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Appeals to greed

Appeals to greed


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Originally posted by KellyJay
I suggest you talk about something you know, Christianity does not
appear to be your strong point.

Greed does not have a cut off on when someone can be greedy or
cannot be with respect to how much money they earn! You can be
rich and greedy or poor and greedy the income does not stop or
cause someone to be greedy. Where you are on the income
level s ...[text shortened]... being
honest does not have anything to do with how much money you
have or do not have.
You may know "Christianity", but it's evident that you understand next to nothing about the teachings of Jesus. Or, even worse, you choose to ignore them.

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Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
You may know "Christianity", but it's evident that you understand next to nothing about the teachings of Jesus. Or, even worse, you choose to ignore them.
You want to discuss the Christian faith and money I suggest you start
another thread in the Spiritual area, otherwise just stick to the topic
at hand if you are able.

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I heard on the radio today, people talking about why bother paying
their mortgage if they don't they get a better deal like those in
who are not paying their debts today with the bail out money and
the refinancing of home loads for those struggling. This the culture
of greed coming home to roost? I believe in paying one’s debts,
so if the rules are such that is better for you if you don’t, why
bother except an internal moral compass one may have.

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Originally posted by KellyJay
You have seen me talk about being pro-war or are you just lumping
me into a group of people due to your prejudice? Now you are making
up a horrible thing about me by saying I'm pro-starvation of children,
you are a hateful person. I've had a child die and I don't care one wit
for your stinking statement saying I favor such things.
Ok, so no children will be effected by taking 20% of nothing from their parents.

No child will be effected by the parents need to work 60-70 hours a week to make up for their lost taxes.

No child will be effected by taking money from the poor.

You're living in lala land, KJ, if you think that your proposed policies aren't going to cause unnecessary (considering the pittance the revenue will collect from their parents) hardship for poor kids.


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Originally posted by KellyJay
I'd say everyone feels their income is
very important to them, and you cannot tell me anyone's money is
more or less important just because you see an amount of money.
You're right. Everybody does feel their own income is important.

For somebody earning hundreds of thousands, their income is very important for them to be able to have a nice fast car, a huge house, designer clothes, etc, etc.

For somebody earning mere thousands, their income is very important to be able to feed their children.

Having seen your historic inability to grasp even the simplest of notions, I'm not going to debate this further with you.


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Originally posted by Ragnorak
Ok, so no children will be effected by taking 20% of nothing from their parents.

No child will be effected by the parents need to work 60-70 hours a week to make up for their lost taxes.

No child will be effected by taking money from the poor.

You're living in lala land, KJ, if you think that your proposed policies aren't going to cause unnecessary ...[text shortened]... idering the pittance the revenue will collect from their parents) hardship for poor kids.

If someone is living below the poverty line they are already getting
help, the cost of living can be adjusted, but the idea of paying into
the common pot is the right thing to do. Everyone by the way has
children, even people above poverty line, why is it okay for their
parents money to taxed away from them as well, if children are
the reason for your complaint. You don't seem to have an issue
with others putting in long hours to pick up not only their share of
the tax load but everyone you left of scott free too.

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Originally posted by Ragnorak
You're right. Everybody does feel their own income is important.

For somebody earning hundreds of thousands, their income is very important for them to be able to have a nice fast car, a huge house, designer clothes, etc, etc.

For somebody earning mere thousands, their income is very important to be able to feed their children.

Having seen your hi ...[text shortened]... ity to grasp even the simplest of notions, I'm not going to debate this further with you.

People who work for their income can and should be able to do with it
as they will, you do with yours don't you? Greed is the only reason you
think you or others are due more of someone else' money because
they have more. Everyone's income is important to them, you are
saying you can say whose is more important is a crock.

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