Originally posted by robbie carrobieIt is crooked because it is an attempt to take the
a crooked challenge? Please explain whats crooked about it?
scrutiny away from all the other challenges
that were set up in collusion.
You know .... those 300 dirty points.
You aren't fooling anyone with this charade.
Originally posted by mghrn55you just made that up, you are a fantasy merchant, who colludes to lose? are you in your senses?
It is crooked because it is an attempt to take the
scrutiny away from all the other challenges
that were set up in collusion.
You know .... those 300 dirty points.
You aren't fooling anyone with this charade.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieWhy did you feel the urge to start a thread
you just made that up, you are a fantasy merchant, who colludes to lose? are you in your senses?
to announce to the world that you lost a challenge
to a clan that has already handed your clan a bunch of points ??
Hmmmmm ???????
Originally posted by mghrn55It is a bit of a joke at this point with robbie trying to explain that everything is legit. Actually he has become a bit of a laughing stock. Shame he has to make the admins who try to do their best on the site, look silly at the same time. He is king of the con-artists for sure.
Why did you feel the urge to start a thread
to announce to the world that you lost a challenge
to a clan that has already handed your clan a bunch of points ??
Hmmmmm ???????
Originally posted by Very RustyHey sup Crusty old bean! still masquerading as a 1400 rated player when you nearer 1800?
It is a bit of a joke at this point with robbie trying to explain that everything is legit. Actually he has become a bit of a laughing stock. Shame he has to make the admins who try to do their best on the site, look silly at the same time. He is king of the con-artists for sure.