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whore of babylon?

whore of babylon?


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Originally posted by TerrierJack
I hope that William Faulkner was right. But everyday I am confronted by people like jaywill who convince me that he must have been wrong and they will finally achieve the fulfillment of their prophecy. Unfortunately I think they confuse a dead and lifeless planet with the "kingdom of peace." Is it a defect of character that makes them eagerly look forwar ...[text shortened]... the profile of serial killers. Poor brain-damaged humans - we may not be equipped to survive.
Say some more about Faulkner and Flannery O'Conner.

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The Harlot is in juxtapositon to the Bride.

The Harlot is in contrast to the Wife of Christ New Jerusalem.

So she must be something claiming the status of the Wife yet NOT ACKNOWLEDGED by God.

The name Babylon should be important in the consideration. One has to consider what Babylon meant to God's people in the Old Testament.

Essentially, when they SHOULD have been in the promise land instead they were carried away captive into Babylon. God says "Come out of her my people". So His redeemed and chosen people are apparently there. But He calls them to come out.

Babylon as a symbol in Revelation should have something to do with a PARALLEL situation in church history. God's people, scattered, confused, held captive in a state of mixture, idolatry, flirting with the world politics, immensly wealthy, and claiming a close relationship with Christ which He does not acknowledge as legitimate.

Furthermore, furthermore, God does not judge her directly. He uses Antichrist to judge her. He puts it into the minds of the political leaders to hate her, burn her with fire, make her naked, rid themselves of her.

Here's what I think it means - Antichrist will come along and destroy Christianity starting with the Catholic Church. The world politics will probably decide that they need that great wealth. And they are tired of commiting fornication with this Harlot in religious / political alliances.

The ANITY is destroyed. He cannot destroy the kingdom people.

Antichrist destroys apostate Christiandom. Christ destroys Antichrist. And the kingdom of the world becomes the kingdom of Christ and God.

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Originally posted by jaywill
The Harlot is in juxtapositon to the Bride.

The Harlot is in contrast to the Wife of Christ [b]New Jerusalem

So she must be something claiming the status of the Wife yet NOT ACKNOWLEDGED by God.

The name Babylon should be important in the consideration. One has to consider what Babylon meant to God's people in the Old Testament.

E ...[text shortened]... e kingdom of the world becomes the kingdom of Christ and God.

Don't miss all the fun ![/b]
Antichrist destroys apostate Christiandom. Christ destroys Antichrist. And the kingdom of the world becomes the kingdom of Christ and God.

So it was lie a when Jesus said 'I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it.'

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Originally posted by Conrau K
[b] Antichrist destroys apostate Christiandom. Christ destroys Antichrist. And the kingdom of the world becomes the kingdom of Christ and God.

So it was lie a when Jesus said 'I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it.'[/b]
Good question.

Absolutely not. That is one prophecy that MUST be fulfilled and is.

These symbols in Revelation stand for the overcoming saints,

The Firstfruits (ch.14)
The Harvest (ch.14)
The universal bright women (ch.10)
The New Jerusalem (21,22)

The seven lampstands (2,3)

The late overcomers on the sea of glass (ch.15)

All these symbols refer to Christ's saints and in most cases they prevail. They may have to pass through tribulations to do so.

No. no, no . The church as a living entity will not be defeated. The spiritually dead mixture will be sifted out. This is of God to do this sifting.

We do not have to wait for it.

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Originally posted by jaywill
Good question.

Absolutely not. That is one prophecy that MUST be fulfilled and is.

These symbols in Revelation stand for the overcoming saints,

The Firstfruits (ch.14)
The Harvest (ch.14)
The universal bright women (ch.10)
The New Jerusalem (21,22)

The seven lampstands (2,3)

The late overcomers on the sea of glass (ch.15)

A ...[text shortened]... xture will be sifted out. This is of God to do this sifting.

We do not have to wait for it.
We do not have to wait for it.

So you believe that this 'sifting' is imminent?

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Originally posted by jaywill
The Harlot is in juxtapositon to the Bride.

The Harlot is in contrast to the Wife of Christ [b]New Jerusalem

So she must be something claiming the status of the Wife yet NOT ACKNOWLEDGED by God.

The name Babylon should be important in the consideration. One has to consider what Babylon meant to God's people in the Old Testament.

E ...[text shortened]... st destroys Antichrist. And the kingdom of the world becomes the kingdom of Christ and God.[/b]
But isn't it interesting that men have a Madonna-whore complex?

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Originally posted by jaywill
Peace will never reign whilst there is religion.

Take away religion from humanity then you will get peace.

I thought that is what I said.

Can't get rid of God and Christ. That is not religion. That is God and Christ.[/b]

The planet appeared to get along quite well without God and Christ for
millions of years. Then we come along and it all goes to pot.

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Originally posted by kirksey957
But isn't it interesting that men have a Madonna-whore complex?

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Originally posted by jaywill
The Harlot is in juxtapositon to the Bride.

The Harlot is in contrast to the Wife of Christ [b]New Jerusalem

So she must be something claiming the status of the Wife yet NOT ACKNOWLEDGED by God.

The name Babylon should be important in the consideration. One has to consider what Babylon meant to God's people in the Old Testament.

