Originally posted by WulebgrCould just be a spiritual battle ground, and the prizes all hang out
I believe art is its own justification.
On the other hand, I've noticed that in my fair city, the prostitutes tend to hang out in the neighborhoods where some of the oldest churches are located. I've often wondered what these buildings contribute to the rise of poverty and crime.
in the same area from time to time.
Originally posted by dale21Were there witnesses to this contract? Who told Guido Fawkes to try to try to blow up the British Parliament. Sorry but I don't subscribe to voices. Many artists say they paint God's will.... it's their passion getting the better of them.
Didnt God ask king solomon to build a grand temple in jerusalem, of Gold and bronze and ivory, and marble. Very ornate.
If kings and authority have grand places why not the greatest authority in the universe, i.e God.
Solomon just wanted people to stick by him.. big church big following... still the same today.. Did Jesus want a church? No he just went to a hill and people walked miles, the infirm the sick the poor and rich, just for a glimse of him.
ps.. I drove miles, walked miles and stood the rain for 6 hours to watch Bruce Springsteen but he's not the messiah.