the metalheads making a move

the metalheads making a move


05 Jan 05
25 Aug 22

@lstcyr said
@VESPIN Actually you just told your clan that you don't want your players who run other clans to play the top 5 clans. When I said that I couldn't accept that, you kicked me out of the clan. (Granted I said that I would leave if you didn't reverse the "rule" but you kicked me out.
very interesting insight


07 Feb 09
25 Aug 22
1 edit

master of disaster

funny farm

28 Jan 07
25 Aug 22

master of disaster

funny farm

28 Jan 07
25 Aug 22

RIP Mghrn55

United States

03 Jun 09
27 Aug 22

The post that was quoted here has been removed
Your hate speach aside. Rusty has never said how you guys run your clan nor has he said a word about any of your players. Anything I know is from research which is my job. Not kidding. I think if I ever pressured him to tell me he would quit my clan. He is still loyal to you guys in terms of not sharing information. I never asked him. The only thing I ever asked him was when your leader sent a match over. I asked him what he thought. I already knew, and had my mind made up, but I did ask his opinion.

But, Rusty can tell me anything he wants about your clan if he wanted to. No rules broken. He can't do it if he was on your team still.

Throw all the hate you want. It won't stop us from winning. And If I am wrong, unlike you guys, I would congratulate you guys for winning yet again. I work hard at this and does not come easy to me as it does you guys or Max from last year.

In any case you are wrong again. Rusty is on my team. And if he chose to tell me stuff he is allowed. But I'm not joking, he has not told me anything. And I never asked. I promise you he has not done that to you guys. If he had this would be a lot easier for me.

And I wasn't joking about my life. I always believed if you put good vibes and were good to people no matter what, karma would be on your side.

Just seems to have a huge rock sitting on my chest.

I'm no longer going to argue with you guys. I'm done posting. You guys should also know that rule was taken back and it does not exist anymore.

I still believe in that rule but if we win I want to do it with no rules, just playing chess.

And so you know, I never. NEVER told anyone not to play you. I have given opinions when asked that is it.

I'm going to keep my team playing and win. What everyone else does is their business. There were two people in my clan who I trust as friends, they said "no rules just play and the win will feel a lot better." Especially when other clans are not withine the rules. Again, not pointing fingers at anyone and not naming anyone.

Good luck the rest of the season. You guys have a great team. If you don't win this year, I know you guys will crush everyone next year with all those challenges you have going.

I don't have the strength to debate or argue. It's silly to do it on a keyboard. In person is always the best way to discuss or debate issues. You can't get anything done this way.

Good luck the rest of the year.

RIP Mghrn55

United States

03 Jun 09
27 Aug 22

@sands-al said
very interesting insight

I kicked him out and it was the best decision I ever made. There were issues with him that go back years. The way he spoke to me, and ultimatums is the fastest way out the door especially for him. My clan , my rules. I am thrilled he is gone.

You guys can take him. He got booted on what and how he spoke to me. Not because he disagreed. I had other issues with him that go way back. His time was limited anyway. I don't speak to people the way he did me. My players are polite about their opinions. That is how you get things done. He did not get the "polite" concept.


Victor, New York

08 May 09
27 Aug 22

Michael, Michael, Michael.
I am so disappointed in you. I thought you were an upstanding guy and now I don’t know. You know this isn’t what happened.
I’m sorry for what you are going through and wish you the best.

05 Jan 05
27 Aug 22

@vespin said

I kicked him out and it was the best decision I ever made. There were issues with him that go back years. The way he spoke to me, and ultimatums is the fastest way out the door especially for him. My clan , my rules. I am thrilled he is gone.

You guys can take him. He got booted on what and how he spoke to me. Not because he disagreed. I had other issues ...[text shortened]... polite about their opinions. That is how you get things done. He did not get the "polite" concept.
don't believe a word of this, Istcyr is one of the more respected players on this site

and from what you have said about how you run your clan i can't imagine you would have let Istcyr stay in your clan if you had issues going back years

master of disaster

funny farm

28 Jan 07
27 Aug 22


07 Feb 09
28 Aug 22

There was a time a couple of years back when I supported you when you were trying to clean up your act.
I said you were participating in the feature and issuing challenges in support of the feature at a time when I was hearing too many people talking about the clan challenges dying.
Basically, I said good for you.
But I never really forgot that you were in with Carrobie and McTayto in that collusion scam in 2016.
But I let that be bygones.
I even put up with your endless long postings that usually never made any sense.

It does seem that you are still walking around with your burdens.
And I won't get on you for that.
But then you started on shortcircuit, me and Metallica in general.
And in the process you got caught with your pants down.

But I'll say it again.
I never forgot you, Carrobie and McTayto in 2016.

My final thoughts on whatever happened in this forum since July 8 when this thread was started.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
28 Aug 22

@mghrn55 said
There was a time a couple of years back when I supported you when you were trying to clean up your act.
I said you were participating in the feature and issuing challenges in support of the feature at a time when I was hearing too many people talking about the clan challenges dying.
Basically, I said good for you.
But I never really forgot that you were in with Ca ...[text shortened]... .

My final thoughts on whatever happened in this forum since July 8 when this thread was started.
You love repeating your own drivel over and over don't you mghrn55?

What was said in a P.M. to another member of the clan should have never been put out in public, and we both know it!!! No one will soon forget what VESPIN'S own member and Clan Leader himself did, which is against the TOS Guidelines. Lets see what if anything will become of that situation.


Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
28 Aug 22
2 edits

@divegeester said
Are there any which the receiving clan leader was NOT able to refuse?
There you go gooster, my point exactly.

Clan challenges can be refused. In this case they are being accepted over and over again. I don't really care what anyone says just look at the numbers they don't lie. You can tell the difference in ratings I know that! There are many the Clan Leaders could be refusing but are not to help Metallica, just that simple!

That is all I have to say on this matter for now.



Victor, New York

08 May 09
28 Aug 22

@Very-Rusty Uh, please point me to the rule where PMs can't be shared. I'm having difficulty finding it on the site. Also, since I was dropped from the clan without any notice from Vespin, I felt that I should be able to explain why especially when Vespin was claiming that he did not tell clan members not to play other clans. Sorry. You are free to defend him but I think he was wrong (and he's subsequently dropped the rule). I told him that I could not abide by the rule and remain a member. He dropped me without even a notice.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
28 Aug 22
2 edits

@lstcyr said
@Very-Rusty Uh, please point me to the rule where PMs can't be shared. I'm having difficulty finding it on the site. Also, since I was dropped from the clan without any notice from Vespin, I felt that I should be able to explain why especially when Vespin was claiming that he did not tell clan members not to play other clans. Sorry. You are free to defend him but I think he wa ...[text shortened]... old him that I could not abide by the rule and remain a member. He dropped me without even a notice.
I don't know the exact rule or if indeed it is a rule, I have sent feed back to see if I can find the answer.

The reason I said that is because Grampy Bobby got a ban back years ago when he was here for sharing a P.M., so I made the assumption it was a rule. Of course things were different back then.

I have sent feed back and if I am wrong on that I will certainly give you an apology in this forum. Many rules seem to have changed over the years, some of them good ones. Others I am not in agreement with but do my best to follow them.

I know if it isn't a rule then a P.M. Private Message doesn't mean a thing. Don't you expect that a P.M. is just that a private message between you and the person you chatting with??


05 Jan 05
28 Aug 22

@Very-Rusty PMs are of course personal until they cross a line where it is in the public interest for them to be revealed, or are you anti whistleblowers?

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