E ...[text shortened]... st destroys Antichrist. And the kingdom of the world becomes the kingdom of Christ and God.[/b]
Quick question.

How much of your interpretation of Revelation do you think is about 100% correct?

If its not 100% correct, roughly how close do you think you are to unravelling the mysteries of Revelation?

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Originally posted by kirksey957
Say some more about Faulkner and Flannery O'Conner.
I know very little of Flannery O'Connor (have only read some shorts) found her a little moralistic for my tastes - but don't understand your reference. Have read Faulkner and was referring to the Nobel Prize address where he said, "I believe that man will not merely endure: he will prevail." I find that so hard to believe with the big rock coming, the earth's well running dry, the skies filling with noxious gases, and the ice melting away.

Not to mention the small minded little cretins who endlessly rub their paws together in anticipation of the ego-affirming apocalypse that they hope will confirm once and for all the bottomless hatred they feel for their fellow humans. Would even one them offer to take your place in hell? Is there an ounce of compassion in their twisted minds? Today I saw the apocalypse on a clip from Iran where a teenage girl was shot thru the heart by religious thugs and grown men crouched over her desperately trying to staunch the blood that bubbled from not just from the metal-fashioned gash in her too young body but also every pore and they just could not do it. They could not stop her life from rushing out into the barren street. The world ended then and anything beyond that moment is just the putrifaction of our already lifeless flesh.

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Originally posted by Conrau K
[b]We do not have to wait for it.

So you believe that this 'sifting' is imminent?[/b]
Whenever we turn from the self and turn to the Lord Jesus some sifting goes on. So we need to log more and more time doing it so that He can fill up our souls.

When the rapture of those who are watching and ready occurs the believers left on the earth will realize that the great tribulation is upon them.

The minority are taken in an early rapture. The majority are caught off guard and are left to pass through the great tribulation under the persecution of Antichrist.

That will be a catalyst to turn all the Christians from loving the world to realize that there is nothing here for them. That is a ripening process. That is a sifting process.

If we cooperate with the Lord Jesus to drop the love of the world before that time we have already learned the lesson. If we have not learned being left on earth to pass through the great tribulation will be God's mechanism to help with the maturation process.

I do not want to be here during that time. But one thing is crystal clear to me. Rapture is conditional upon being ready and watching. So it will be selective. Most of the Christians do not know this. They have been given a false teaching that rapture is automatic and that spiritual condition is not relevant to it.

But if you look at all of the passages about rapture they are all in the flavor of a warning to be ready and not caught off guard.

"Because you have kept the word of My endurance, I also will keep you out of the hour of trial, which is about to come on the whole inhabited earth, to try them who dwell on the earth." (Rev. 3:10)

"If therefore you will not watch, I will come as a thief, and you shall by no mean know at what hour I will come upon you." (Rev. 3:3)

These verses are spoken to Christians. These verses are all a promise based upon conditions that Christians have a responsibility to heed.

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Originally posted by TerrierJack
I know very little of Flannery O'Connor (have only read some shorts) found her a little moralistic for my tastes - but don't understand your reference. Have read Faulkner and was referring to the Nobel Prize address where he said, "I believe that man will not merely endure: he will prevail." I find that so hard to believe with the big rock coming, the ea hen and anything beyond that moment is just the putrifaction of our already lifeless flesh.
You (and your posts) are living proof that hatred is not limited to the religious.

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Originally posted by Rajk999
You (and your posts) are living proof that hatred is not limited to the religious.
Sounds like your projecting there, ace. What did I say that was hatred? Hit a little too close to your conscience?

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Originally posted by TerrierJack
I know very little of Flannery O'Connor (have only read some shorts) found her a little moralistic for my tastes - but don't understand your reference. Have read Faulkner and was referring to the Nobel Prize address where he said, "I believe that man will not merely endure: he will prevail." I find that so hard to believe with the big rock coming, the ea ...[text shortened]... hen and anything beyond that moment is just the putrifaction of our already lifeless flesh.
I'm not a big advocate of hope..but I'm sure there is hope.
By the way in his origonal post jaywill did make a distinction between world and earth.
Still I have to agree with most of your comments on the matter

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Originally posted by karoly aczel
I'm not a big advocate of hope..but I'm sure there is hope.
By the way in his origonal post jaywill did make a distinction between world and earth.
Still I have to agree with most of your comments on the matter
And just to amplify - I'm not advocating hate - where did I say I hated anything or anyone? When I said we weren't equipped for survival I meant that literally. I suspect that it is all just brain function. It is within our power to prepare for the big rock and to live in harmony with the earth. If we don't do it then it is obviously because we are just defective. If enough people think it is impossible to survive and just want to wait for the eventual destruction in the hope that they will be spared then I'm sure it will come - you just might not be spared 'cause it could be the guy you think is the apostate is actually the one who is right. Of course if you're mentally defective that thought might never occur to you! In any case you're making it clear you don't really care about the rest of us - again a common enough human defect (and please I'm NOT saying that I'm somehow not human and am above all this - you and I are not different.) I'm just asking if you think your children are worth you trying? Or, are you just happy to sit smugly waiting? (If you are, I don't hate you, I pity our children because they deserve better than us.)

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