Originally posted by josephwThis does not answer the question I posed. Personally, I am unaware of this "will of God" you tout aside from the fact that it's stuff you happen to believe in and forms part of your religious faith. So I will ask again in a slightly different way:
Would you stand in opposition to the will of God?
While you personally would not end your life by euthanasia because of your belief that there is an"authority over life and death [that] man has no right to" ~ this being an "authority" which you happen to believe "belongs to our maker" ~ would you endorse your perspective and principle being imposed on other people in your country whose beliefs with regard to this issue are different from yours?
Originally posted by josephwBut you approve of capital punishment. Is that not a "decision made about life and death" that is deliberately carried out under "human authority"?
I believe that such a moral baseline exists, which states that life is sacred, and that decisions made about life and death are not within the purview of human authority.
Originally posted by FMFThere are over 300 million Americans you can ask. Why should you need to know what I think the policy on euthanasia should be?
Yes. And you seem to be equivocating. So I am trying to get you to state clearly what you think the policy on euthanasia should be in your country.
Are you insecure? The point is moot. I don't set policy. I gave you enough info about my thoughts on the subject already.
Originally posted by FMFPersonally, I am unaware of this "will of God" you tout..."
This does not answer the question I posed. Personally, I am unaware of this "will of God" you tout aside from the fact that it's stuff you happen to believe in and forms part of your religious faith. So I will ask again in a slightly different way:
While you personally would not end your life by euthanasia because of your belief that there is an"authority ove ...[text shortened]... n other people in your country whose beliefs with regard to this issue are different from yours?
That's a disingenuous thing to say for someone who claimed to be a Christian for 28 years. Really weird too.
"While you personally would not end your life by euthanasia..."
This is where you start making things up, right?
"...would you endorse your perspective and principle being imposed on other people..."
Is that possible aside from the use of force? But I know what you're driving at. You're a presumptuous little fellow aren't you?
Originally posted by josephwFair enough, I can see where you're coming from. It's not my own personal stance, but I respect it.
Good questions. I have an opinion, but it wouldn't answer the questions.
Because this topic is being discussed under a "spiritual" heading I'm inclined to appeal to a higher authority other than man's to draw a conclusion.
How can we know purely on a human level the moral or ethical rightness of our decisions? I think in doing so makes any conclusion a ...[text shortened]... onviction it is, then the question assumes an authority over life and death man has no right to.
Seeing that this is in a Spirituality forum, I'm inclined to accept spiritually rooted answers, or at the very least give them some thought.
Thank you for your reply, it was respectful and shows your viewpoint and by extension the viewpoint you get from your study of scriptures and such, which is really what I was asking for.
Have a wonderful day.
Originally posted by sonhouseThe fact that there is such disparity between states and other countries about serious issues such as this and abortion, I find it ridiculous that we don't havea uniform approach
a resident of California, Colorado, Oregon, Vermont, or Washington; and.
18 years of age or older; and.
mentally competent, i.e. capable of making and communicating your health care decisions; and.
diagnosed with a terminal illness that will, within reasonable medical judgment, lead to death within six months.
So a few states so far.
Originally posted by josephwSo when push comes to shove you wuss out.
There are over 300 million Americans you can ask. Why should you need to know what [b]I think the policy on euthanasia should be?
Are you insecure? The point is moot. I don't set policy. I gave you enough info about my thoughts on the subject already.[/b]
Go on, take your ball and leave.
Excellent leadership qualities you have there Jojo
Originally posted by karoly aczelYou're replying out of context, but I guess you have to get your dig in. If you've read anything I've said about euthanasia in this thread you'd know what I think about it. I had a bit of an epiphany after Kewpie weighed in, but fmf's question about what I think should be the policy concerning euthanasia on a state level I deemed unworthy to answer.
So when push comes to shove you wuss out.
Go on, take your ball and leave.
Excellent leadership qualities you have there Jojo
18 Feb 17
FMF: Personally, I am unaware of this "will of God" you toutYou seem to have forgotten that I'm not a Christian and that I am unaware of god revealing its "will" to anyone.
Originally posted by josephw
That's a disingenuous thing to say for someone who claimed to be a Christian for 28 years. Really weird too.
Originally posted by josephwYou have stated you approve of capital punishment. Isn't the imposition of the death penalty a "decision made about life and death" that is deliberately carried out under "human authority"? [bump]
I believe that such a moral baseline exists, which states that life is sacred, and that decisions made about life and death are not within the purview of human authority.