giving it until my subscription is due, if i still dont like it i will unsubscribe and probably realise that i didnt need to spend as much time on the internet playing chess and can read a book, play with real wooden pieces and a person.... arh those old fashioned chess clubs filled with old men in suits sipping cups of tea, i may just venture into one.....
Hi Russ,
You did a good job of re-vamping the site, no fuss, no muss, minimal bother.
Unfortunately, I don't like any of the changes you made, it was better the way it was. I'm a minimalist, so the larger fonts, new icons, pastel shading, subtle shadowing, clever animations and friendly buttons kinda kill the whole thing for me.
If I can make a some suggestions for the next revision:
Use your horizontal space better. Move all the functions into an icon bar on the side of the screen, so that the whole page, including the board can be displayed without scrolling.
Lose the colors, they're just distracting.
Go back to the previous format for the analysis board. It was easier to interact with.
Kudos for the Grandmaster Games Database. Very well done. A little work on the 'search by opening' menu and it'll be perfect.
Originally posted by oradbaforpsoftYou probably know, but I need to point out that Greasemonkey scripts modify the site after it is sent to your browser - completely out of our control. I do not maintain these scripts either, so I am unable to fix them for you.
Still need to disable the Firefox Grease Monkey add-ons.
edit : GM games link on homepage, at bottom.
Russ, thanks for the instant response. Once I reboot I am sure the greasemonkey scripts will no longer fire.
I am still unable to see any link to the grandmaster games.
Is the navigation off the 'My Home' link? I still cant find it... OK - I found it on the home page, I guess I always default to 'My Games', so just need to change the url at the top.
I used to see it from any game board page as an option - I assume that was a grease monkey add-in?
Originally posted by Hyperion7Please see Thread 152783.
I set My Games to view as "Recently Moved" every time I log off it returns to "Newest Game"
It's not holding the preference
Hi Russ,
2 things:
a) The Inbox in My Games page no longer shows the Game ID. I know you can see that in Info (which corresponds to the old Game log) which you have to click - not as fast as before. Since there is space in the Action column on the right (does this serve a purpose?) can you not use that empty space?
b) On the same page, before whenever you finished looking up a game and you went back, the previous game was highlighted so that you could choose another game with the same opponent. As it is now you have to remember which game you looked up or use Info again. Small thing but time wasting and annoying...