the metalheads making a move

the metalheads making a move



07 Feb 09
30 Aug 22
1 edit

@roma45 said
So you want to decide what posts are removed now?
Good luck with that idea.

You run to admin to complain about vespin?
What rules were broken exactly
One where vespin tells his clan members who are leaders not to play against top 5 including breaking bad a rule that lasted 9 hours and was voted keep up.

You say it's up to individual leaders then in the same ...[text shortened]... ble debate
Pm me if you do..I won't share pms with anyone.

Good luck on the rest of the season.
I'll straighten this out for you.
1 - I'm not deciding what gets banned and what doesn't.
2 - I didn't run to admin. They came to me. Apparently, Vespin ran to them. They asked me why I was attacking him. I cleared that up. And admin and I are all good (like I said)
3 - I didn't mention any rules. Vespin has been yapping about rules all along. And yelling about he can make any rules he wants. And being angry about that.
4 - I'm not berating other clan leaders about having my challenges rejected. It happens to our clan all the time. And to Breaking Bad too, according to Vespin.
What I was doing was pointing out a coincidence that Nemesis challenge always set challenges with us and suddenly stopped accepting our challenges because VR brought up some garbage about our challenge (see page 1 of this thread). Maybe just a coincidence. Until lstycr spoke up.
5 - now you spill your thoughts in public forum, but you want me to respond to you privately. I'll put my response here.

Final thought on point 1.
There has been a whole slew of deleted posts, and all of them didn't really break any site guidelines for posting.
And they have all been on the side that holds Vespin's feet to the fire !!
I have never gone to site admin and asked to have posts deleted.
I like to think I have a thicker skin that that.

I do remember way back in 2016 how you went after Carrobie and McTayto for their shenanigans with the collusion mess.
You do recall that Vespin was thick as thieves with those guys and he was lucky he didn't get a ban like the other two.
I also remember whose side VR was on at that time.
Just a little hypocrisy going on here.
I've been laying low as far as posting in this forum. Until July 8th.
Maybe you haven't read the start of this thread yet.


santa cruz, ca.

19 Jul 13
30 Aug 22

all Metallica need do is gain about a point and a half a day to win the championship
very doable
let's see what hope and desperation brings
and when it's over will there be any congratulations?

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
30 Aug 22

@very-rusty said
I don't know the exact rule or if indeed it is a rule, I have sent feed back to see if I can find the answer.

The reason I said that is because Grampy Bobby got a ban back years ago when he was here for sharing a P.M., so I made the assumption it was a rule. Of course things were different back then.

I have sent feed back and if I am wrong on th ...[text shortened]... ect that a P.M. is just that a private message between you and the person you chatting with??


As I said I would send feedback which I did. I must give you an apology so consider this an apology to you in open forum as this is where I said it to begin with.

I was told it was not an actual rule by the Site Administrator but he didn't like P.M.'s being shown in the public forums. They were meant to be just that a "Private Message".



Victor, New York

08 May 09
30 Aug 22


Thank you. It was odd which ones he removed and which ones he left.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
30 Aug 22

@lstcyr said

Thank you. It was odd which ones he removed and which ones he left.
You are Welcome!

Not much I can do about what was left or removed or explain that to you. You would have to ask that question in feedback.


05 Jan 05
31 Aug 22

why has Michael Legna who was leader of the America clan and decided to leave Breaking Bad this week now been removed from the site?

20 Oct 02
31 Aug 22

@sands-al said
why has Michael Legna who was leader of the America clan and decided to leave Breaking Bad this week now been removed from the site?
Hmmmmm that explains why he resigned 2 games against me last week after only 8 moves

05 Jan 05
31 Aug 22

@Bobla45 he put on his profile that he was leaving the site after hearing about cheating in the clan system and then was removed not long after that

05 Jan 05
31 Aug 22

Silverstriker also now removed, what on earth is going on


07 Feb 09
31 Aug 22
3 edits

It seems to suggest some sort of disciplinary action was involved here.

I personally wouldn't call what is going on here cheating outright, although I don't take the time to look into another clan's challenges like I did in 2016 & 2017.

But I have always taken the position that the clan feature is a little more run on a sense of goodwill.
What I am seeing this year is lacking in goodwill somewhat.
I hope that people don't throw up their hands and walk away from this feature, which a lot of people still like.
Our clan will still put our nose down and participate and play to the best of our ability.
And we will support those who do the same.
And that includes Breaking Bad.


01 Jan 17
31 Aug 22

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
31 Aug 22
1 edit

@sands-al said
Silverstriker also now removed, what on earth is going on
I believe Silverstriker had said sometime back not that long ago he was leaving the site. He had been here for many years, we chatted many times.

EDIT: It was said in an open Public Forum, not in a P.M..


05 Jan 05
31 Aug 22

@Very-Rusty yes but there is a difference between leaving where your profile remains and being removed where you identity goes, i know him well, we are both from same town, was in my clan many years and we met up a few times, a really nice guy it is a shame he decided to jack it in after so many years

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
31 Aug 22
1 edit

@sands-al said
@Very-Rusty yes but there is a difference between leaving where your profile remains and being removed where you identity goes, i know him well, we are both from same town, was in my clan many years and we met up a few times, a really nice guy it is a shame he decided to jack it in after so many years
If you knew him well, I find it strange he would not discuss with you the reason he was leaving. Perhaps, he just got tired of the whole thing. He was a Moderator at one time. I liked the guy he was always fair with me and I didn't always get my way, but he would explain reason to me, which was very kind of him in my opinion. I had nothing but respect for him. I wished him all the best when he talked about leaving in the forum. Not sure if the posts or thread still are around.



07 Feb 09
31 Aug 22

@sands-al said
Silverstriker also now removed, what on earth is going on
I am thinking this may be new (or existing) functionality that site is using.
If anyone sends a message to admin to tell them they are leaving, then someone can just delete the user.
Now someone who is banned may just stay on the data base, eg Carrobie is still there with a ban flag.
Most people who leave a site just stop going to it and don't tell anyone about it.
You can easily find players who haven't moved in thousands of days.
Maybe someone can inquire with admin.

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