Originally posted by AThousandYoungBut he wasn't fascist. He may have been evil, but he was not fascist. He may have been totalitarian, ultra-Right, and theocratic, but he was not fascist. And many flags in the Muslim world have religious symbols: the crescent, for example. Hezbollah's flag has "God is great" on it; Hezbollah is not fascist, in fact, it heavily opposes fascism in Lebanon and "Israel."
The Baath Party and Hussein are and were openly Muslim. Hussein decreed that "God is Great" should be put on the national flag!
Originally posted by FMFI live on tropical island paradise ..beautiful beaches, fantastic weather, . Plus we have democracy religious freedom, decent standard of living ... the works. You think the world gives a rats ass about that when a retired Swedish couple got murdered, a American tourist was raped, a German woman's throat was slit, and Queen Latifa was robbed .. in the last couple months?
... The Islamophobes here at RHP bristle with their bug jars full of horrible atrocities and sweeping generalizations based on the worst cases they can find in depraved corners of the world. ....
The world is interested in your worst .. not in this "... Indonesia is perhaps a paradigm of moderate Islam in action ... " garbage.
Originally posted by Rajk999Oh, so the 9/11 terrorists were from Indonesia now?
I live on tropical island paradise ..beautiful beaches, fantastic weather, . Plus we have democracy religious freedom, decent standard of living ... the works. You think the world gives a rats ass about that when a retired Swedish couple got murdered, a American tourist was raped, a German woman's throat was slit, and Queen Latifa was robbed .. in the last c ...[text shortened]... this "... Indonesia is perhaps a paradigm of moderate Islam in action ... " garbage.
Originally posted by FMFI would turn most of that back on you - for that is how I perceive you.
Ah at last we get to the bottom of it. You have been getting the wrong end of the stick all along. I have not been trying to "convince" you of anything of the sort. The Islamophobes here at RHP bristle with their bug jars full of horrible atrocities and sweeping generalizations based on the worst cases they can find in depraved corners of the world. Meanwhile, I fair game for relentless and humorless personal abuse. You really are an odd fellow.
You dismissed Darfur when you should have simply addressed it.
Again, the question is a lot broader than Indonesia's "paradigm of modern Islam in action." A blueprint for whose future?
Perceptions, not facts are at work here.
While you categorize everyone who addresses the question posed as your opponent, you skew the debate towards a discussion of Indonesia -- and refuse to engage on anything, relentlessly, until you make merely toying with you the only option.
When someone simplifies or encapsulates a complex issue and you disagree -- then something other than your refusal to engage on the merits might be in order.
In the absence of same, I've chosen to jerk your chain -- as it really seems to get something funny out of you, even if you can't see it.
Of course you see it as humorless personal abuse -- but if others agreed, I'd be hearing about it. Quite the reverse -- so if you want to stop being the butt of jokes, stop being a horse behind and loosen up already.
I've already told you umpteen times that Muslims in general clearly should not be held responsible for the crimes or atrocities of the few criminals and those using Islam as cover for political terrorism, etc. I know, live near to, associate with, work with too many Muslims to take any such proposition holding their religion accountable for the nutcakes among them to be representative of the whole.
but it does not good to tell you that, because either you don't want to hear it, cannot hear it, or it doesn't fit your agenda.
you don't even recognize agreement when you get it.
Talk about odd fellows -- gee, maybe we ought to form a club?
Originally posted by Rajk999Queen Latifa was robbed? You mean other than not getting an Oscar?
I live on tropical island paradise ..beautiful beaches, fantastic weather, . Plus we have democracy religious freedom, decent standard of living ... the works. You think the world gives a rats ass about that when a retired Swedish couple got murdered, a American tourist was raped, a German woman's throat was slit, and Queen Latifa was robbed .. in the last c ...[text shortened]... this "... Indonesia is perhaps a paradigm of moderate Islam in action ... " garbage.
where was this? when? outrageous -- long live the Queen!!!!
Love that woman, I does. ....
Originally posted by scherzoScriabin admits that when I raise a topic he himself is not interested in, becoming personally abusive is "the only option" he feels he has. So the 'problem', whatever it may be, is clearly at his end and not mine.
He does that sometimes ... don't take it personally.
Scriabin: you skew the debate towards a discussion of Indonesia -- and refuse to engage on anything, relentlessly, until you make merely toying with you the only option.
Originally posted by Rajk999So your answer to the question 'why does everyone hate Muslims so much?' is 'I just hate Muslims, that's all there is to it and anything that isn't in the service of my hatred is "garbage"'?
The world is interested in your worst .. not in this "... Indonesia is perhaps a paradigm of moderate Islam in action ... " garbage.
Originally posted by FMFsuch a sensitive little boy we have here -- did Momsy fail to love him?
What a mealy mouthed post. Your personally abusive style obfuscates the points you try to make. Your demeanour in the last few pages of this thread has been nadiresque.
why not take your thumb out of your mouth and address the issues -- and if you can't take the abuse, go somewhere else. No one will miss you.
tell us again why the population of Indonesia has anything to do with the negative perceptions many non-muslims have about muslims.
can baby do even that without curling into the fetal posiiton and whining?
Originally posted by scherzoyou can take it personally, if you like. Wish I knew who that IDF officer you complain about was -- gee, maybe they're checking the outgoing IP addresses to see where they can find you, either where you pretend you are in the Mid East, or where you probably really are, somewhere in Ohio.
He does that sometimes ... don't take it personally.
Either way, keep it up, kiddo, you've got quite a fantasy life going.
Originally posted by Rajk999wow. that is just so wrong. She's a great human being. If I ever met her I wouldn't ask for an autograph -- I'd ask her to let me just bask in her smile for a bit. She makes one feel as though there might be something in humans worthwhile. And she is so funny. I wish Tina Fey and Tracy Morgan would bring her on their show as a regular guest star. Probably can't afford her. Think about it, imagine Alec Baldwin imitating the Queen and she catches him at it.
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