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Where did your god come from?

Where did your god come from?


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Originally posted by wolfgang59
Such apathy! It seems endemic amongst the fundamentalists!

No interest in god?
No, I am just content about this subject. I will learn and understand in the afterlife.

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Originally posted by RBHILL
No, I am just content about this subject. I will learn and understand in the afterlife.
Not interested now?

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Originally posted by Great King Rat
As far as I'm aware cancer treatments, the dangers of virusses and bacteria and how to build a house (or at least somekind of shelter) are amongst the many things not mentioned in the bible.

These are all things we don't need to know? Should we find out about them along the way, fine, but there's no need to know.

Whereas knowing the relationship between Enoch and Lamech, is vital.

Is that it?
When I was in the military, I was given a Top Secret security clearance with special access to certain compartmented information. I was not given access to all Top Secret information, because I did not have a "need to know" about all of it to perform my job.

That is it, according to ...

The Moron

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Originally posted by RJHinds
When I was in the military, I was given a Top Secret security clearance with special access to certain compartmented information.
Of course you were .........................

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Originally posted by RJHinds
When I was in the military, I was given a Top Secret security clearance with special access to certain compartmented information. I was not given access to all Top Secret information, because I did not have a "need to know" about all of it to perform my job.

That is it, according to ...

The Moron
Yes, I'm sure you were the expert when it came to fetching coffee and cookies, but how's that relevant here??

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Originally posted by stellspalfie
'god doesnt exist' is a true statement, so he's on solid ground, but if i catch him saying 'santa doesnt exist' during december ill be taking his fudgy ar se down.....as its 'i think santa doesnt exist' for a four week period only.
Oh, don't worry. I wouldn't dream of saying Santa doesn't exist during the holidays...

I call him Father Christmas.


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Originally posted by googlefudge
Don't forget all those important rules for knowing how to keep your slaves...

Those are really vital.
The Bible has that information also?? Is there no limit to the usefulness of The Big Book? I must get myself a copy.

One wonders though how mankind managed to survive all those years before the bible arrived. Sheer dumb luck, probably.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
When I was in the military, I was given a Top Secret security clearance with special access to certain compartmented information. I was not given access to all Top Secret information, because I did not have a "need to know" about all of it to perform my job.

That is it, according to ...

The Moron
In the military, 'secret' clearances are not that hard to come by. My dad had a higher clearance than most (dunno if it was 'Top Secret', but it was something serious he never talked about) when he was in the military; we had a couple of serious-looking, uniformed guys show up one day to talk to my dad and to look around. I would guess it depends on what you do, and how long you've been doing it, but they do assume that most people in the military care about their country and won't blab if they're told not to blab certain info.

The Washington Post did an interesting article on the explosive growth of National Security in America. For example, it reports that over 854,000 people now have 'Top Secret' clearance in the United States, more than 1.5 times the population of Washington, D.C.


Originally posted by googlefudge
So do you think we don't have a need to get better at treating disease and making life
on earth better, longer, and healthier?
Yeah, I think we do, but this is a condition of the times we live in.

But also, I don't think one should be looking towards the Bible for that information, even despite the fact that man lived much, much longer early in the Book of Genesis. Do you?

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Originally posted by googlefudge
Proven beyond a reasonable doubt is what I am saying, just for clarity.

And I am more than willing to discuss how it can be proven, but you run
away from that kind of debate.
When you start those discussions, you end up running away from logic, saying things like 'reasonable doubt', so no, it just ends up sounding wishy-washy.

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Originally posted by Agerg
Can you prove that he doesn't have a proof?
Logically, if he did, we would have seen it by now.


Originally posted by googlefudge
Wa, hey up there...

She doesn't need to prove I don't have proof, it's up to me to prove that I do
as it's me making the claim.

No here problem is that she's claiming that it's not possible that I have proof.
That claim requires justification.
Simple. My justification is that 'God exists'. So, yes, it is not possible you have a proof that 'God does not exist'.

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Originally posted by Great King Rat
As far as I'm aware cancer treatments, the dangers of virusses and bacteria and how to build a house (or at least somekind of shelter) are amongst the many things not mentioned in the bible.

These are all things we don't need to know? Should we find out about them along the way, fine, but there's no need to know.

Whereas knowing the relationship between Enoch and Lamech, is vital.

Is that it?
Well, no, that's not it.

Using the examples you put forth. Everyone knew how to build a house, presumably they learned it from their parents or relatives. Cancer was unknown in the Bible. Viruses and bacteria were unknown in the Bible. And I mean unknown to man in general. The Bible, written as it was thousands of years ago, is not the place to look for this information. The Bible was written to tell the story of the Hebrews, and to tell us about Christ, who he was and why we should accept Him. This is what we 'need' to know. All the rest we can glean from other sources.

Sure, the Bible could have been laid out like Nostradamus' prophecies, but that would have made it an object to be hidden away by the rich, and not used daily by the common people as was intended. Knowing the greed of man, that would also make the purpose of the Bible fall by the wayside as people would be more interested in these prophecies and knowing the future. No, it is what it is, and that is entirely by design. Making the Bible into some kind of 'Book of Secrets' would have spoiled its intent and muddled up its real message.


Originally posted by Suzianne
Yeah, I think we do, but this is a condition of the times we live in.

But also, I don't think one should be looking towards the Bible for that information, even despite the fact that man lived much, much longer early in the Book of Genesis. Do you?
Yes in fairy tales people lived much longer lives in the past.

In reality the average lifespan used to be a helluva lot lower in the past than it is now.

And nobody has ever lived 150 years... let alone 900.

And no I don't think we should be looking to the bible for useful information.

What I was pointing out is that it is wrong to claim that everything we NEED to know
is in the bible. And there is plenty we really don't need to know, or is wrong in the bible.

In fact I don't know of anything we need to know that is in the bible that we didn't know
already anyway.

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Originally posted by Suzianne
Simple. My justification is that 'God exists'. So, yes, it is not possible you have a proof that 'God does not exist'.
So you are convinced that god exists and thus their cannot be evidence that god doesn't exist...

Yeah, the world doesn't work like that.

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