

Helping New Users

NamePlay RatedActiveMax ActiveTotal PlayedLast Move
Flag ISO 710134420258222
Flag ISO 2761307242717
Flag ISO 12413431925570
Flag ISO 380136412602
Flag ISO 2081406351652
Flag ISO 84017354533
Flag ISO 840157511280
Flag ISO 8261307111664
Flag ISO 7107702525388
Flag ISO 182616306101887
Flag ISO 52813680037
Flag ISO 710130411278
Flag ISO 182611280027
Flag ISO 826163323375
Flag ISO 752151433545
Flag ISO 12410680064
Flag ISO 84013456156062
Flag ISO 826136411171
Flag ISO 384166000251
Flag ISO 84014292325692
Flag ISO 10138722211
Flag ISO 826128105458
Flag ISO 84013166102060
Flag ISO 82615940047
Flag ISO 8261258225862
Flag ISO 840183635937
Flag ISO 182613460075
Flag ISO 724138702507
Flag ISO 554158502145

Greeter Search

Assist new users by playing against them during their first game.

How it works

After sign-up, new users are offered a game with a greeter that has recently moved.

As a greeter, you will continue to receive additional games from new members up to the maximum concurrent games you have specified.

You can choose to play either rated or unrated games.

You will always play black with 3 timeout and 7 day timebank.

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