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Your idea of hell

Your idea of hell


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Originally posted by buffalobill
My definition of hell is sitting in interminable management meetings. For a break we would then go listen to restructuring consultants. Yours?
Living in a Gau-Tuscan security complex with an in-house News Cafe franchise.

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A neverending nightmare of the worse emotions and physical sensations you can imagine...

emotion - fear, constant, neverending severe FEAR...unrelenting
touch - painful, uncomfortable...always felt
scent - repugnanat, discusting, rotting smells...forever
taste - horible, tastes and textures in your mouth
sound - horendous, chilling fear-inspiring sounds you cannot stifle
sight - endless frightening images, over and over - you cannot block
mind - completely tortured insanity, coupled with the above you are in a neverending, eternal psychotic break with no rest, sleep or refreshment or respite of any sort...unending dispair

a nightmare you never wake up from...


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