Calling all tin foil hat conspiracy theorists

Calling all tin foil hat conspiracy theorists


Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
05 May 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Hey sup Crusty old bean! still masquerading as a 1400 rated player when you nearer 1800?
You have no idea what you are talking about, full of hot air as usual. If you only knew what I've been through, I am very lucky to keep between 1400-1500. If I get in to the 1500's I've done exceptionally well.
Kind Regards,
With all the respect you deserve,


26 Aug 07
06 May 16
1 edit

Originally posted by Very Rusty
You have no idea what you are talking about, full of hot air as usual. If you only knew what I've been through, I am very lucky to keep between 1400-1500. If I get in to the 1500's I've done exceptionally well.
Kind Regards,
With all the respect you deserve,
I've played you Rusty you are stronger than Mahgoobs55

master of disaster

funny farm

28 Jan 07
06 May 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I've played you Rusty you are stronger than Mahgoobs55
Uh huh...and you are dumber than dirt as usual.
What you know, wouldn't fill a thimble.


07 Feb 09
06 May 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I've played you Rusty you are stronger than Mahgoobs55
I think you're trying to pay a compliment here.
But falling all over yourself doing it !! 😀

But we are both much stronger than some of
your opponents from Anti-Metallica and Breaking Bad !!

Hmmmmm ???????? 😀😀


26 Aug 07
06 May 16

Originally posted by mghrn55
I think you're trying to pay a compliment here.
But falling all over yourself doing it !! 😀

But we are both much stronger than some of
your opponents from Anti-Metallica and Breaking Bad !!

Hmmmmm ???????? 😀😀
Why would i compliment the saggiest baggiest clan in the entire history of sandbagging??? Get a grip on reality not only are you falling into fiction, you actually believe your own propaganda as well! Very Crusty is a 1700-1800 rated player, I've played him. I play 1700-1800 rated players all the time, there is practically no difference between their play and Crusty's. Now your clan of weasels can deny it all you like, but Crusty and I both know its true.


26 Aug 07
06 May 16

Originally posted by shortcircuit
Uh huh...and you are dumber than dirt as usual.
What you know, wouldn't fill a thimble.
Thats right Rufus Dufus its so extensive you would need a squillion zillion big giant thimbles the size of Mount Everest to contain the vast knowledge which I harbour.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
06 May 16
2 edits

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I've played you Rusty you are stronger than Mahgoobs55
Subscriber Very Rusty 1517 Subscriber robbie carrobie 1757 White to move 22 Aug '10 20:10 Info
Resigned (0-1)
Subscriber robbie carrobie 1757 Subscriber Very Rusty 1517 Black to move 12 Aug '10 21:07 Info
Resigned (1-0)

Just to correct you on your misleading statement. We played twice in a Clan Match. You won both games back in 2010, which I believe went towards the 2011 stats. Are you going to say I threw both games so my clan would lose? Get real robbie. I am not even as strong now as I was back in 2010...You have no idea of what I've been through! My Clan Brothers know, and that is where it stays with us.
Kind Regards,
With all the respect you deserve,


07 Feb 09
06 May 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Why would i compliment the saggiest baggiest clan in the entire history of sandbagging??? Get a grip on reality not only are you falling into fiction, you actually believe your own propaganda as well! Very Crusty is a 1700-1800 rated player, I've played him. I play 1700-1800 rated players all the time, there is practically no difference between thei ...[text shortened]... usty's. Now your clan of weasels can deny it all you like, but Crusty and I both know its true.
You won't talk about the 1000-1100 rated players
you played in your clan challenges with
Anti-Metallica and Breaking Bad clans.

You might want to rethink your statement that
you play 1700-1800 rated players "all the time".

Fun, fun fun!!

On the beach

26 Aug 06
06 May 16

Originally posted by mghrn55
You won't talk about the 1000-1100 rated players
you played in your clan challenges with
Anti-Metallica and Breaking Bad clans.

You might want to rethink your statement that
you play 1700-1800 rated players "all the time".
He plays with himself all the time.............that's for sure and certain !!!!!


26 Aug 07
06 May 16
2 edits

Originally posted by Very Rusty
Subscriber Very Rusty 1517 Subscriber robbie carrobie 1757 White to move 22 Aug '10 20:10 Info
Resigned (0-1)
Subscriber robbie carrobie 1757 Subscriber Very Rusty 1517 Black to move 12 Aug '10 21:07 Info
Resigned (1-0)

Just to correct you on your misleading statement. We played twice in a Clan Match. You won both games back in 2010, which I beli ...[text shortened]... now, and that is where it stays with us.
Kind Regards,
With all the respect you deserve,
Rusty Rusty keep calm, relax! stress is a killer 4sure! I am only having a little fun wid yah!


26 Aug 07
06 May 16

Originally posted by mghrn55
You won't talk about the 1000-1100 rated players
you played in your clan challenges with
Anti-Metallica and Breaking Bad clans.

You might want to rethink your statement that
you play 1700-1800 rated players "all the time".
We could talk about your now infamous beating up of Tabitha Marshall? hmmm?


26 Aug 07
06 May 16

Originally posted by radioactive69
He plays with himself all the time.............that's for sure and certain !!!!!
Ahhh Gluckhoffs new best friend Radioflunkie, how goes it in Flunkieland?


07 Feb 09
06 May 16

Originally posted by radioactive69
He plays with himself all the time.............that's for sure and certain !!!!!
Is that collusion between his left and right hands ? 😵


07 Feb 09
06 May 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
We could talk about your now infamous beating up of Tabitha Marshall? hmmm?
Sure why not ??
One clan challenge (was that 2 years ago?) where
a clan leader admitted to giving another clan an unbalanced challenge.

That was it.
There was no arrangement to set up such a challenge in
advance to send a pile of points to one clan.
In order to stick it to another clan.

I have played 1100 rated players before.
I enter tournaments after all.

More than happy to talk about that.

Now ..... Will you talk about the 20 clan challenges you set up in an
"assembly line" with your collusion clans ?

And tell us all if you will continue to use them if some clans start to gain on you ??



26 Aug 07
06 May 16

Originally posted by mghrn55
Sure why not ??
One clan challenge (was that 2 years ago?) where
a clan leader admitted to giving another clan an unbalanced challenge.

That was it.
There was no arrangement to set up such a challenge in
advance to send a pile of points to one clan.
In order to stick it to another clan.

I have played 1100 rated players before.
I enter tournamen ...[text shortened]...
And tell us all if you will continue to use them if some clans start to gain on you ??

anyone else buy this hogwash of Mahgoobs?

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