next to impossible.
Well, maybe you're not as irrational as originally thought.

You are that pathetic and irrational moron.
QED, son.

I have literally walked along structures long enough to visibly see Earth's curvature,
By all means: present your proof.

I have seen the curve from high altitude with my eyes and in many pictures,
Again, present your proof.

I... I... I...
Since it is so trivial of a matter, each of your claims (which have otherwise been proven repeatedly to be wrong) ought to be easily referenced with proof.
I'm not going out on much of a limb to assert what I have been saying since first putting this topic out: you have nothing.

How you feel about me is of literally zero consequence.
That you consider it noteworthy only reveals how much you regard me as your obvious superior.

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