@very-rusty saidwe'll let Stees hold the bet in the tavern
LOL@ Lemon and how do I collect.....you're a funny fart!
I will post everyday to prove that I'm alive
@lemondrop saidWhat if I don't trust g-b-s?
we'll let Stees hold the bet in the tavern
I will post everyday to prove that I'm alive
I'd know you were dead if you quit posting or had major computer issues.
Or couldn't afford the internet anymore!
@very-rusty saidI'd find access just to win the bet
What if I don't trust g-b-s?
I'd know you were dead if you quit posting or had major computer issues.
Or couldn't afford the internet anymore!
you are already brain dead so I'm half way there to winning
@lemondrop saidSo you enjoy pestering someone you consider half brain dead? Says much about your character lemon! 😛
I'd find access just to win the bet
you are already brain dead so I'm half way there to winning
18 Mar 21
@very-rusty saidjust you 😆
So you enjoy pestering someone you consider half brain dead? Says much about your character lemon! 😛
@very-rusty saidI'm giving your life purpose
Does it help your emotional state lemon?
@lemondrop saidActually I am the one giving your life purpose lemon, you just can't see it through the fog. 😉 😛
I'm giving your life purpose
19 Mar 21
@very-rusty said@Phil Nutley already has the rights to that clan 🙂
You know you're a bit of nut job right? 😛 😉