14 Feb 21
Currently you are repeatedly asking versions of the same question and repeatedly ignoring my answers. Are you aware you are doing that?
I am aware that you cannot admit that you don't know, other than regurgitating scientism's dogmas.
"Take it on faith that that is the way it is" seems to be what you are saying.
You see I ADMIT that I have a faith. No problem.
You have one too but think its something else.
Now some people may be interested what the Bible says about marriage and why God built a woman out of a rib of Adam.
No hurry. You have every right to present your religion here.
Who wants anything to SURVIVE anyway?
@sonship saidIf ancient Hebrew folklore and supernatural conjecture make you feel comfortable because it gives you a purpose and plan to believe in, that's all well and good. But it does not create any credible imperative to subscribe to the same aspirations and certainties that you need in order to to feel comfortable.
Are you more comfortable being with no purpose and according to no plan?
14 Feb 21
@sonship saidCuriosity is part and parcel of the human condition. People turning to various religious traditions that they feel offer narratives that satisfy their curiosity is part and parcel of the human condition. If you are worried about being "unscientific" about this, maybe two disciplines to look at are anthropology and psychology.
@Ghost-of-a-DukeDoes it matter?
Yea. What? People are not suppose to be curious?
How unscientific.
14 Feb 21
@sonship saidAccording to the ideology that you propagate here, the human race evolved as a species so that your God figure could inflict grotesque, vengeful, neverending violence on most of them for their religious beliefs or lack thereof.
Anybody want to explain why we evolved as a species?
Curiosity is part and parcel of the human condition.
That's interesting. Why is curiosity part and parcel of the human condition?
People turning to various religious traditions that they feel offer narratives that satisfy their curiosity is part and parcel of the human condition.
That's right, like belief in multiverses, parallel worlds, abiogenesis, reincarnation (with a scientific flare maybe), advanced civilizations with flying saucers out there, lifeless rock to living human evolution, materialism, etc.
If you are worried about being "unscientific" about this, maybe two disciplines to look at are anthropology and psychology.
You mean chemistry don't you? In an atheistic naturalistic world all psychology would actually just boil down to chemistry.
And anthropology is often too given to specie-ism tending to unduly elevate humans over other organisms - a kind of racism favoring humans. Who said people are the "higher" living organisms on the planet. Anthropology can display an undue self arrogance toward humans over other animals.
Have you considered the tapeworm?
Why not put cockroaches at the pinnacle of living things on the planet?
@sonship saidThis is [1] surely a metaphor, right? There is no reason to take it literally, is there? And [2] it is also surely a metaphor whose purpose is to underpin the social order and gender relations that the people who wrote it, in the context of their times, believed in and wanted to perpetuate, yes?
God created Adam. And from Adam's living body he extracted a rib and built from that living material his wife - Eve. This simple picture I think is a window in the very meaning of human life and purpose.
15 Feb 21
@sonship saidWell, the inferiority and/or superiority of human beings with regard to other creatures plays itself out in various ways and to varying degrees in the world we live in.
And anthropology is often too given to specie-ism tending to unduly elevate humans over other organisms - a kind of racism humans. Who said people are the "higher" living organisms on the planet. Anthropology can display an undue self arrogance toward humans over other animals.
Anthropology is "the study of human beings and their ancestors through time and space and in relation to physical character, environmental and social relations, and culture" [wiki]. For "the scientific study of the behavior, structure, physiology, classification, and distribution of animals", that's zoology.
Arguing that anthropology is "arrogance" doesn't make any sense to be.
Because of our consciousness and our capacity for abstract thought.
Then abstract thought was absent for millions of years in animals.
How come all of a sudden ( on a relative scale) there was a need for it?
What is in this program of evolution that makes arrival at abstract thought a necessity?
Rocks were unconscious for billions of years. How come the material universe had a need for consciousness to emerge somehow?
@sonship saidWhy would I? This has to be one of the most peculiar straw man arguments ever. Is it your religious beliefs that prevent you from putting "cockroaches at the pinnacle of living things on the planet"?
Why not put cockroaches at the pinnacle of living things on the planet?