Originally posted by Hand of HecateWrecked.
If at all possible, can the new mod(s) be anonymous? Having them known greatly undermines their effectiveness.
Having said that, I'll volunteer. I'll even resubscribe. I have impressive credentials.
I'll volunteer as well. I have mediocre to good credentials.
Originally posted by Very RustyYou are actually one of the top reasons the new mods need to anonymous.
I would always want to sign my name to something I was sure was the right thing to do personally.
Sometimes it is just a matter of talking things over in a PM that can settle a mis-understanding, or a problem in a forum. I know that one from experience, does work!
Originally posted by CrowleyI am sorry you feel that way. I will always ask why, rather it is anonymous or not.
You are actually one of the top reasons the new mods need to anonymous.
I have found cft and Phlabs to be good to discuss problems or misunderstandings in the PM's. Mind you I don't always agree, but I do know the Mod has the final say on the matter.
Perhaps I should have thrown my hat in! I have close to 5 years experience.