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Why God Said Eat Meat

Why God Said Eat Meat


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Originally posted by sonhouse
I read your sites, now you read this:


One thing I saw on your site: It said lava moved the Arc to its present location.

If lava hit the arc it would have burned up and buried in lava. And stayed buried.
I think you are assuming things that may not be true.
So what do you want me to do about it. If they can't figure
it out, that is their problem, not mine.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
It does get more and more ridiculous if you start to actually analyse the whole flood myth, doesn't it!

Did Noah use any metal in the building of his boat? Because the largest sailboats we moderns built, like 1600-1900 time frame, was around 300 feet and they had to have metal bracing and still leaked like a sieve. So how did Noah build something closer ...[text shortened]... t long without metal and robust and leakproof? Or do we just read the bible and say god did it?
Don't forget, he had God to tell him how to do it all.

My sons were at the house a few days ago and saw a couple of very
fast lizards running around in the front yard. One of them said he thought
he could catch one by putting some tape on the ground. My other two sons
said, "No way, that would work." The nest day my son had one of those
lizards in a jar. So what may seem unlikely can happen is the lesson.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
Don't forget, he had God to tell him how to do it all.
why didnt god do it himself ? .... lazy b@$T@rd

Creating the problem then making Noah do all the work!

Doesnt make sense ... apart from "the lord moves in mysterious ways" ... yeah right - so does the mobile on my desk

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Originally posted by wolfgang59
why didnt god do it himself ? .... lazy b@$T@rd

Creating the problem then making Noah do all the work!

Doesnt make sense ... apart from "the lord moves in mysterious ways" ... yeah right - so does the mobile on my desk
What are you, a logical child or an illogical adult ?

It serves God's purpose to have Noah's life and actions testify to the surrounding unbelieving generation.

God and man in coordination, in cooperation.
Study the Person of Jesus Christ for total union and mingling of God and man.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
I have always said to give it approximately 10,000 years not 6,000.
Even that timeframe is off by a mile.

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Originally posted by jaywill
What are you, a logical child or an illogical adult ?

It serves God's purpose to have Noah's life and actions testify to the surrounding unbelieving generation.

God and man in coordination, in cooperation.
Study the Person of Jesus Christ for total union and mingling of God and man.
This would be the same unbelieving generation which he then proceeded to drown?

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Originally posted by RJHinds
Since they were baby tigers and wolves, they were probably given cows or
goats milk and many of of the animals would become dormat and hibernate
or brumate at times, therefore needing less food. I believe with God's help,
all the problems could be overcome because the Holy Bible says all things
are possible with God.
once you go "magic did it" there really isn't much more left to do.

yes, god could have done the complicated thing. baby tigers that ate the cow milk. baby wolves ate the cow milk. except i am sure tigers might need a tad more than just cow milk. and the bible doesn't say anything about bringing in babies. but let's admit for a moment the above is possible. then god would have needed to make sure all the plants survive, being submerged in water. and to see about all the insects of the world. and to take care of the fish that need fresh water for example. and to take care of the corpses that would litter the world after.

and to make sure inbreeding won't wipe the animals on the ark and for that matter, noahs and his sons and all the cousin sex going on. and there was a lot of cousin sex going on because just about 100 years later, they built the tower of babel, a construct so monumental that it pissed god off. as a comparison, bear in mind that the pyramids, though very monumental themselves, weren't cause for god to be pissed. so the babel tower had to be bigger. humanity went from 4 families and to building megastructures bigger than the pyramids in just 100 years.

oh and btw, the egyptian civilisation began at about 3000BC, passed the year 2600 that some fundies claim was the year of the flood, and kept going unchanged, without mentioning that a big big flood came.

but even with all these contradictions(and more), let's just say god somehow did make it happen. through magic. because he is the supreme being. he did 10, 20, 100 of distinct acts of magic instead of, you know, making all humans except noah to disappear. because he is the freakin supreme being. the god that brought everything into existence would need to do all those little things to make something like a flood work?

nothing at all seems odd to you?

