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Ignorance and Immaturity

Ignorance and Immaturity


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Originally posted by Very Rusty
You said the U.S. had invented the game, which was not true.

Now you tell me no one in the U.S. doesn't like hocket? Why are there 24 teams in the U.S.? Obviously someone likes hockey down south.

Personally you don't understand the game so it is a bunch of guys whacking at each other. Too bad you don't see the game, and the skill level needed to pl ...[text shortened]... really don't have any good arguments about U.S. inventing most sports and are in fact wrong.
I never said we invented hockey. What I said was: "almost every popular sport on earth". 24 teams in financial trouble. Can't fill our local venue even with free hotdogs and soda. Hockey is a formless, guiless simpleton sport. Mass appeal? Nah! The league will fold in the near future. Basketball is a real sport. Too bad Naismith left Canada and invented it here where real ideas are born! USA has invented most everything with mass appeal, not just sports! Hockey is merely a parochial sport gone public with less than stellar results. Skill? Skate and whack, fight a lot, whack some more, knock teeth out, whack some more, spit in each others' faace, whack some more. Real appealing! That sure takes a lot of skill indeed!

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Originally posted by scacchipazzo
I never said we invented hockey. What I said was: "almost every popular sport on earth". 24 teams in financial trouble. Can't fill our local venue even with free hotdogs and soda. Hockey is a formless, guiless simpleton sport. Mass appeal? Nah! The league will fold in the near future. Basketball is a real sport. Too bad Naismith left Canada and invented ...[text shortened]... each others' faace, whack some more. Real appealing! That sure takes a lot of skill indeed!
Do you not see that you're being as parochial as those you've been accusing of parochialism? 😕

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Originally posted by scacchipazzo
I never said we invented hockey. What I said was: "almost every popular sport on earth". 24 teams in financial trouble. Can't fill our local venue even with free hotdogs and soda. Hockey is a formless, guiless simpleton sport. Mass appeal? Nah! The league will fold in the near future. Basketball is a real sport. Too bad Naismith left Canada and invented ...[text shortened]... each others' faace, whack some more. Real appealing! That sure takes a lot of skill indeed!
Where is your evidence that all 24 teams are in financial trouble? Don't put down a sport you obviously have no clue about, even in your own country. 24 teams would not be operating if they were in financial trouble. You should get some facts before arguing.

Basketball was invented by a Canadian, not by a person from the U.S.A., he just went there to work, and show the boys in the good ole U.S.A. a new game called basketball that HE INVENTED...Are you getting this?

If you are going to debate get facts to back up your debate, if not you just wind up looking silly. Take that good advice from a Canadian. 😉 I have already shown you two sports U.S. did not invent. 🙂 Do you think these are the only two?

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Originally posted by Very Rusty
Where is your evidence that all 24 teams are in financial trouble? Don't put down a sport you obviously have no clue about, even in your own country. 24 teams would not be operating if they were in financial trouble. You should get some facts before arguing.

Basketball was invented by a Canadian, not by a person from the U.S.A., he just went there to w ...[text shortened]... have already shown you two sports U.S. did not invent. 🙂 Do you think these are the only two?
Look it up yourself. NHL is in financial trouble all the time, reason being it shows so poorly on TV no one watches. Again, I never said all sports, just most of mas appeal. BTW Naismith did not invent basketball alone and had American help. Did he ever go back to Canada? Nah! Things were to darn good in the USA he decided to stay like a lot Canadians do. No knock on your great country, but you really are like McTayto, dripping envy over being lesser little siblings of our great nation. NHL is almost entirely American now and got mass appeal only through our business acumen. It has not worked for the NHL because it is a sorry sport with simplicty at is core and only slightly more attractive than a wrestling match with boxing thrown in for laughs. Now basketball? There's a real sport. Worldwide appeal and only second to soccer internationally. Attractive, appealing, full of nuance and strategy. Naismith was a genius, but he is not who built it into what it is today. That was the great old USA! As for facts before arguing, it is hard to argue with those who put words in my mouth I never said. I never siad we invented hockey. You seem to take issue over something I never said. i am glad we did not invent the silly, goofy sport of hockey. Whack, spit, puke, whack some more. Deal with it! It is a sorry sport for a mindless few who like formless, strategy-less, idiotic endless whacking!

