Originally posted by Angry BoyCalm down, calm down.
I may support Liverpool, and have nothing but hatred for the Mancs, but you won't find a post on here where I have belittled Old Red Nose's acheivements. You, on the other hand, look the fool (nothing changes there) for claiming Bob Paisley was overrated in a silly attempt to wind up Liverpool fans.
If you actually do believe Paisley was overrated then it proves everything I ever said about you. Thick as pig 5hit.
Paisely took over the best team, wons lots of trophies and left it in a slow decline.
He may have been a very good manager, but overrated if compared to Clough, Ferguson, Capello, Ancelotti, Wenger etc......
Go treat yourself to a fancy meal, order some McNuggets from your friend and calm down.
Originally posted by Angry BoyAnd you talk and eat it.
Like I said, thick as pig 5hit.
Everton, a small club according to the 2nd most overrated manager ever, were the best team in Liverpool when Paisley left.
The distinction is too subtle for you to understand, maybe wikipedia can help you.
A manager can be both a very good manager and a very overrated manager at the same time.
Paisley, Rafa and Dalglish are all prime examples.
Originally posted by Rooney Once a BlueMy name is obviously not subtle enough for you....
You can say this is a very broad brush I'm using but I would like to hear, just once from a Liverpool supporter.
Congratulations Manchester United, Liverpool are the most sucessful English club but you managed to win the Treble, something we have not yet been able to achieve and everyone said it would be an impossible achievement.
Will you say it blade68?
Or will you remind me that you've won it 5 times?
I'm a BLADE!!!!!!
Originally posted by Rooney Once a BlueIn all fairness... I've never been a ManYoo hater.... no-one cheered more loudly than me when Sheringham and Solsjear popped up to beat Bayern...
Point taken.
I'd like to hear it even from a blade.
Will anyone give Manchester United some recognition as the only team ever to win The Treble?
That season was a great feat for a team (any team).... you must've been so proud, I know I would've been...
(See ROAB, some people can be subjective!!)
For the record: I hate Wendy, L**ds, and Arsenal.....
Originally posted by blade68Thank you for recognizing the achievement.
In all fairness... I've never been a ManYoo hater.... no-one cheered more loudly than me when Sheringham and Solsjear popped up to beat Bayern...
That season was a great feat for a team (any team).... you must've been so proud, I know I would've been...
(See ROAB, some people can be subjective!!)
For the record: I hate Wendy, L**ds, and Arsenal.....
I was at the game in Barcelona in 1999 and the injury time comeback to win the treble was just unreal.
I think Chelsea this season have sort of emphersized just how hard it is to win the treble and it will probably never happen again.