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Juno Quickfire Rookie Duel

Juno Quickfire Rookie Duel


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Originally posted by NicolaiS
Both players have received a warning from Russ ...
Best way to deal with it. It's hardly a hanging offence and no-one else is really affected.


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i am very pissed off, but i will try to keep this post as quite as possible.

until 2 days ago i had 130 games, so i offered a draw in nearly every game i had, and these games happened to be 2 of them.

i never told usmc that i didnt know it was a tourney, because i did, im not blind i can see the little cup next to my game. but i didnt know that it was a one on one duel (i know it says duel in the tourneys name but i didnt notice it before!) so i didnt know that by drawing we would both qualify. believe me that loosing to 1100 rated players is not my top prioraty. i thought it was some kind of 'grand split' thingy and i simply explained to powersurge that i am having difficultys playing so many games so i offered a draw and he accepted.

russ sent me amessage and i told him that i dont care to be removed from the tourney.

now that i cleard the air a bit, why wasnt i informed of this thread?!?!
dont you think i should be known about a thread talking about ME?!

some of these silly accusations came from people that i talk to a lot, and to find out that they talk about me behind my back really makes me furious! šŸ˜ 


P.S. skeeter, you are not a part of the tourney, and you have no bussiness here. i really dont feel like getting kicked out of the site because of something that i might not be able to control and say to you.

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Originally posted by Faith No More
i am very pissed off, but i will try to keep this post as quite as possible.

until 2 days ago i had 130 games, so i offered a draw in nearly every game i had, and these games happened to be 2 of them.

i never told usmc that i didnt know it was a tourney, because i did, im not blind i can see the little cup next to my game. but i didnt know that ...[text shortened]... kicked out of the site because of something that i might not be able to control and say to you.
You have the right to be pissed off, because I've read your thread in which you said you wanted to cut your games, but that's not the way it should be done.
You say you want to cut your games?Don't start new ones and play out your current ones.......and offering those two draws you just created other two games............
You say''losing to 1100 players is not your top priority'' like you are a 1500 or something but you also are a 1100...........
No one was obliged to inform you about this thread and no one is talking behind you but...........guess what?this is an internet forum!
Skeeter,as me,is not part of this tourny but has,in quality of RHP user, the full right to point this in forums or to the admins.
Imagine what could happen if people in tournys starts to agree matches like you did............

P.S. no one wants you to be kicked off the site as you say

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Originally posted by Ravello
You have the right to be pissed off, because I've read your thread in which you said you wanted to cut your games, but that's not the way it should be done.
You say you want to cut your games?Don't start new ones and play out your current ones.......and offering those two draws you just created other two games............
You say''losing to 1100 playe ...[text shortened]... tches like you did............

P.S. no one wants you to be kicked off the site as you say


in your post you brought up a few issues that i would like to refer too. for some reason you have a strange habbit of ignoring stuff i say, so please listen carefully
1) 'I've read your thread in which you said you wanted to cut your games' - which thread? i only wrote in my profile.
2) 'You say you want to cut your games?Don't start new ones and play out your current ones.......and offering those two draws you just created other two games............' - when did i start new games? and i will say again, i didnt know that it was a one one duel so i didnt know that the draws would cause us both to progress.
3) 'You say''losing to 1100 players is not your top priority'' like you are a 1500 or something but you also are a 1100...........' - here you just took what i said and turned it into crap. i know im also rated 1110 and i said that since i ussually make mistakes and lose a lot of rating points.
4) 'No one was obliged to inform you about this thread and no one is talking behind you' - really? so if i would make a thread called 'stupid ravello' wouldnt you want to be informed? would you really prefer discovering this while you are cruising around the forums? (i hope you dont think i called you stupid or anything, it was only a example)
5)'Skeeter,as me,is not part of this tourny but has,in quality of RHP user, the full right to point this in forums or to the admins.' - a while back skeeter wrote in a forum about me: "typical jew, doesnt understand it so its cruicified" not much more to explain on this issue.