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Originally posted by scacchipazzo
I take that as a compliment coming from the silly likes of you! Regrettably your IQ shortcomings are very measurable indeed as in MR by about five points! While I'm at it let me me advice you about something. Don't go around correcting other's English. After all it is not even the original language of your land and evidently have yet to master it. Go ba ...[text shortened]... r your scrotum cased haggis while you feel sorry for yourself and your zero to the left land!
advice you should read advise you
It may not be the original language of the Uk but it is a language spoken by many across the world & butchered by americans.
I suggest prior to questioning others on their IQ (impressed that you have heard of it but wonder if you know what it really is) I suggest you research the making of haggis as you clearly are unaware of the process & ingredients. Either that or you are fixated on the male scrotum. Me thinks this explanation is actually quite likely. 😛
Your zero to the left land I reckon you should put down the bottle of booze until you sober up sufficiently to use the queens english correctly 🙄🙄

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Originally posted by Palynka
Do you not see that you're being as parochial as those you've been accusing of parochialism? 😕
I fail to see your point, but you're certainly entitled to it. And if I am, so what? Let me have my laughs and keep driving these two crazy. I deplore anyone who takes whacks at the USA and expect us to simply take it laying down! I have respect for you, palynka, and you know it, ubt these other two are mere hacks with no real argument but thei narrow worldview!

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Originally posted by scacchipazzo
dripping envy over being lesser little siblings of our great nation.
You really require to seek mental help. The only folf that envy the USA are the folk in the 3rd world countries and that is simply due to the economic situation in their countries.
Can you honestly say with true belief that a Canadian or a Brit would prefer to live in the states - you are so laughable it is beyond belief.

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Originally posted by Mctayto
You really require to seek mental help. The only folf that envy the USA are the folk in the 3rd world countries and that is simply due to the economic situation in their countries.
Can you honestly say with true belief that a [b]Canadian or a Brit
would prefer to live in the states - you are so laughable it is beyond belief.[/b]
Just look at how many illegal Canadian immigrants we have. They fly under the radar until they talk! I feel for you lesser little sibling! The envy keeps dripping green and heavy indeed. Every Scot, and there are plenty in my area, who comes here never goes back. Yanks never move to Scotland because of the horrid food, repulsive women, unskilled dentists, and unintelligible English! I can honsetly say any Brit worth their mettle would prefer the USA!!!!!!

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Originally posted by scacchipazzo
Look it up yourself. NHL is in financial trouble all the time, reason being it shows so poorly on TV no one watches. Again, I never said all sports, just most of mas appeal. BTW Naismith did not invent basketball alone and had American help. Did he ever go back to Canada? Nah! Things were to darn good in the USA he decided to stay like a lot Canadians is a sorry sport for a mindless few who like formless, strategy-less, idiotic endless whacking!
You have no idea what you are talking about, first you say all 24 teams are in trouble, but you can't name me a team right now that is in trouble...I was hoping you would at least be able to do that, even two. That would still be a far cry from 24 teams in financial trouble. You are bouncing all over the place with no evidence what so ever.

You can trust me when I tell you that no one I know from here would want to go live in the U.S.A. unless they had to for work. We are more than happy with what we have here in Canada.

You said the U.S. Invented most sports! I showed you two you didn't invent. I asked if you thought they were the only two, and you couldn't answer, you are too busy ranting about a game you know nothing about.

You have no argument~!

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Originally posted by Very Rusty
You have no idea what you are talking about, first you say all 24 teams are in trouble, but you can't name me a team right now that is in trouble...I was hoping you would at least be able to do that, even two. That would still be a far cry from 24 teams in financial trouble. You are bouncing all over the place with no evidence what so ever.

You can tr are too busy ranting about a game you know nothing about.

You have no argument~!
Mark my words, NHL folds within five years! Without USA support, and it is waning fast, bye-bye sorry sport. I wish there were no illegal Canadian immigrants, but there are and they fool poor Mexican immigrants into marriage thinking they're marrying a gringo only to find out they merely married another illegal!

Lastly, I am not looking anything up to convince you of anything. Hard to argue with those who put words in your mouth like you do. Why all that trouble for someone looking at life through maple elaf colored glasses. No way you lsiten. Thanks for making it your last post on the subject as I am about to set myself on fire over the silliness of your non-arguments! I wil post no further responses either!

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SpacchiCazzo = Troll

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Originally posted by scacchipazzo
Mark my words, NHL folds within five years! Without USA support, and it is waning fast, bye-bye sorry sport. I wish there were no illegal Canadian immigrants, but there are and they fool poor Mexican immigrants into marriage thinking they're marrying a gringo only to find out they merely married another illegal!

Lastly, I am not looking anything up t ...[text shortened]... yself on fire over the silliness of your non-arguments! I wil post no further responses either!
You and McTayto were born for each other.

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Originally posted by darvlay
SpacchiCazzo = Troll
Good one, darvlay! Troll? How? I responded to a post defending your big brother neigbhor south of you. That's all. Mctayto is in a league all his own. I am merely defending my great country as you would yours if attacked. You know I love Canada, Canadians and all things Maple Leaf induced except hockey! I have no truck with you!

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