Originally posted by littlebrownbugI never claimed that it was. Don't waste your time with a strawman.
How did the Gospels prove that it was a carefully orchestrated hoax?
Either the Bible and it's claims are true or they are not and the Bible has never been proven to be inaccurate or wrongly worded.
Of course not because 'the Bible' you talk about does not exist. I can of course prove beyond a doubt that any given copy of the book commonly known as 'the Bible' is inaccurate and wrongly worded - but you will of course deny that the book I am using is in fact the Bible you were referring too.
This is mans attempt to distort the real truth and do not want to believe anything that tells them how they should live and act.
Go ahead and mind read all you like. You will find it comforting. But if you really want to know what people are thinking and why they do things you will have more success by asking them than by making wild guesses based on your own desires.
Even Satan believes in God.
So I am worse than Satan? Coool. 🙂