Originally posted by chappy1When animals other than humans have sex are they violating god's rules?
No. God created sex to be experienced within a loving committed relationship and the way you declare your committment is through marriage. If you aren't married then how committed are you really? Not very because at the drop of the hat you could split. In a marriage you are legally and spiritually bound to your spouse. There's a big difference there.
Do animals other than humans get married to obtain this god required committment?
Originally posted by chappy1If I can be blunt, you sound pretty clueless regarding relationships.
No. God created sex to be experienced within a loving committed relationship and the way you declare your committment is through marriage. If you aren't married then how committed are you really? Not very because at the drop of the hat you could split. In a marriage you are legally and spiritually bound to your spouse. There's a big difference there.
In a marriage you are legally and spiritually bound to your spouse.
Since when do Man's laws have any bearing on God's laws? I can spritiually bind myself to my partner by simply vowing myself to him/her in earnest. I don't need a certificate or the words of a priest to affirm or commit myself to someone.
If you aren't married then how committed are you really?
I'm not married and I am 100% committed to my partner and if you are challenging my committment on the basis that I don't have a ring on my finger then I find that truly offensive, ignorant and preposterous.
Originally posted by darvlay===============================
It is part of Paul's Lessons in Marriage in his epistles to the Corinthians. I don't know about you, but I don't think I would take advice on marriage from a single dude who looks like a hobo.
1st Corinthians 7:1-7 states:
Now for the matters you wrote about: It is good for a man not to marry. 2 But since there is so much immorality, each man shou ...[text shortened]... re as I am. But each man has his own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that.
It is part of Paul's Lessons in Marriage in his epistles to the Corinthians. I don't know about you, but I don't think I would take advice on marriage from a single dude who looks like a hobo.
1st Corinthians 7:1-7 states: ....
The Apostle Paul was here instructing a local Christian church. He was not making laws for the public at large.
These were his words of wisdom to the Christian community.
In the book of Ephesians Paul preceeds his instructions to married people with the exhortation to be "filled in spirit". See Ephesians 5:18 - 27. This means that firstly they should be filled in their spirit with the Holy Spirit.
Being filled thus with the living Person of Christ, ie, filled with the Holy Spirit, is the starting point of all Christian behavior.
Originally posted by darvlayWell I'm not ignorant on the subject and if you're offended well that's just the way it is I guess.
If I can be blunt, you sound pretty clueless regarding relationships.
In a marriage you are legally and spiritually bound to your spouse.
Since when do Man's laws have any bearing on God's laws? I can spritiually bind myself to my partner by simply vowing myself to him/her in earnest. I don't need a certificate or the words of a priest to affi ...[text shortened]... on't have a ring on my finger then I find that truly offensive, ignorant and preposterous.
I’m not going to write too much on this subject. There are some reasons why I have chosen not to have sex before marriage. Before I get into my reasons, studies have been done which seem to indicate couples that have sex before marriage are more likely to end in divorce. I can only speculate why that could be, but I don’t think there is a need to here.
Having sex before marriage could lead to other problems – please note that I said ‘could’, not ‘will’. In other words, the chance is greater of having more problems. I don’t know about anyone else here, I want to try and live my life with as few problems as possible. One such problem is obviously diseases. Another problem may be having children before the couple is ready. Of course, protection can help, but not solve the problem. No so-called ‘protection’ is 100% full proof.
I view sex as being a very sacred act of commitment and love. There certainly is nothing wrong with this view. I am now almost 42 years old and happily married with one son, who we adopted. I look back and I am so glad I chose not to have sex before I was married. I am a man who was willing to wait until I was absolutely positive this is the woman for me. My wife also had the same view as I. We both committed ourselves to each other by getting married before ‘jumping in the sack’. I’m not going to sit here and say we haven’t had problems. What I can say is our marriage is built upon a very strong foundation. We have been married almost 10 years now and our love continues to grow with each passing day.
In the end, it’s your own choice. Just make sure it’s a choice you will be happy with.
Originally posted by darvlayI think I was pretty clear. Whatever opinion you have, you can find a verse in the bible that gives you substance for such an opinion. If the bible was clear in every detail, we wouldn't have this flora of diversity of the christianity, some even fighting eachother.
The '?' doesn't mean that I don't believe you. It means I don't understand you.
Christians don't go around, terrified of sex... for proof, look at how many children are conceived in a typical Christian family, lol.
However the Bible teaches Christians that intimacy between a man and a woman is not to be practiced 'casually' and additionally, deviant acts involving sex, disgust our Father. I don't know about anyone else, but ever since I can remember and well before I was a Christian, I've always felt creeped out by men and women who go around lusting after sex and gawking at other people's bodies all the time. I think it's natural to be creeped out by that behavior though in today's secular world its so acceptable most people wouldn't admit being creeped out about it even if they were. I feel like I have a microscopic insight into how God feels when His creation goes around drooling after one another's bodies, always seeking better and better sexual pleasure when there are so many more constructive things we could be showing our attention to instead.
I got the distinct feeling that when Jesus said, "How much longer must I endure you?" He was suggesting He almost looked forward to dying and freeing Himself from this petty, childish, blind world full of hypocrites without a clue who have the audacity to be full of themselves.
Sexual desire is a powerful thing though, let's make no mistake. I guess from that perspective Christians do make a serious effort to stay away from situations where they could become weak and do something stupid. Even "the apple of God's eye," David, succumbed to petty sexual desire, causing him to indirectly commit murder.
Originally posted by chappy1…Christians don't think sex is a sin!!
Christians don't think sex is a sin!! God created sex! It's only a sin when used in an inappropriate way! God meant it to be experienced only within a loving and commited relationship (marriage).
Well I presume the vast majority of Christians don't think sex is a sin (else they would have wiped themselves out long ago by not breading?).
I was referring to the minority of Christians that DO think sex is a sin (and which, I presume, this thread is all about?)
So can anyone explain to me why she (the particular Christian I once knew that DID think sex is a sin) thought “life should be all about suffering”?
Originally posted by chappy1You are totally missing PsychoPawn’s point; of COURSE he knows only humans get married 😛
Well now you're just being stupid. Marriage is only for humans and you know it.
His implied point:
Does the fact that animals have sex without marriage or have sex while not even necessarily being ‘in love’ nor having a ‘committed relationship’ mean they are violating god's rules?
Originally posted by Andrew HamiltonI would guess that is because the Bible indicates that in this life one must suffer (ie: Jesus suffered therefore what makes you think you're so special as to not suffer?)
[b]…Christians don't think sex is a sin!!
Well I presume the vast majority of Christians don't think sex is a sin (else they would have wiped themselves out long ago by not breading?).
I was referring to the minority of Christians that DO think sex is a sin (and which, I presume, this thread is all about?)
So can anyone explain to me ...[text shortened]... ristian I once knew that DID think sex is a sin) thought “life should be all about suffering”?[/b]