Originally posted by josephwOf course I don't know. Neither do you or anyone else.
amannion doesn't know what happens after you die. Unless he has died and come back. 😉
You hope that you are reborn into some cloud world of happiness and love and angels.
I could think of nothing worse, but I hope for nothing. I expect that there is nothing and I no longer exist.
Originally posted by amannion>>>I expect that there is nothing and I no longer exist<<<
Of course I don't know. Neither do you or anyone else.
You hope that you are reborn into some cloud world of happiness and love and angels.
I could think of nothing worse, but I hope for nothing. I expect that there is nothing and I no longer exist.
As if Life isn't
You will ALWAYS be in eternity, and can do nothing about that
Originally posted by tacoandlettuceBelieve what you will.
>>>I expect that there is nothing and I no longer exist<<<
As if Life isn't
You will ALWAYS be in eternity, and can do nothing about that
I know at death I will cease to exist.
That's a bummer, but it's a fate that I share with all life on Earth, so I feel a sense of calm about the impending end. And of course I can work to hold that moment off as long as possible, and make my time here on Earth useful.
If you want to believe a fairy story to make you sleep better at night feel free.
Originally posted by tacoandlettuceWhat amazes me is that you continue to string words together that make no sense. For example, what the hell does this mean?
What amazes me is you rather not know you are intelligent.
I know I'm intelligent?
I don't know I'm intelligent?
I'd rather not know I'm intelligent?
I have no idea. Not only do you post every 5 seconds in every thread, but rarely do you string a coherent sentence together.
Is English your first language? Maybe there's an explanation for your moronic statements ...