Originally posted by RBHILLYou read Genesis and found only one creation account? Which did it have 1:1-2:3 missing or was it 2:4-25?
Yes I have read Genesis once before and Exodus and the first 10 Chapters of Leviticus and all of the new Testament.
And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God said, Let us make man in our image.... So God created man in his own image. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
Genesis 1:25-27
Here it says animals were created first then humans and man and women were created simultaneously.
And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them.... And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
Genesis 2:18-22
Here in contrast to the first account man was created BEFORE the other animals. As if that isn't enough of a difference women is then created from man.
Now which account is missing in your bible or are you going to tell me those really are the same accounts or are you beginning to see the bible isn't all it's made out to be?
Originally posted by ivanhoeFeivel opposes religious debates. He would have them
Why don't you ask Feivel to join your clan ?
shunned to their own penal colony of a forum, or
banned from existence altogether.
The Ivory Tower is about spreading knowledge,
taking a stand on issues, and encouraging discussion.
Dr. Cribs
Originally posted by CribsYou gotta be joking thinking I oppose debate of any kind. What I oppose (and is clear to any rational individual) is religious spam in the guise of bible study.
Feivel opposes religious debates. He would have them
shunned to their own penal colony of a forum, or
banned from existence altogether.
The Ivory Tower is about spreading knowledge,
taking a stand on issues, and encouraging discussion.
Dr. Cribs
Originally posted by FeivelI don't think that one thread, started once a week, which is
You gotta be joking thinking I oppose debate of any kind. What I oppose (and is clear to any rational individual) is religious spam in the guise of bible study.
clearly advertised as a Bible Study, and which engages the
interest of several people and spawns on-topic discussion
among them meets the traditional definition of spam.
Dr. Cribs
Originally posted by lloydkNo.
In Fear and Trembling the Danish philosopher Kierkegaard draws our attention to a story in the bible: God tells Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac, Abraham attempts to comply, but God stays his hand at the last moment.
To an outside ob ...[text shortened]... certainty that God wanted you to kill someone, would you do it?
I wonder where this is going to take us ......
Originally posted by CribsNope . It is religious spam. And there is no on topic discussion about it. The topic is bible study not any discussion.
I don't think that one thread, started once a week, which is
clearly advertised as a Bible Study, and which engages the
interest of several people and spawns on-topic discussion
among them meets the traditional definition of spam.
Dr. Cribs
Originally posted by FeivelDo other posting trends observed here fall under your definition of spam?
Nope . It is religious spam. And there is no on topic discussion about it. The topic is bible study not any discussion.
How about those posts that solicit the giving and receiving of cookies?
Or is it just RBHILL's posts that you have a problem with?
Dr. Cribs
Originally posted by CribsI don't think you really want to know the answer but since you asked. The bible study threads are something i would consider spam. Definitely NOT something for the debates forum. The thread by RC mocking the bible study threads is spam. Any thread that has a topic with a "bible study" type theme is spam. Definitely NOT for the debates forum. Lastly your thread about a pimpin study while not spam is definitely a topic that should be in the general forum. And it would be if you didn't "cry" to have it put back in the debates forum.
Do other posting trends observed here fall under your definition of spam?
How about those posts that solicit the giving and receiving of cookies?
Or is it just RBHILL's posts that you have a problem with?
Dr. Cribs
Please remeber you asked. I told you you wouldn't want to hear this 🙂
Originally posted by FeivelNo, I wanted to have a clarification of what "spam" meant to you.
I don't think you really want to know the answer but since you asked. The bible study threads are something i would consider spam. Definitely NOT something for the debates forum. The thread by RC mocking the bible study threads is spam. Any ...[text shortened]... you asked. I told you you wouldn't want to hear this 🙂
So, we have:
Bible Studies
Parodies of Bible Studies
Pimpin' Studies
Are there any other Studies or Parodies that you don't want to see?
What about other categories, such as soliciting cookie trade?
Dr. Cribs
It would be interesting to see what would happen if when an inconsistancy stands out in the scriptures it was just acknowleded instead of some one trying to interpret it. As if we are stupid. I believe that the problem Feivel is having with RHBILL is that RHBILL is quoting from a book given to him that he is reading from. RHBILL has the "cliff notes" of the bible.