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Originally posted by RJHinds
I have always said to give it approximately 10,000 years not 6,000.
that's what he said. we are older than 6000 years.

however i thought i point out to you that you ignored the first issues he pointed. why is that?

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Originally posted by avalanchethecat
This would be the same unbelieving generation which he then proceeded to drown?
he gave them enough time to repent. which he knew they wouldn't.

it's pretty much the same as jericho. i always thought that the genocide of jericho (if it happened) is a heinous act in the history of the "chosen" people. which isn't that uncommon, all of that time's people were savages, can't judge them by today's standards. but for god to have condoned that seemed unacceptable to me. then one of our fine fundies pointed out that god promissed that land to abraham, and he actually told him "i can't give you that land because the people there aren't evil enough. just let them become more evil and in about 400 years i will kill them all and give their land to your children".

a loving god, the god that sent his son to preach to ALL the world that salvation is accessible to everyone, would kill an entire people(without sending them prophets at least to warn them) so that another people would have a place to chill


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Originally posted by wolfgang59
why didnt god do it himself ? .... lazy b@$T@rd

Creating the problem then making Noah do all the work!

Doesnt make sense ... apart from "the lord moves in mysterious ways" ... yeah right - so does the mobile on my desk
Because man needs to be taught lessons and hands-on teaching is a good

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Originally posted by Proper Knob
Even that timeframe is off by a mile.
A mile is a measure of distance, not time.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
A mile is a measure of distance, not time.
You're out by about 190,000 years!!!

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Originally posted by avalanchethecat
This would be the same unbelieving generation which he then proceeded to drown?
Yep. But He promised not to do it again. HalleluYah. Right?

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Originally posted by avalanchethecat
This would be the same unbelieving generation which he then proceeded to drown?
This would be the same unbelieving generation which he then proceeded to drown?

Could you spell out for me what this retort is suppose to imply ?

The account of Noah is rather simple to grasp. Thank God that He has a way to communicate to the human race essential matters such that the greatest number of people can understand.

Before the flood man had no human government. They were in reality libertarians to the extreme. This was the age of "anarchy" in the purest sense.

From the fall of Adam unto the flood of Noah was the age without human governement. Everyone did what was good in their own eyes.

Now this anarchy had a development. It resulted in a downward moral slide of civilization. What was the outcome ? After centries of anarchical living the result was a very bad.

We are told "And Jehovah saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." (Genesis 6:5)

Maybe you think God should not care if the imagination of men's hearts are only evil continually ? I would ask you to consider why we should have a nonconcerned moral sense about man's imagination being only evil every moment.

At any rate we are also told " ... the earth was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. And God looked on the earth, and behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted its way upon the earth." (Gen. 6:11,12)

You may chide God for judging the world then. But suppose your next door neighbor broke in your home and kidnapped and raped your daughter or son or wife ? Suppose a gang of youths violently attacked you and left you bleeding on the street.

Read between the lines a little bit. The earth was filled with wicked violence and people imagined evil continually. You know, like some of these popular video games kids spend hours on.

So God brought in a world wide judgment. And God started a new beginning with Noah, a righteous man, and his family. This is for our instruction. This is for our benefit in the end of this age.

The age of men living only by their human conscience end up as a wicked world worthy of divine judgment. And a salvation was demonstrated through a man in his cooperation with God.

Do you prefer that He just left everything alone ? That is like the thief who wants it to be made a law that stealing is not illegal.

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Originally posted by Zahlanzi
once you go "magic did it" there really isn't much more left to do.

yes, god could have done the complicated thing. baby tigers that ate the cow milk. baby wolves ate the cow milk. except i am sure tigers might need a tad more than just cow milk. and the bible doesn't say anything about bringing in babies. but let's admit for a moment the above is poss ...[text shortened]... little things to make something like a flood work?

nothing at all seems odd to you?
Your big problem in being able to understand and/or accept this is
that you have no faith in God, whatsoever.

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