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Why waste the time?


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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
This is a very Mister Rogers sort of approach to conflict resolution.

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Originally posted by no1marauder

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Originally posted by bbarr
Yep, your post is spot on. I'm pretty sure prn (Paul) recognized this at last, and gave up debating the issue. When confronted with a creationist (or their brethren the "intelligent" design theorists), it is best to walk away.
That seems to be the consensus in science - which too bad. I makes it appear as if some scientist are afraid to question some things. We can debate all issues - but some are now taboo - evolutionism, race, sex. Ask difficult questions about these things and you are automatically labeled a kook, a raciest, a sexist, a "fundie". But that sadly is an effective way to discourage opposition.

Yep. It is safer not to question some things. Go with the flow. It's better for you. Don't think so hard.

I remember debating prn - and he was very good. He certainly out debated me - but it was educational. My head is still spinning. And I can understand if debating might wear him out. I get tired of responding to ignorant attracts. So I ignore them as best I can. But when I think there is an honest inquiry - I try to respond to it. I think you do too bbarr.

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
Who's 'F.'

PS Never mind - I found it.

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Fred, the gatekeeper of the Land of Make Believe, where all dinosaur eggs incubate for over a year during the rainy season.

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
This is a very Mr. Rogers' Land of Make Believe sort of reconciliation.
You have a problem with dino eggs?? What's wrong with the answer? Not practical enough?

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Originally posted by Coletti
You have a problem with dino eggs?? What's wrong with the answer? Not practical enough?
Yes, it's not practical enough. To start, walk me through the logistics of ...

Gathering them -- Two of each sort, remember, and God can't simply inspire the eggs to walk to the ark, so the Ark Crew would have to have gathered them manually.

Incubating them -- How? Sunlight? Surrogate mothers such as lions?

Keeping the dinosaurs once hatched -- They don't all incubate throughout the length of the storm do they? What about the newborn carnivores? What do they eat? For that matter, what about the giant herbivores who require enormous quantities of vegetation?

Additionally, how did Noah ensure he got a male and female?

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Originally posted by Coletti
That seems to be the consensus in science - which too bad. I makes it appear as if some scientist are afraid to question some things. We can debate all issues - but some are now taboo - evolutionism, race, sex. Ask difficult questions about these things and you are automatically labeled a kook, a raciest, a sexist, a "fundie". But that sadly is an effe ...[text shortened]... t when I think there is an honest inquiry - I try to respond to it. I think you do too bbarr.
There is consensus on the big picture, which is why it's called the "theory" of evolution. There is also lively debate among legitimate scientists about the what the exact process is.

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Originally posted by Coletti
That's easy. Dino eggs! They don't take up any room at all. 😀

.... that settles that question then 😀

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Originally posted by frogstomp
There is consensus on the big picture, which is why it's called the "theory" of evolution. There is also lively debate among legitimate scientists about the what the exact process is.
Frogstomp: " ..... legitimate scientists ..... "

..... lol ..... you little devil you ....... 😀

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
Yes, it's not practical enough. To start, walk me through the logistics of ...

Gathering them -- Two of each sort, remember, and God can't simply inspire the eggs to walk to the ark, so the Ark Crew would have to have gathered ...[text shortened]... on?

Additionally, how did Noah ensure he got a male and female?
Gathering them -- Two of each sort, remember, and God can't simply inspire the eggs to walk to the ark, so the Ark Crew would have to have gathered them manually.

That shouldn't be a problem.

Incubating them -- How? Sunlight? Surrogate mothers such as lions?

I'm sure it was plenty warm in the ark. I was certainly crowded. And lions might have made for fine incubators.

Keeping the dinosaurs once hatched -- They don't all incubate throughout the length of the storm do they? What about the newborn carnivores? What do they eat? For that matter, what about the giant herbivores who require enormous quantities of vegetation?

The brought food, and seven pairs of each clean animal - so meat would be plentiful.

Additionally, how did Noah ensure he got a male and female?

I think the creator of the universe could handle such a minor detail.

But I'm not keen on the egg theory. Eggs weren't mentioned - so I'd expect the infant dinos were more likely.

In the end, it's not relevant. This is the Almighty that brings this about. The ark was so large, that God had to close the door after everyone boarded. No doubt food and water and how many stalls or what kept the carnivores from eating the herbivores is just so much speculation. If it's not part of the record, it wasn't considered important. It's like speculating about the color of Napoleon's socks or wondering what Jesus favorite food was when he was growing up.

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Originally posted by rwingett
I don't understand why so many intelligent people waste their time arguing with creationists about evolution. They simply aren't worth the effort. Its counterproductive to even give creationists a springboard to vomit forth their antiquated views in. They should simply be ignored. Or publicly ridiculed if they must be addressed at all. People don't spend ...[text shortened]... should either be ignored or have scorn heaped upon them. They are not worthy of serious debate.
There is no such thing as wasting time if you are giving God the Glory.

There is time wasted in doing the sin you are trapped in.

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
What would Firefighter do?
am I right?

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Originally posted by Coletti
[b]Gathering them -- Two of each sort, remember, and God can't simply inspire the eggs to walk to the ark, so the Ark Crew would have to have gathered them manually.

That shouldn't be a problem.

Incubating them -- How? Sunlight? Surrogate mothers such as lions?

I'm sure it was plenty warm in the ark. I was certainly crowded. And ...[text shortened]... e color of Napoleon's socks or wondering what Jesus favorite food was when he was growing up.
I never know with you guys, but are you REALLY NOT JOKING? You actually BELIEVE the Noah story of a world wide flood that destroyed all life on Earth (except water animals and the "two by two" that went on the ark) REALLY HAPPENED? If so, the next time you say ANYTHING regarding science, I will greet it with a LMAO.

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Originally posted by ivanhoe

.... that settles that question then 😀
What exactly is the Catholic Church's position on evolution these days, Ivanhoe? It seems to me that one of the Popes grudgingly conceded that perhaps there was something to evolution after all, but I'm not really certain of that. Care to enlighten us?

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