Originally posted by rhbThe tri's are awesome but at stamina and strength but haven't got the latent speed so on balance they slip a point. Tough test. I've been away for a few years but I think Hamish Carter went well.
I've heard of quite a few club rowers taking up triathlon and being locally competitive.
The fact a rowers position is sitting does nothing to limit their fitness. The legs do a tremendous amount of work, and the stroke is supported by good core strength.
Squash is intense, and I don't doubt the top players fitness levels - it's the sport that makes me swe be interesting to see how the likes of Norman Stadler stack up against those tested so far.
All the best rowers today have running programmes since it was identified that to get the fitness they need to carry to their body weight.. running and walking.. its about muscle balance. Cyclists and long distance runners are mostly scrawny sods above the pelvis haha.. in police days those guys got giggled at..if they could catch the offender they couldn't hang on to them.
Balanced fitness is awesome.
Originally posted by Dave S 21yeah, i did it when i was ten....had freaky size shoulders for just a little boy...
Competitive Swimming,
All round strength (shoulders, arms, back, core, legs)
Endurance - swimming 100 km+ per week
Zero fat
Exercise of every energy system
Exercise combined with oxygen deprivation
Incredible athletes, and bodies
Originally posted by Dave S 21Many swimmers complain of being too lean of leg though, so unable to run well etc.
Competitive Swimming,
All round strength (shoulders, arms, back, core, legs)
Endurance - swimming 100 km+ per week
Zero fat
Exercise of every energy system
Exercise combined with oxygen deprivation
Incredible athletes, and bodies
Usually quite adaptable to multi-sport, but unless they give it a tri (pun!) then they'll always remain a bit top heavy.
Originally posted by Ramnedunderwater basketweavers
Track stars, Cross Country Runners, Soccer players: Best agility/speed
American Football, Wrestlers/Boxers: Strength and endurance
Baseball, softball, tennis...a medium in between
Then of course Golf & Chess & poker people have the mental game down. Most of them anyways.