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B.I.T. 1400 division

B.I.T. 1400 division


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Dave,"unethical" and "can't do anything about it" are contradictions in
If it was unethical you could do some thing about it.
I asked for tournament direction-nothing unethical in that.
I didn't ask for an argument about it.

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lyn, I'm not trying to inflate the argument, but "unethical" is a fair
term. "Cheating" wasn't mentioned, and that would have been too
strong a word, but to fix the outcome of the games by agreement
between the players, even if openly, would be against the spirit &
ideals of the tournement. I appreciate that you were only asking if it
would be OK, and it looks like it would be frowned upon.
And there are plenty of unethical practices around that I can't do
anything about - like salesmen aranging business meetings in a
location that their wives just happened to want to go on holiday while
I'm still stuck here in the rain :o(

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Pre arranging a draw is fixing the result in advance.With respect I'm
not asking for that,I'm asking is it okay if we cut down the number of
games we need to play to arrive at the result.The draws are just
tools,wont affect the result.In the end the pairing ensured one of us
has to go out,any number of draws can't change that,so fixing results
is not relevant here.

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Isn't a prearranged draw between top players disparagingly referred to
as a "Grandmaster's draw" with a time honored tradition in chess?
Unethical, frowned on, but...not uncommon?

Not trying to fan any flames here - genuinly curious. In the little I've
read about the history of tournaments, this seemed to have been a
common strategy. I know in looking through my chess databases, I've
run across a large number of drawn games, often very early, between
top players. Seemed to be common in the 1950s-1960s. Does it still
go on?

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A grandmaster draw is one in under 20 moves...and yes sometimes
they are prearranged...but it's not like they tell the tournament
director they are doing it due to the reason I have already stated.

It became a habit of the Soviets doing it in tourneys where Bobby
Fischer was playing to make him have to work even harder to win
every game. He complained about it and actually got a FIDE law
passed about games being drawn in uder 20 moves...I think they
have since revoked this law.


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rain ? in Belgium ??

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No one is arguing...I am saying that if you guys had already agreed
upon this without saying anything there really would be nothing I could

Best is to just play and try your best.


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I do nothing unethical, I am like Dave i always play by the book.

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is that book a best seller, Tony? Or is it sitll being written during the
game? Gil.

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My pen is always full of ink

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I need to have all of the game numbers for these games...so does
John and so does Michael.

Please post them when you have started.


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Just started one of the games with Tim (should I wait for him to start
the game where he is white?).

T1000 vs tenebr8. Game ID 119524

The Squirrel Lover

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You can start it or he can...up to you...I started both of my games just
so they got on the books as quick as possible.

Thanks Mark


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Has anybody noticed that the 1400 division is really no longer a 1400
division. I know you play in the division you started, but what a tough
division. Tenebr8, T100, BBarr.....Yikes. Kirk

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I know...but we set it up under those rules and that is how it will finish.

Correspondance chess is ALOT different than OTB.


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