Originally posted by no1marauderQuestion:
New entrants have slowed to a crawl and we're now at a nice round number of 918 or 102 9 man sections. Personally, I'd like to see some bannings first, but if that's not going to happen I say get this puppy started - I've been reducing my game load in anticipation.
Why would an active 30 year-old Norwegian GM commit to the Championship, which lasts a full year and has 18 games for the duration, when he must have several week long big money OTB events in that time period which require his full attention?
Originally posted by DanTriolaMaybe he has a doppelgänger 😛
Why would an active 30 year-old Norwegian GM commit to the Championship, which lasts a full year and has 18 games for the duration, when he must have several week long big money OTB events in that time period which require his full attention?
Originally posted by DanTriolaWas that a hypothetical question or do you really require an answer ??
Why would an active 30 year-old Norwegian GM commit to the Championship, which lasts a full year and has 18 games for the duration, when he must have several week long big money OTB events in that time period which require his full attention?
Let's leave religion out of it.
You seem to be deflecting my question.
The fact is, this person, GMNorblackheart, has stated that he is Kjetil Lie, Norwegian GM. I seriously wonder why an active GM, who's income is increased considerably by playing, and placing, in international events which require a time-consuming regimen of preparation and then a week of play, (at the least), would enter an event that lasts a full year and involves him in 18 games every round. And which has no monetary reward, thus taking away time that he can use to earn a living. Now that the Soviets no longer subsidize their chessplayers, it is hard to earn a living in any country by being a professional player. Some have to remain in other lines of work, to the detriment of their chess. (See: Joel Benjamin and Reuben Fine) Many take up writing on chess to maintain a steady income. Many teach, as private tutors. But, why spend that much time on RHP? Why would they care to win the RHP Championship? Would not, if it were that easy to play here on the championship, they feel as if they were being unfair to amateur players?
I would.
Do you see my point now?