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Originally posted by Faith No More

in your post you brought up a few issues that i would like to refer too. for some reason you have a strange habbit of ignoring stuff i say, so please listen carefully
1) 'I've read your thread in which you said you wanted to cut your games' - which thread? i only wrote in my profile.
2) 'You say you want to cut your games?Don't start ...[text shortened]... "typical jew, doesnt understand it so its cruicified" not much more to explain on this issue.
I wonder what's the stuff you say that I ignore..........however.......
1)uh,sorry I confused ''thread'' with your profile I was reading,but this doesn't change things,maybe I was the only who watched it,because no one here was so ''carefully'' to read ......
2)Again the one who doesn't listen carefully is you:those 2 draws made you start another 2 games instead of cuttin'em and this is an incontestable fact.
3)You posted it with a tone who seemed to me like crap
4)I don't need sisters saying to me''he talk sh+t about you in forum'',I cruise around and discover forum threads,and I repeat:no one was obliged to inform you,and this is another incontestable fact.
5)The things Skeeter could have said in the past about you in other threads don't belong to the matter of this thread,and you pointing past statements shows only that you have something personal with her.
And I repeat :everyone on RHP has the right to point agreed draws after 1 move in a tourny to the attention of the admins,like done in the past for other questions,and this is another incontestable fact.

Tell me if I'm wrong:administrators warned you about this matter,so you made something wrong with those two sooo early draws,or you're saying that everyone in this thread is fool and you were right?

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I have to correct point 1)where you tell me''which thread?I only wrote it in my profile'':in the general forum (now on page two) there's the thread ''sorry to all my opponents'' where you say you're gonna offer draws very early because you want to cut your games.

Sorry Shaul but it's not my fault if you don't even remember the crap you post in forums....................šŸ˜‰

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Originally posted by Ravello
I wonder what's the stuff you say that I ignore..........however.......
1)uh,sorry I confused ''thread'' with your profile I was reading,but this doesn't change things,maybe I was the only who watched it,because no one here was so ''carefully'' to read ......
2)Again the one who doesn't listen carefully is you:those 2 draws made you start anothe ...[text shortened]... o sooo early draws,or you're saying that everyone in this thread is fool and you were right?
1) you are right, i did post a thread but it had nothing to do with tournaments.
2)i didnt know that the draws will give me another two games! how many times do i need to say that i didnt know that drawing the games would put me in the next stage because i had no idea it was a one on one duel.
3)i really dont know how yu think my tone was without even hearing my voice, but anyway thats not what i ment.
4)that may be your opinion. i think that when a thread is making accusations against me i would like to know about it.
5)i thought that i had gotten to a agreement with skeeter that i wont post about her, and she wont post about m. apperantlly i was wrong, or that her posts came before we agreed and in that case i am sorry.

i never said that what i did was okay, i know that it was wrong, and i apologise for it ( i thought i apologised earlier) but i offered draws in all the grand split tournaments and in all the grouped random tournaments, so i really didnt see anything wrong at the time. these games were only 2 games out of 130 that i offered a draw in.
anyway, i offered russ that i should be kicked out of the tournament but he said that no one asked for me to be kicked out. so if you ravello, nicolais, croc, skeeter or whatever wants me out of the tournament just ask russ, i dont mind.

i hope that we are done bickering....

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FNM ... I don't want you out of the tournament. I see how you offered all those draws in matches, and also in tours. I think you didn't draw this tour on purpose to get to the next stage ... perhaps I, in this matter, was to fast with "judging" and I apologize for that.

Thinking people are talking behind your back is a feeling you have ... not me. As Ravello said I couldn't care less if my name turned up in a forum in a bad way without me knowing. The forum is open to everybody to read .. if I wanted to talk about you behind your back I would have send PM's and not openly discuss it in this forum.

As for drawing both matches in this tour, I believe you ... just very unfortunate you didn't pay enough attention when offering the draw. I like these tours and follow my and everybody's progress in these tours ... because these tours are the only ones I will ever be able to win.

So when I see something that reeks of "cheating" I do something about it ... and no I don't feel obligated to inform anybody about it. Besides its not just you who made the draw offer .. there is a second player who accepted it ... he/she is the one who should have warned you this would bring the both of you in the next round. So, although I do believe you didn't intend to .. your opponent is getting a round further by cheating and the comments I have on that are clear.

Faith no more .. if I hurt your feelings, I am sorry. But I will not apologize for bringing this issue out. I would gladly play you in the next round ... if I get there that is.


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Originally posted by NicolaiS
FNM ... I don't want you out of the tournament. I see how you offered all those draws in matches, and also in tours. I think you didn't draw this tour on purpose to get to the next stage ... perhaps I, in this matter, was to fast with "judging" and I apologize for that.

Thinking people are talking behind your back is a feeling you have ... not ...[text shortened]... issue out. I would gladly play you in the next round ... if I get there that is.


i understand, but anyway if there is a thread talking about me, i would appreciate it if someone would tell me so i can answer. what if i wouldnt see the thread? usually i dont even look int he tourney forums. and then i would get the message from russ and i wouldnt even understand what he would be talkinging about.

as for the tournament, i decided to resign.

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