Amazing Grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found;
Was blind, but now I see.
’Twas Grace that taught my heart to fear,
And Grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed!
Through many dangers, toils and snares,
I have already come;
’Tis Grace hath brought me safe thus far,
And Grace will lead me home.
Rating Trend
Rated Won / Drawn / Lost
All Rated
1179 games
As White
586 games
As Black
593 games
- Games Played
- 1288
- Rated
- 1179
- Won
- 670
- Lost
- 530
- Drawn
- 88
- In Progress
- 8
- All Moves
- 49655
- Moves This Month
- 7
- Tourn. Entry Rating
- 1420
- Vacation rem' 2024
- 20 days
Rated Color
1179 games
584 games
512 games
83 games
Rated Timeouts
110 games
13 games
Highest Rating | 1429 | 1440 | 1548 |
Average Rating | 1396 | 1409 | 1474 |
Lowest Rating | 1378 | 1378 | 1378 |
Opponent Average Rating | 1168 | 1339 | 1426 |
Games Rated | 6 | 15 | 70 | 90 days | 1 Year | 5 Years |
Affiliated Clans
No affiliated clans
Affiliated Clubs
No affiliated clubs
Tournament Victories
- Tournament
- 2015 June Mini Duel I 1375-1400
- Public
- Tournament
- 2010 January Mini Banded Duel II 1500-1525
- Public
Playing for 19 years
Ladder Rank
Moves This Month is the number of moves made since the 1st of the month.
Highest Rating excludes provisional (first 20) games.
Tournament Entry Rating is calculated by the formula (CurrentRating + HighestRating) / 2.
The entry rating will never drop to more than 100 points below your Highest Rating.
Rated stats are updated within 24 hours of the last completed rated game.
Last refreshed on 24 Oct 24.